Naxxramas Worshipper (Naxxramas Tokens)

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For the Naxxramas mobs, see Naxxramas Worshipper.
Naxxramas Worshipper
File:Naxxramas Worshipper TCG card.png
Full art (v)
Type Ally Token
Tags (1)

Any raider: Exhaust a Priest you control → Gain control of this ally.

Any raider who controls this ally: Destroy this ally → Flip Faerlina face up.
Race Human
Class Worshipper
ATK type Fire damage
Health 5
Set Naxxramas Tokens
Number 2/17
Rarity Common
Artist Eric Deschamps
Trading Card Game
This article contains information from the Trading Card Game which is considered non-canon.

Template:Naxxramas Tokens