Module:API info/unused3

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:API info/unused3/doc

local data = {
	["Alpha"] = true,
	["Animation"] = true,
	["AnimationGroup"] = true,
	["ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame"] = true,
	["Button"] = true,
	["CheckButton"] = true,
	["ColorSelect"] = true,
	["ControlPoint"] = true,
	["Cooldown"] = true,
	["DressUpModel"] = true,
	["EditBox"] = true,
	["Font"] = true,
	["FontInstance"] = true,
	["FontString"] = true,
	["Frame"] = true,
	["GameTooltip"] = true,
	-- ["LayeredRegion"] = "abstract",
	["MessageFrame"] = true,
	["Minimap"] = true,
	["MovieFrame"] = true,
	-- ["ParentedObject"] = "abstract",
	["Path"] = true,
	["PlayerModel"] = true,
	-- ["Region"] = "abstract",
	["Rotation"] = true,
	["Scale"] = true,
	-- ["ScriptObject"] = "abstract",
	["ScrollFrame"] = true,
	["ScrollingMessageFrame"] = true,
	["SimpleHTML"] = true,
	["Slider"] = true,
	["StatusBar"] = true,
	["TabardModel"] = true,
	["Texture"] = true,
	["Translation"] = true,
	-- ["UIObject"] = "abstract",
	--["VisibleRegion"] = true,

	["Object"] = "ParentedObject",
	["FrameScriptObject"] = "UIObject",
	["ScriptRegion"] = "VisibleRegion",

	["Animation:IsPaused"] = true,
	["Animation:IsPlaying"] = true,
	["Animation:IsStopped"] = true,
	["Animation:Pause"] = true,
	["Animation:Play"] = true,
	["Animation:SetChildKey"] = true,
	["Animation:SetDuration"] = true,
	["Animation:SetEndDelay"] = true,
	["Animation:SetOrder"] = true,
	["Animation:SetParent"] = true,
	--["Animation:SetSmoothProgress"] = true, -- <em>This function is not yet documented</em>
	["Animation:SetSmoothing"] = true,
	["Animation:SetStartDelay"] = true,
	["Animation:SetTarget"] = true,
	["Animation:SetTargetKey"] = true,
	["Animation:Stop"] = true,
	["AnimationGroup:Stop"] = true,
	["Button:SetText"] = true,
	["Button:UnlockHighlight"] = true,
	["ControlPoint:SetOffset"] = true,
	["ControlPoint:SetOrder"] = true,
	["ControlPoint:SetParent"] = true,
	["EditBox:SetText"] = true,
	["EditBox:SetTextInsets"] = true,
	["EditBox:ToggleInputLanguage"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetFont"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetFontObject"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetJustifyH"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetJustifyV"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetShadowColor"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetShadowOffset"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetSpacing"] = true,
	["FontInstance:GetTextColor"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetFont"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetFontObject"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetJustifyH"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetJustifyV"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetShadowColor"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetShadowOffset"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetSpacing"] = true,
	["FontInstance:SetTextColor"] = true,
	["FontString:SetText"] = true,
	["FontString:SetTextHeight"] = true,
	["FontString:SetWordWrap"] = true,
	["Frame:SetToplevel"] = true,
	["Frame:SetUserPlaced"] = true,
	["Frame:StartMoving"] = true,
	["Frame:StartSizing"] = true,
	["Frame:StopMovingOrSizing"] = true,
	["Frame:UnregisterAllEvents"] = true,
	["Frame:UnregisterEvent"] = true,
	["LayeredRegion:SetDrawLayer"] = true,
	["LayeredRegion:SetVertexColor"] = true,
	["MessageFrame:SetTimeVisible"] = true,
	["MovieFrame:StartMovie"] = true,
	["MovieFrame:StopMovie"] = true,
	["ParentedObject:GetParent"] = true,
	["Path:SetCurve"] = true,
	["PlayerModel:SetUnit"] = true,
	["Region:IsMouseOver"] = true,
	["Region:IsProtected"] = true,
	["Region:IsShown"] = "VisibleRegion",
	["Region:IsVisible"] = "VisibleRegion",
	["Region:SetAllPoints"] = true,
	["Region:SetAlpha"] = "VisibleRegion",
	["Region:SetHeight"] = true,
	["Region:SetParent"] = true,
	["Region:SetPoint"] = true,
	["Region:SetSize"] = true,
	["Region:SetWidth"] = true,
	["Region:Show"] = "VisibleRegion",
	["Region:StopAnimating"] = true,
	["Rotation:SetDegrees"] = true,
	["Rotation:SetOrigin"] = true,
	["Rotation:SetRadians"] = true,
	["ScriptObject:GetScript"] = true,
	["ScriptObject:HasScript"] = true,
	["ScriptObject:HookScript"] = true,
	["ScriptObject:SetScript"] = true,
	["ScrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll"] = true,
	["ScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect"] = true,
	["ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTimeVisible"] = true,
	["ScrollingMessageFrame:UpdateColorByID"] = true,
	["SimpleHTML:SetSpacing"] = true,
	["SimpleHTML:SetText"] = true,
	["SimpleHTML:SetTextColor"] = true,
	["Slider:SetThumbTexture"] = true,
	["Slider:SetValue"] = true,
	["Slider:SetValueStep"] = true,
	["StatusBar:SetStatusBarColor"] = true,
	["StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture"] = true,
	["StatusBar:SetValue"] = true,
	["Translation:SetOffset"] = true,
	["UIObject:GetName"] = true,
	["UIObject:GetObjectType"] = true,
	["UIObject:IsObjectType"] = true,

	["Object:GetParent"] = "ParentedObject",
	["FrameScriptObject:GetName"] = "UIObject",

return data