Module:API info/metrics/templates

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:API info/metrics/templates/doc

local data = {
	["UIDropDownMenuTemplate"] = {1, 2733},
	["InputBoxTemplate"] = {2, 2582},
	["UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate"] = {3, 2380},
	["UIPanelCloseButton"] = {4, 2344},
	["GameFontNormal"] = {5, 2300},
	["GameFontHighlight"] = {6, 2264},
	["UIPanelButtonTemplate"] = {7, 2039},
	["OptionsFrameTabButtonTemplate"] = {8, 1967},
	["OptionsListButtonTemplate"] = {9, 1959},
	["GameFontHighlightLarge"] = {10, 1947},
	["GameTooltipTemplate"] = {11, 1768},
	["ChatFontNormal"] = {12, 1410},
	["GameFontHighlightSmall"] = {13, 1345},
	["UIPanelScrollBarTemplate"] = {14, 1181},
	["OptionsSliderTemplate"] = {15, 856},
	["SecureActionButtonTemplate"] = {16, 783},
	["UICheckButtonTemplate"] = {17, 769},
	["GameFontNormalSmall"] = {18, 765},
	["BackdropTemplate"] = {19, 746},
	["DialogBorderDarkTemplate"] = {20, 597},
	["DialogBorderOpaqueTemplate"] = {21, 596},
	["FauxScrollFrameTemplate"] = {22, 579},
	["CooldownFrameTemplate"] = {23, 479},
	["GameFontNormalLarge"] = {24, 468},
	["InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate"] = {25, 466},
	["ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate"] = {26, 446},
	["OptionsCheckButtonTemplate"] = {27, 441},
	["GameTooltipText"] = {28, 413},
	["GameTooltipHeaderText"] = {29, 400},
	["OptionsButtonTemplate"] = {30, 381},
	["GameMenuButtonTemplate"] = {31, 290},
	["GameFontHighlightSmallLeft"] = {32, 282},
	["GameFontNormalSmallLeft"] = {33, 254},
	["GameFontDisableSmallLeft"] = {34, 238},
	["SecureHandlerStateTemplate"] = {35, 225},
	["ActionButtonTemplate"] = {36, 213},
	["CharacterFrameTabButtonTemplate"] = {37, 204},
	["NumberFontNormal"] = {38, 195},
	["SecureUnitButtonTemplate"] = {39, 167},
	["HybridScrollFrameTemplate"] = {40, 162},
	["ButtonFrameTemplate"] = {41, 154},
	["UIMenuButtonStretchTemplate"] = {42, 154},
	["BasicFrameTemplateWithInset"] = {43, 148},
	["UIPanelDialogTemplate"] = {44, 145},
	["GameFontWhite"] = {45, 136},
	["GameFontDisableSmall"] = {46, 132},
	["InsetFrameTemplate"] = {47, 131},
	["SearchBoxTemplate"] = {48, 127},
	["GameFontHighlightLeft"] = {49, 121},
	["UIRadioButtonTemplate"] = {50, 119},
	["AutoCompleteEditBoxTemplate"] = {51, 116},
	["SecureHandlerClickTemplate"] = {52, 113},
	["OptionsBaseCheckButtonTemplate"] = {53, 111},
	["GameFontDisable"] = {54, 102},
	["HybridScrollBarTemplate"] = {55, 98},
	["UIPanelScrollDownButtonTemplate"] = {56, 96},
	["BasicFrameTemplate"] = {57, 91},
	["SecureHandlerEnterLeaveTemplate"] = {58, 91},
	["UIPanelScrollUpButtonTemplate"] = {59, 90},
	["SecureHandlerBaseTemplate"] = {60, 84},
	["GameTooltipTextSmall"] = {61, 79},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Med1"] = {62, 79},
	["SystemFont_Tiny"] = {63, 74},
	["GameFontHighlightSmallOutline"] = {64, 73},
	["SystemFont_Outline_Small"] = {65, 73},
	["UIPanelButtonHighlightTexture"] = {66, 73},
	["SecureFrameTemplate"] = {67, 72},
	["SecureHandlerAttributeTemplate"] = {68, 72},
	["SystemFont_Small"] = {69, 72},
	["GlowBoxTemplate"] = {70, 71},
	["NumberFont_Outline_Med"] = {71, 70},
	["SmallMoneyFrameTemplate"] = {72, 69},
	["TooltipBorderedFrameTemplate"] = {73, 69},
	["ChatFontSmall"] = {74, 66},
	["DialogBoxFrame"] = {75, 66},
