Mother's Milk (quest)

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NeutralMother's Milk
Start Ragged John
End Ragged John
Level 60 (Requires 55)
Category Burning Steppes
Experience 9950 EXP (or 60s at level 70)
Rewards  [Ragged John's Neverending Cup]
1g 80s


In the heart of Blackrock Spire you will find Mother Smolderweb. Engage her and get her to poison you. Chances are good that you will have to kill her as well. Return to Ragged John when you are poisoned so that he can 'milk' you.

  • Milked


It's probably one of the most potent poisons in the world, <race>!

I've overheard the Blackrock speaking about its lethality in my jaunts into the Spire. They call it 'Mother's Milk', named after Mother Smolderweb, the big nasty spider in the Skitterweb cave.

Now here's what I need from you: A live sample of the Milk, flowing through YOUR veins. Just bringing me the gland won't be enough! Get her to poison you and come back to me! Then... I get to milk ya!

<Rubs his hands together in anticipation.>


You receive
Inv drink 03.png [Ragged John's Neverending Cup]

You will also receive:1g 80s


This is gonna make the best ale yet!

Eh, what did you think I was gonna use this for? Poison or something??

Crazy kids...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9950 XP (or 60s at level 70)


Even if you don't pick up the quest, there is a chance to be affected by her Mother's Milk poison debuff. If you keep it, you can go to Ragged John to immediately accept and turn in the quest. However, the disadvantages can be read in detail on the Mother Smolderweb page.

Patch changes

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