Moozy Waterwise

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NeutralMoozy Waterwise
Image of Moozy Waterwise
Gender Male
Race Highmountain tauren (Humanoid)
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Rivermane tribe
Location Whitewater Wash, Highmountain
The Hammer's Cradle, Thunder Totem
Status Alive
Relative(s) Rordan (father), Sella (mother), Ethel (grandmother)

Moozy Waterwise is the infant son of Rordan and Sella Waterwise, initially found floating in a basket in the western part of Whitewater Wash in Highmountain. Rordan, who was injured in the battle with the drogbar, sends the player to find Moozy and bring him back to his mother.

Moozy and his parents are later found in the Hammer's Cradle at Thunder Totem, with Moozy's basket hanging on Sella's back.


Patch changes

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