Nemesis: Hunter - Hunted (Horde)

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HordeNemesis: Hunter - Hunted
Start Raza'kul
End Raza'kul
Level 10-40
Type PvP
Category Garrison
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-40P] Nemesis: Hunter - Hunted.


Burn a Nemesis Effigy at the Gladiator's Sanctum then speak to Kuros.

  • Nemesis Selected


Our enemies surround us, and with each passing day their numbers grow. It is time to make a decisive strike against their armies, champion.

Around me stand effigies of our most hated adversaries. You will be their downfall, <name>. You will become nemesis and they will run in fear at the sight of you.

Now select the target of your rage and burn in effigy that race which you mean to eradicate. Speak to me when you have made your selection.


A last warning: once you have accepted this choice you cannot reverse it or make a new choice until you complete your mission

If your choice is certain, your aim will be true.

Strike fear in the hearts and minds of the enemy! For the Horde. For Draenor.


When making the selection for your nemesis, Raza'kul will say something different about each race.

  • Draenei: "Draenei...
<Raza'kul spits.>
You would do all the denizens of this world a great service by ridding these lands of draenei."
  • Dwarf: "Dwarves are integral to the Alliance as they are the builders of war machines. For this reason alone they must be slain. Show no mercy, as none will be shown to you."
  • Gnome: "Whether an aberration of nature or a cruel joke by the gods of your world, gnomes have no business living. Their extinction will clear the way for a more powerful species to rise. You must be the instrument of their demise!"
  • Human: "A fine choice. Humans are a blight upon this world and must be destroyed or driven out of Draenor."
  • Night Elf: "Night elves, conspirators one and all. The night elf invaders must be crushed and sent back to their moon gods!"
  • Pandaren: "These pandaren had a choice to serve in your mighty army, but instead opted to betray the Horde and join the enemy. Now they aid the draenei in their mission to kill all orcs. The traitorous pandaren of the Alliance must be exterminated."
  • Worgen: "These worgen that have invaded our lands share the same ferocity and animal instincts of the native saberon, but with none of their survival sense. Let their deaths serve as a lesson to the rest of this so called "Alliance"."

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