Nice to Meat You

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NeutralNice to Meat You
Start Harkor
End Harkor
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 15700 (or 9g 42s at 80)
Rewards 5g 90s
Previous N [15-30] Say Hello to My Little Friend

This quest is a followup to N [15-30] Say Hello to My Little Friend only in that said quest directs you to this NPC who might otherwise be missed. This quest can be acquired without having completed Little Friend.


Harkor at Squatter's Camp wants you to collect 10 pieces of Fibrous Worg Meat from Duskhowl Prowlers and 10 Shovelhorn Steaks from Longhoof Grazers.


G'day to ya, <class>! Have yerself a seat by me fire, eh?

I'd offer to share a nice hot meal, only I ain't got one. I'm stuck here waitin' on an associate, or I'd be out tryin' to remedy that situation meself.

Say, you seem to have nuthin' but time on yer hands and there be plenty o' meat in these parts. What say ya lend a hand and round up some grub?


You will receive: 5g 90s


Me belly be rumblin, <race>. You manage to round up some food?



Nuthin' better with a pint than a hot morsel of meat.


  1. N [15-30] Scourgekabob
  2. N [15-30] Shimmercap Stew
  3. N [15-30] Say Hello to My Little Friend
  4. N [15-30] Nice to Meat You (at Harkor's Camp)

Completing Scourgekabob also opens up:

  1. N [15-30] Seared Scourge
  2. N [15-30D] Search and Rescue (classified as Drak'Tharon Keep)
  3. N [15-30D] Head Games

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