Module:API info/unused2

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:API info/unused2/doc

local data = {
	["string.find"] = {1, 2737},
	["floor"] = {2, 2620},
	["string.format"] = {3, 2538},
	["tonumber"] = {4, 2519},
	["string.lower"] = {5, 2518},
	["math.floor"] = {6, 2502},
	["table.sort"] = {7, 2314},
	["string.sub"] = {8, 2234},
	["table.insert"] = {9, 2218},
	["strmatch"] = {10, 2181},
	["tostring"] = {11, 2171},
	["next"] = {12, 2121},
	["string.gsub"] = {13, 2114},
	["ipairs"] = {14, 2103},
	["max"] = {15, 2101},
	["string.split"] = {16, 2083},
	["string.match"] = {17, 2063},
	["ceil"] = {18, 2061},
	["strsplit"] = {19, 2058},
	["format"] = {20, 2040},
	["min"] = {21, 2015},
	["setmetatable"] = {22, 2003},
	["table.remove"] = {23, 1985},
	["wipe"] = {24, 1966},
	["tinsert"] = {25, 1921},
	["string.trim"] = {26, 1883},
	["type"] = {27, 1802},
	["pcall"] = {28, 1729},
	["select"] = {29, 1675},
	["table.concat"] = {30, 1613},
	["string.len"] = {31, 1568},
	["getmetatable"] = {32, 1563},
	[""] = {33, 1548},
	["unpack"] = {34, 1522},
	["error"] = {35, 1501},
	["pairs"] = {36, 1501},
	["math.max"] = {37, 1450},
	["assert"] = {38, 1430},
	["table.wipe"] = {39, 1407},
	["getfenv"] = {40, 1402},
	["math.min"] = {41, 1389},
	["math.atan2"] = {42, 1353},
	["math.abs"] = {43, 1326},
	["loadstring"] = {44, 1318},
	["rawset"] = {45, 1315},
	["time"] = {46, 1300},
	["math.sin"] = {47, 1291},
	["tremove"] = {48, 1274},
	["math.cos"] = {49, 1268},
	["string.gmatch"] = {50, 1262},
	["string.upper"] = {51, 1239},
	["math.deg"] = {52, 1216},
	["date"] = {53, 1159},
	["gsub"] = {54, 1156},
	["math.rad"] = {55, 1130},
	["rawget"] = {56, 1081},
	["strsub"] = {57, 1033},
	["xpcall"] = {58, 1020},
	["math.ceil"] = {59, 990},
	["math.sqrt"] = {60, 971},
	["strfind"] = {61, 954},
	["strlen"] = {62, 927},
	["math.random"] = {63, 911},
	["string.byte"] = {64, 866},
	["string.char"] = {65, 785},
	["strlower"] = {66, 769},
	["strtrim"] = {67, 650},
	["table.getn"] = {68, 617},
	["abs"] = {69, 594},
	["mod"] = {70, 559},
	["math.frexp"] = {71, 545},
	["sort"] = {72, 525},
	["collectgarbage"] = {73, 478},
	["random"] = {74, 457},
	["strupper"] = {75, 457},
	["strjoin"] = {76, 415},
	["bit.bor"] = {77, 406},
	["math.modf"] = {78, 400},
	["math.fmod"] = {79, 379},
	["string.rep"] = {80, 324},
	["setfenv"] = {81, 279},
	["cos"] = {82, 269},
	["sin"] = {83, 267},
	["string.join"] = {84, 251},
	["bit.lshift"] = {85, 250},
	["bit.rshift"] = {86, 244},
	["bit.bxor"] = {87, 227},
	["getn"] = {88, 197},
	["math.pow"] = {89, 196},
	["sqrt"] = {90, 184},
	["bit.bnot"] = {91, 179},
	["coroutine.yield"] = {92, 169},
	["gmatch"] = {93, 152},
	["coroutine.resume"] = {94, 146},
	["strbyte"] = {95, 135},
	["coroutine.create"] = {96, 130},
	["table.foreach"] = {97, 129},
	["strrep"] = {98, 107},
	["coroutine.status"] = {99, 105},
	["strchar"] = {100, 90},
	["gcinfo"] = {101, 87},
	["table.maxn"] = {102, 85},
	["difftime"] = {103, 84},
	["strlenutf8"] = {104, 78},
	["math.log"] = {105, 65},
	["strconcat"] = {106, 63},
	["coroutine.wrap"] = {107, 58},
	["newproxy"] = {108, 54},
	["math.atan"] = {109, 53},
	["math.ldexp"] = {110, 51},
	["fastrandom"] = {111, 50},
	["coroutine.running"] = {112, 45},
	["atan2"] = {113, 39},
	["string.reverse"] = {114, 31},
	["rawequal"] = {115, 30},
	["bit.mod"] = {116, 27},
	["math.asin"] = {117, 26},
	["strcmputf8i"] = {118, 26},
	["foreach"] = {119, 25},
	["rad"] = {120, 24},
	["math.log10"] = {121, 22},
	["atan"] = {122, 19},
	["math.exp"] = {123, 19},
	["log"] = {124, 16},
	["strrev"] = {125, 15},
	["tan"] = {126, 13},
	["deg"] = {127, 12},
	["frexp"] = {128, 12},
	["math.acos"] = {129, 11},
	["log10"] = {130, 9},
	["string.gfind"] = {131, 9},
	["exp"] = {132, 7},
	["bit.arshift"] = {133, 6},
	["ldexp"] = {134, 6},
	["math.tan"] = {135, 6},
	["acos"] = {136, 5},
	["asin"] = {137, 4},
	["foreachi"] = {138, 4},
	["math.tanh"] = {139, 3},
	["table.foreachi"] = {140, 3},
	["table.removemulti"] = {141, 3},
	["table.setn"] = {142, 3},

return data