Module:Garrison ability/data

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This module contains the data needed for Module:Garrison ability and is only really useful for that module.

return {
  ["danger zones"] = {"Danger Zones", "spell_shaman_earthquake","An ability that affects a target area and must be avoided or escaped"},
  ["deadly minions"] = {"Deadly Minions", "achievement_boss_twinorcbrutes","An enemy with powerful allies that should be neutralized."},
  ["group damage"] = {"Group Damage", "spell_fire_selfdestruct","An ability that deals damage to multiple party members."},
  ["magic debuff"] = {"Magic Debuff", "spell_shadow_shadowwordpain","A dangerous harmful effect that should be dispelled."},
  ["massive strike"] = {"Massive Strike", "ability_warrior_savageblow","An ability that deals massive damage."},
  ["minion swarms"] = {"Minion Swarms", "spell_deathknight_armyofthedead","An enemy with many allies. Susceptible to area-of-effect damage."},
  ["powerful spell"] = {"Powerful Spell", "spell_shadow_shadowbolt","A dangerous spell that should be interrupted."},
  ["timed battle"] = {"Timed Battle", "spell_holy_borrowedtime","An enemy that must be dealt with quickly."},
  ["wild aggression"] = {"Wild Aggression", "spell_nature_reincarnation","An unpredictable enemy whose aggression should be controlled."},

  ["desert"] = {"Desert", "achievement_zone_tanaris_01","A harsh and dry landscape."},
  ["forest"] = {"Forest", "achievement_zone_silverpine_01","Wooded lands."},
  ["jungle"] = {"Jungle", "achievement_zone_ungorocrater_01","An area with heavy plant and tree cover."},
  ["mountains"] = {"Mountains", "achievement_zone_thousandneedles_01","A mountainous region."},
  ["plains"] = {"Plains", "achievement_zone_arathihighlands_01","The open and rolling green hills and flatlands."},
  ["snow"] = {"Snow", "achievement_zone_stormpeaks_02","An arctic region."},
  ["town"] = {"Town", "achievement_zone_gilneas_02","A smaller urban area."},
  ["swamp"] = {"Swamp", "achievement_zone_sholazar_03","A lousy place you'd rather not be."},
  ["underground"] = {"Underground", "achievement_dungeon_deepholm","The dark below."},

  --creature types
  ["apex predator"] = {"Apex Predator", "ability_hunter_longevity","Greatly increases success chance when fighting many creature types."},
  ["aberration"] = {"Aberration", "achievement_boss_zuramat","Creatures of the Void."},
  ["arakkoa"] = {"Arakkoa", "achievement_boss_talonkingikiss","An ancient and dangerous species."},
  ["beast"] = {"Beast", "achievement_boss_kingdred","Rawrrrrr."},
  ["breaker"] = {"Breaker", "achievement_boss_gruulthedragonkiller","Colossal and destructive giants of Draenor."},
  ["demon"] = {"Demon", "achievement_boss_princemalchezaar_02","The end is nigh."},
  ["fury"] = {"Fury", "achievement_boss_ragnaros","The elemental entities of Draenor."},
  ["ogre"] = {"Ogre", "achievement_reputation_ogre","What you looking at."},
  ["orc"] = {"Orc", "achievement_boss_general_nazgrim","Lok'tar ogar!"},
  ["primal"] = {"Primal", "achievement_boss_yoggsaron_01","Anciant creatures of primeval Draenor."},
  ["undead"] = {"Undead", "achievement_character_undead_male","Brainnnnssss..."},

  --racial preference
  ["ally of argus"] = {"Ally of Argus", "achievement_character_draenei_male","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a draenei."},
  ["brew aficionado"] = {"Brew Aficionado", "achievement_character_pandaren_female","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a pandaren."},
  ["canine companion"] = {"Canine Companion", "ability_worgen_darkflight","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a worgen."},
  ["child of draenor"] = {"Child of Draenor", "achievement_character_orc_female","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with an orc."},
  ["child of the moon"] = {"Child of the Moon", "achievement_character_nightelf_male","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a night elf."},
  ["death fascination"] = {"Death Fascination", "achievement_character_undead_female","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with an undead."},
  ["dwarvenborn"] = {"Dwarvenborn", "achievement_character_dwarf_female","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a dwarf."},
  ["elvenkind"] = {"Elvenkind", "achievement_character_bloodelf_male","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a blood elf."},
  ["gnome-lover"] = {"Gnome-Lover", "achievement_character_gnome_male","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a gnome."},
  ["economist"] = {"Economist", "achievement_femalegoblinhead","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a goblin."},
  ["humanist"] = {"Humanist", "achievement_character_human_female","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a human."},
  ["totemist"] = {"Totemist", "achievement_character_tauren_male","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a tauren."},
  ["voodoo zealot"] = {"Voodoo Zealot", "achievement_character_troll_male","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a troll."},

