Muradin Bronzebeard's Silver Coin

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  • Muradin Bronzebeard's Silver Coin
  • "May the Holy Light protect us on our expedition to the frozen north."
  • Sell Price: 62c

Muradin Bronzebeard's Silver Coin is fished from the fountain in the Eventide district of Dalaran.

Criteria of

Required for  Silver in the City


Muradin Bronzebeard is the younger brother of King Magni Bronzebeard and older brother of Brann Bronzebeard. Muradin and Prince Arthas Menethil together searched for Frostmourne in Northrend. When they found it, Muradin asked Arthas to leave the sword be, but Arthas said he would pay any price for victory. At that moment a bolt came out of Frostmourne and struck Muradin down. Muradin's survival suggests that the Light did protect him from Frostmourne's wrath when Arthas released it.

The coin likely dates from shortly before Muradin's expedition left for Northrend (and long before Dalaran itself moved to Northrend).

Patch changes

External links