My Very Own Broodmother

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  • 10 Achievement points
  • My Very Own Broodmother
  • Complete the Restless Brood daily quest in Deepholm within 90 seconds of striking the Resonating Crystal

My Very Own Broodmother is a quest achievement earned for speedily completing the Therazane revered daily quest N [30-35 Daily] The Restless Brood.


Head southwest from Therazane's Throne in Deepholm across the Pale Roost, where at [32.7, 24.4] is the Pale Resonating Crystal.


The encounter can be done by multiple individual players at the same time. This actually makes it easier. Let some other player start the event and get thrown to the first boulder of the steps. Wait a few seconds, strike the gong, and get to the top via Terrath's throw. Try to stand on the boulders surrounded by a green aura, then pop trinkets and cooldowns.

Considering players must burn through roughly 300,000 health, and subtracting the time taken to get to the top, jumping between boulders, getting back to the ground, and turning in to Terrath, it will take roughly 5000 DPS on average for an individual player to pull this off by him- or herself. More players attacking Aeosera at the same time means that less damage is required per player.

Remember that the 90 second time limit also includes getting back down to the ground and talking to Terrath to turn in, so move quickly! Players must be on the boulders with the clock running as Aeosera submits in order to be eligible when turning in.

Patch changes

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