	["GameFontNormalLeft"] = {76, 65},
	["NumberFont_Outline_Large"] = {77, 65},
	["SecureHandlerShowHideTemplate"] = {78, 65},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Small"] = {79, 65},
	["TextStatusBar"] = {80, 65},
	["Tooltip_Small"] = {81, 65},
	["NumberFontNormalSmall"] = {82, 64},
	["GameFontNormalHuge"] = {83, 63},
	["MagicButtonTemplate"] = {84, 63},
	["NumberFont_Outline_Huge"] = {85, 63},
	["NumberFont_Shadow_Med"] = {86, 63},
	["QuestFont_Large"] = {87, 63},
	["TabButtonTemplate"] = {88, 63},
	["MainHelpPlateButton"] = {89, 62},
	["NumberFont_Shadow_Small"] = {90, 62},
	["InsetFrameTemplate3"] = {91, 61},
	["SystemFont_Med1"] = {92, 61},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Large"] = {93, 60},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Med2"] = {94, 58},
	["Tooltip_Med"] = {95, 58},
	["AutoCastShineTemplate"] = {96, 57},
	["SystemFont_Large"] = {97, 57},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Med3"] = {98, 57},
	["QuestFont_Huge"] = {99, 56},
	["GameTooltipHeader"] = {100, 55},
	["InputScrollFrameTemplate"] = {101, 55},
	["FriendsFont_UserText"] = {102, 54},
	["QuestFont_Super_Huge"] = {103, 54},
	["FriendsFont_Small"] = {104, 53},
	["PortraitFrameTemplate"] = {105, 53},
	["FriendsFont_Large"] = {106, 52},
	["FriendsFont_Normal"] = {107, 52},
	["SystemFont_Med3"] = {108, 52},
	["SystemFont_Outline"] = {109, 52},
	["UIPanelButtonGrayTemplate"] = {110, 52},
	["QuestFont_Enormous"] = {111, 51},
	["SystemFont_OutlineThick_Huge2"] = {112, 51},
	["TooltipBackdropTemplate"] = {113, 51},
	["ActionBarButtonSpellActivationAlert"] = {114, 50},
	["ChatBubbleFont"] = {115, 50},
	["CoreAbilityFont"] = {116, 50},
	["ListScrollFrameTemplate"] = {117, 50},
	["QuestFont_Shadow_Small"] = {118, 50},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Huge1"] = {119, 50},
	["MailFont_Large"] = {120, 49},
	["SpellFont_Small"] = {121, 49},
	["SystemFont_Huge1"] = {122, 49},
	["QuestFont"] = {123, 48},
	["ReputationDetailFont"] = {124, 48},
	["SystemFont_OutlineThick_WTF"] = {125, 48},
	["AchievementFont_Small"] = {126, 47},
	["InvoiceFont_Med"] = {127, 47},
	["InvoiceFont_Small"] = {128, 47},
	["SystemFont_OutlineThick_Huge4"] = {129, 47},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Huge3"] = {130, 46},
	["TextStatusBarText"] = {131, 46},
	["GameFontHighlightMedium"] = {132, 45},
	["GameFont_Gigantic"] = {133, 45},
	["SystemFont_Huge1_Outline"] = {134, 45},
	["SystemFont_Med2"] = {135, 45},
	["UIPanelCloseButtonNoScripts"] = {136, 45},
	["NumberFontNormalHuge"] = {137, 44},
	["NumberFont_OutlineThick_Mono_Small"] = {138, 44},
	["OptionsBoxTemplate"] = {139, 44},
	["SpellBookSkillLineTabTemplate"] = {140, 43},
	["SecureAuraHeaderTemplate"] = {141, 42},
	["NumberFont_Normal_Med"] = {142, 41},
	["SystemFont_InverseShadow_Small"] = {143, 41},
	["Game18Font"] = {144, 40},
	["GlowBoxArrowTemplate"] = {145, 40},
	["ActionBarButtonTemplate"] = {146, 39},
	["DestinyFontHuge"] = {147, 39},
	["Fancy22Font"] = {148, 39},
	["Game15Font_o1"] = {149, 38},
	["Game24Font"] = {150, 38},
	["GameFontGreenSmall"] = {151, 38},
	["GameFontRed"] = {152, 38},
	["HybridScrollBarTrimTemplate"] = {153, 38},
	["QuestFont_Shadow_Huge"] = {154, 38},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Large2"] = {155, 38},
