Nothing Remains (Horde)

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HordeNothing Remains
Start Solog Roark
End Vol'jin
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Campaign
Experience 7,540
Rewards 7g 70s
Previous H [40] Hook, Line, and... Sink Him!
Next H [40] All Hands on Deck
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [40] Nothing Remains.


Report back to Vol'jin at your garrison.


Nothing is left for me here. My old clanmates have turned into foes, and Gul'dan is desecrating what remains of my people.

You and your allies from Shattrath still have some fight left. If you pledge to depose Gul'dan, I will stand by your side. I will go to this garrison of yours and together we will build a shipyard that will rule the red seas of Draenor!

Let your people know I am coming.


Ah, ya found us a shipwright? Good! Ya followers be eager ta take on da open seas.


You will receive: 7g 70s


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