  ["bird watcher"] = {"Bird Watcher", "inv_tabard_a_76arakkoaoutcast","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with an arakkoa."},
  ["mechano affictionado"] = {"Mechano Affictionado", "achievement_boss_xt002deconstructor_01","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a construct or machine."},
  ["ogre buddy"] = {"Ogre Buddy", "achievement_boss_highmaul_king","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with an ogre."},
  ["wildling"] = {"Wildling", "inv_misc_head_tiger_01","Increases mission success chance when on a mission with a beastly companion."},

  ["lone wolf"] = {"Lone Wolf", "ability_shaman_freedomwolf","Increases success chance when on a mission alone."},

  ["alchemy"] = {"Alchemy", "trade_alchemy","Offers various Alchemy benefits when assigned to the Alchemy Lab."},
  ["blacksmithing"] = {"Blacksmithing", "trade_blacksmithing","Can reduce your durability damage and increase work order output when assigned to the Forge."},
  ["enchanting"] = {"Enchanting", "trade_engraving","Offers a variety of enchanting benefits when assigned to the Enchanter's Study."},
  ["engineering"] = {"Engineering", "trade_engineering","Sells engineering gadgets and boosts work orders when assigned to the Engineering Works."},
  ["herbalism"] = {"Herbalism", "trade_herbalism","Grants herbalism benefits and boosts work orders when assigned to the Herb Garden."},
  ["inscription"] = {"Inscription", "inv_inscription_tradeskill01","Allows you create special documents and boosts work orders when assigned to the Scribe's Quarters."},
  ["jewelcrafting"] = {"Jewelcrafting", "inv_misc_gem_01","Offers a variety of Jewelcrafting benefits when assigned to the Gem Boutique."},
  ["leatherworking"] = {"Leatherworking", "trade_leatherworking","Can craft tents and boost work orders when assigned to the Tannery."},
  ["mining"] = {"Mining", "trade_mining","Unlocks mining carts and boosts work order production when assigned to the Mine."},
  ["skinning"] = {"Skinning", "inv_misc_pelt_wolf_01","Boosts work order production based on follower level while assigned to the Barn."},
  ["tailoring"] = {"Tailoring", "trade_tailoring","Offers a variety of tailoring benefits when assigned to the Tailoring Emporium."},

  --mission duration
  ["burst of power"] = {"Burst of Power", "spell_nature_shamanrage","Increases success chance on missions with duration shorter than 7 hours."},
  ["epic mount"] = {"Epic Mount", "mountjournalportrait","Reduces mission time by 50%."},
  ["high stamina"] = {"High Stamina", "spell_holy_wordfortitude","Increases success chance on missions with duration longer than 7 hours."},

  ["apexis attenuation"] = {"Apexis Attenuation", "inv_apexis_draenor","Increases the Apexis Crystals gained from a mission by 100%."},
  ["extra training"] = {"Extra Training", "garrison_building_sparringarena","Increases the experience gained from a mission for all followers by 35%."},
  ["fast learner"] = {"Fast Learner", "ability_mage_studentofthemind","Increases the experience this follower gains from a mission by 50%."},
  ["greasemonkey"] = {"Greasemonkey", "ability_vehicle_oiljets","Increases the oil gained from a mission by 100%."},
  ["hearthstone pro"] = {"Hearthstone Pro", "item_hearthstone_card","A master tactician, and a must-watch. Party members gain experience 35% more quickly."},
  ["scavenger"] = {"Scavenger", "achievement_guildperk_bountifulbags","Increases the garrison resources gained from a mission by 100%."},
  ["extreme scavenger"] = {"Extreme Scavenger", "inv_garrison_resource","Increases the garrison resources gained from a mission by 200%."},
  ["treasure hunter"] = {"Treasure Hunter", "ability_racial_packhobgoblin","Increases the gold gained from a mission by 100%."},

  --other success chance
  ["combat experience"] = {"Combat Experience", "ability_rogue_combatreadiness","Grants a bonus to mission success chance."},
  ["master assassin"] = {"Master Assassin", "ability_rogue_deadliness","Grants a very large bonus to mission success chance."},
  ["demonic knowledge"] = {"Demonic Knowledge", "spell_warlock_demonbolt","Grants a large bonus to mission success chance."},
  ["mentor"] = {"Mentor", "trade_archaeology_draenei_tome","Accompanying followers gain this follower's combat effectiveness."},

  ["angler"] = {"Angler", "achievement_profession_fishing_northrendangler","With Nat's knowledge your fishing skill in Draenor allows you to catch lunkers without bait."},
  ["bodyguard"] = {"Bodyguard", "ability_hanzandfranz_chestbump","Can accompany you as a guardian in Draenor when assigned to a level 2 or 3 barracks."},
  ["dancer"] = {"Dancer", "ability_hunter_displacement","Your lithe moves help you skip out of danger zones just a bit more quickly."},
  ["evergreen"] = {"Evergreen", "ability_druid_manatree","When assigned to the Lumber Mill, can more efficiently and humanely processes timber."},

