Nuts (companion)

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Nuts is a squirrel companion awarded to players for completing the  [Petting Zoo] achievement, which requires obtaining 100 unique pets.

This pet will occasionally throw nuts at nearby players, causing a cosmetic stunning effect.


critter Critter: Immune to stun, root, and sleep effects.
+50% damage from Beast -33% damage from Elemental
Level 1 Level 2 Level 4
[Scratch] [Adrenaline Rush] [Nut Barrage]
▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼
[Woodchipper] [Crouch] [Stampede]
Level 10 Level 15 Level 20

Nuts' Acorn

When Nuts was originally added to the game, he was mailed to players who completed the achievement through an item called Nuts' Acorn, which granted players the ability to summon Nuts.

The following was sent as a letter along with the item:

I'm Going Nuts!

Hello again, Friend!

This mischievous little fellow is driving everyone in the pet store nuts!

I thought that perhaps you might take him along on some of your adventures... perhaps he'll calm down after he's seen a bit of the world.

You DO wear a helmet, right...?


The Nuts' Acorn item is no longer mailed to players. Instead, the pet is added immediately to a player's Pet Journal upon completing the achievement.

Patch changes

External links