	["ModelWithControlsTemplate"] = {156, 37},
	["QuestFontNormalSmall"] = {157, 37},
	["QuestTitleFont"] = {158, 37},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Large_Outline"] = {159, 37},
	["Fancy16Font"] = {160, 36},
	["Fancy24Font"] = {161, 36},
	["SystemFont_Small2"] = {162, 36},
	["UIPanelScrollFrameCodeTemplate"] = {163, 36},
	["BossEmoteNormalHuge"] = {164, 35},
	["Game13FontShadow"] = {165, 35},
	["NumberFontNormalSmallGray"] = {166, 35},
	["UIPanelScrollBarButton"] = {167, 35},
	["Game30Font"] = {168, 34},
	["SendMailRadioButtonTemplate"] = {169, 34},
	["StaticPopupButtonTemplate"] = {170, 34},
	["SystemFont_NamePlate"] = {171, 34},
	["GameFontGreen"] = {172, 33},
	["GameFontNormalMed3"] = {173, 33},
	["UIPanelSquareButton"] = {174, 33},
	["Game12Font"] = {175, 32},
	["Game12Font_o1"] = {176, 32},
	["HelpPlateArrowDOWN"] = {177, 32},
	["OptionsSmallCheckButtonTemplate"] = {178, 32},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Small2"] = {179, 32},
	["DestinyFontLarge"] = {180, 31},
	["HelpPlateArrowUP"] = {181, 31},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Med1_Outline"] = {182, 31},
	["Game13Font"] = {183, 30},
	["Game13Font_o1"] = {184, 30},
	["NumberFont_GameNormal"] = {185, 30},
	["CombatTextFont"] = {186, 29},
	["ContainerFrameItemButtonTemplate"] = {187, 29},
	["ErrorFont"] = {188, 29},
	["UIPanelButtonDisabledTexture"] = {189, 29},
	["UIPanelInfoButton"] = {190, 29},
	["WorldMapTextFont"] = {191, 29},
	["Game11Font_o1"] = {192, 28},
	["Game16Font"] = {193, 28},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Huge2"] = {194, 28},
	["TranslucentFrameTemplate"] = {195, 28},
	["Fancy14Font"] = {196, 27},
	["Game32Font"] = {197, 27},
	["HelpPlateArrow-GlowDOWN"] = {198, 27},
	["SubSpellFont"] = {199, 27},
	["SystemFont_LargeNamePlate"] = {200, 27},
	["SystemFont_NamePlateFixed"] = {201, 27},
	["UIDropDownMenuButtonTemplate"] = {202, 27},
	["WhiteNormalNumberFont"] = {203, 27},
	["EventFrame"] = {204, 26},
	["Fancy20Font"] = {205, 26},
	["Game20Font"] = {206, 26},
	["GameFontNormalMed2"] = {207, 26},
	["HelpPlateArrow-GlowUP"] = {208, 26},
	["InvoiceTextFontNormal"] = {209, 26},
	["SystemFont_LargeNamePlateFixed"] = {210, 26},
	["!UI-Frame-InnerLeftTile"] = {211, 25},
	["BankFramePurchaseButton"] = {212, 25},
	["Fancy18Font"] = {213, 25},
	["Game27Font"] = {214, 25},
	["InterfaceOptionsBaseCheckButtonTemplate"] = {215, 25},
	["NumberFontNormalLarge"] = {216, 25},
	["QuestFont_Super_Huge_Outline"] = {217, 25},
	["SplashHeaderFont"] = {218, 25},
	["UI-Frame-InnerBotLeftCorner"] = {219, 25},
	["!UI-Frame-InnerRightTile"] = {220, 24},
	["Fancy32Font"] = {221, 24},
	["InsecureActionButtonTemplate"] = {222, 24},
	["LoadingSpinnerTemplate"] = {223, 24},
	["SecureHandlerMouseUpDownTemplate"] = {224, 24},
	["SystemFont_Huge2"] = {225, 24},
	["UIPanelButtonDownTexture"] = {226, 24},
	["UIPanelButtonUpTexture"] = {227, 24},
	["BagSearchBoxTemplate"] = {228, 23},
	["Game15Font"] = {229, 23},
	["GameFontWhiteSmall"] = {230, 23},
	["NumberFont_Small"] = {231, 23},
	["UI-Frame-InnerBotRight"] = {232, 23},
	["_UI-Frame-InnerBotTile"] = {233, 23},
	["MoneyInputFrameTemplate"] = {234, 22},
	["_UI-Frame-TopTileStreaks"] = {235, 22},
	["Fancy27Font"] = {236, 21},
	["Game11Font"] = {237, 21},
	["Game48FontShadow"] = {238, 21},
	["GameFontHighlightHuge"] = {239, 21},
