Mountainstrider Round-Up

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NeutralMountainstrider Round-Up
Start Liza Galestride
End Liza Galestride
Level 10-45
Category Highmountain
Experience 14,800
Reputation +250 Highmountain Tribe
Rewards 15g 40s (at level 100)


Find 3 Frightened Mountainstriders and return them to Liza Galestride's stable.

  • Frightened Mountainstrider returned (3)


Stranger! You are the one I have heard of?

When the kerfuffle with the drogbar happened, some of the young moose ran off!

I can't chase them down or the others might wander off as well.

Could you bring them back here?


You will receive:


The moose are already broken. Just hop in the saddle and you can bring them here to me!


Thank you, friend to Highmountain.


If the moose happens to be pointed towards a cliff, make sure to turn it around the moment you take control, as it will start galloping right away.

Patch changes

External links