  --ship types
  ["battleship"] = {"Battleship", "ships_ability_armorpiercingammo","Feared for its devastating long-range artillery cannons, Battleships are unmatched in the open sea. Countered by Carriers."},
  ["carrier"] = {"Carrier", "ships_ability_bombers","Carriers are outfitted with a squadron of ace bomber pilots. Countered by Submarines."},
  ["destroyer"] = {"Destroyer", "ships_ability_depthcharges","Destroyers are quick, heavily armored ships known for hunting Submarines. Countered by Battleships."},
  ["land objective"] = {"Land Objective", "ability_rogue_fleetfooted","An objective that requires moving goods or troops to locations on land. Countered by Transports."},
  ["submarine"] = {"Submarine", "ships_ability_stealth","Submarines move silently underwater, sneaking up on unsuspecting ships. Countered by Destroyers."},

  --ship counters
  ["cursed crew"] = {"Cursed Crew", "spell_holy_senseundead","Crewed by cursed sailors."},
  ["evasive"] = {"Evasive", "spell_shadow_shadowward","Capable of making abrupt turns without warning, this is a difficult target to hit."},
  ["expert captain"] = {"Expert Captain", "inv_helmet_66","A ship run by a veteran captain, well versed in nuanced naval combat. Expert Captains cannot be countered directly, but must be accounted for to succeed."},
  ["first strike"] = {"First Strike", "ability_hunter_snipershot","A quick opening attack that can end a battle before it begins."},
  ["minelayer"] = {"Minelayer", "inv_misc_bomb_02","As a minelayer, this ship dispenses proximity mines behind it, leaving a treacherous trail to follow."},
  ["swift"] = {"Swift", "ability_druid_dash","Accelerates through water with reckless power, half of the battle is just keeping up. The other half is physical."},
  --ship environments
  ["chaotic whirlpools"] = {"Chaotic Whirlpools", "ability_garrosh_empowered_whirling_corruption","Chaotic Whirlpools appear without reason or warning, causing havoc on any vessel trying to pass through."},
  ["dense fog"] = {"Dense Fog", "ability_vanish","A Dense Fog coats this location in absolute darkness."},
  ["icy water"] = {"Icy Water", "achievement_zone_icecrown_02","Massive frozen ice chunks float on the surface of the water. Navigating through the maze of ice leaves your ships vulnerable to attack."},
  ["stormy weather"] = {"Stormy Weather", "inv_misc_stormlordsfavor","Powerful wind gusts, violent lightning strikes and rogue waves are just three concerns when sailing through Stormy Weather."},

  --legion mission counters
  ["broken gear"] = {"Broken Gear", "orderhall-missions-mechanic3", "Champions on this mission will lose item level."},
  ["cursed"] = {"Cursed", "orderhall-missions-mechanic3", "No bonus loot."},
  ["disorienting"] = {"Disorienting", "orderhall-missions-mechanic7", "Increased mission cost."},
  ["head wound"] = {"Head Wound", "orderhall-missions-mechanic4", "Champions on this mission will lose experience."},
  ["lethal"] = {"Lethal", "orderhall-missions-mechanic6", "Troops on this mission will be killed."},
  ["powerful"] = {"Powerful", "orderhall-missions-mechanic10", "Reduces success chance."},
  ["slowing"] = {"Slowing", "orderhall-missions-mechanic5", "Mission duration increased."},
  ["boss"] = {"Boss", "sha_ability_rogue_sturdyrecuperate_nightmare", "Reduces mission success chance if not countered."},
  ["minions"] = {"Minions", "sha_spell_warlock_demonsoul_nightmare", "This army has powerful armor. Mission duration increased if not countered."},
  ["spell"] = {"Spell", "sha_spell_fire_blueimmolation_nightmare", "A high damaging spell which causes increased damage to troops if not countered."},
  ["hazard"] = {"Hazard", "sha_ability_warrior_bloodnova_nightmare", "Mission duration is increased if not countered."},
  ["argus elite"] = {"Argus Elite", "achievement_boss_hellfire_fellord", "Reduces mission success chance if not countered."},
  --Battle for Azeroth mission counters
  ["mounted"] = {"Mounted", "ability_mount_charger", ""},
  ["melee"] = {"Melee", "ability_parry", ""},
  ["ranged"] = {"Ranged", "ability_hunter_rapidregeneration", ""},
  ["long campaign"] = {"Long Campaign", "achievement_ashran_tourofduty", "Increases success by 10% for every troop vitality on the mission. 'The long travel time and gruelling conditions would benefit from some fresh legs.' "},
  ["stealth"] = {"stealth", "ability_stealth", "Troops reduce success chance by 100%. 'Large groups attract attention'"},
  ["quick strike"] = {"Quick Strike", "inv_misc_pocketwatch_01", "Reducing mission duration also increases success chance. 'A fast attack will surprise the enemy and provide zero opportunity to counter. Get in and get out.' "},
  ["deep sea"] = {"Deep Sea", "spell_frost_summonwaterelemental", "Mission success chance reduced. 'How do you expect us to get there, swim?'"},