	["GameFontNormalLeftGrey"] = {240, 21},
	["GameFontRedSmall"] = {241, 21},
	["HorizontalSliderTemplate"] = {242, 21},
	["MinimalScrollFrameTemplate"] = {243, 21},
	["QuestTitleFontBlackShadow"] = {244, 21},
	["ShoppingTooltipTemplate"] = {245, 21},
	["SystemFont_Outline_WTF2"] = {246, 21},
	["BankItemButtonBagTemplate"] = {247, 20},
	["BaseHighlightableMapPoiPinTemplate"] = {248, 20},
	["Fancy48Font"] = {249, 20},
	["SubZoneTextFont"] = {250, 20},
	["_UI-Frame-InnerTopTile"] = {251, 20},
	["!UI-Frame-RightTile"] = {252, 19},
	["BagSlotButtonTemplate"] = {253, 19},
	["Fancy30Font"] = {254, 19},
	["Game48Font"] = {255, 19},
	["Game60Font"] = {256, 19},
	["InputBoxInstructionsTemplate"] = {257, 19},
	["NumberFontNormalYellow"] = {258, 19},
	["PopupButtonTemplate"] = {259, 19},
	["SecureGroupHeaderTemplate"] = {260, 19},
	["StanceButtonTemplate"] = {261, 19},
	["UI-Frame-BotCornerRight"] = {262, 19},
	["UI-Frame-InnerTopLeft"] = {263, 19},
	["UI-Frame-InnerTopRight"] = {264, 19},
	["UIDropDownListTemplate"] = {265, 19},
	["_UI-Frame-Bot"] = {266, 19},
	["DialogButtonNormalText"] = {267, 18},
	["FriendsFont_11"] = {268, 18},
	["Game72Font"] = {269, 18},
	["GameFontWhiteTiny"] = {270, 18},
	["InterfaceOptionsSmallCheckButtonTemplate"] = {271, 18},
	["Number12Font"] = {272, 18},
	["!UI-Frame-LeftTile"] = {273, 17},
	["FauxScrollFrameTemplateLight"] = {274, 17},
	["Game36Font"] = {275, 17},
	["GameFontNormalSmall2"] = {276, 17},
	["MinimalScrollBarTemplate"] = {277, 17},
	["Number11Font"] = {278, 17},
	["Number12Font_o1"] = {279, 17},
	["Number13Font"] = {280, 17},
	["Number15Font"] = {281, 17},
	["PriceFont"] = {282, 17},
	["SecureHandlerDragTemplate"] = {283, 17},
	["SimplePopupButtonTemplate"] = {284, 17},
	["ThinBorderTemplate"] = {285, 17},
	["UI-Frame-BotCornerLeft"] = {286, 17},
	["DialogButtonHighlightText"] = {287, 16},
	["Fancy12Font"] = {288, 16},
	["GameFontNormalLarge2"] = {289, 16},
	["ShadowOverlayTemplate"] = {290, 16},
	["GameFontHighlightRight"] = {291, 15},
	["GameFontNormalMed1"] = {292, 15},
	["MainMenuBarMicroButton"] = {293, 15},
	["MinimalHybridScrollBarTemplate"] = {294, 15},
	["PVPInfoTextFont"] = {295, 15},
	["PetActionButtonTemplate"] = {296, 15},
	["QuestFont_Outline_Huge"] = {297, 15},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Outline_Huge3"] = {298, 15},
	["SystemFont_WTF2"] = {299, 15},
	["System_IME"] = {300, 15},
	["DestinyFontMed"] = {301, 14},
	["Game120Font"] = {302, 14},
	["Game46Font"] = {303, 14},
	["GameFontBlack"] = {304, 14},
	["InsetFrameTemplate2"] = {305, 14},
	["LargeItemButtonTemplate"] = {306, 14},
	["MoneyFrameTemplate"] = {307, 14},
	["ObjectiveFont"] = {308, 14},
	["SystemFont_Tiny2"] = {309, 14},
	["ThinGoldEdgeTemplate"] = {310, 14},
	["UIDropDownCustomMenuEntryTemplate"] = {311, 14},
	["WhoFrameColumnHeaderTemplate"] = {312, 14},
	["AchievementPointsFontSmall"] = {313, 13},
	["AnimatedStatusBarTemplate"] = {314, 13},
	["DialogBorderTemplate"] = {315, 13},
	["GameFontBlackTiny"] = {316, 13},
	["GameFontNormalHuge2"] = {317, 13},
	["ShadowOverlaySmallTemplate"] = {318, 13},
	["SystemFont_NamePlateCastBar"] = {319, 13},
	["UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate2"] = {320, 13},
	["AchievementPointsFont"] = {321, 12},
	["AlertFrameTemplate"] = {322, 12},
	["CastingBarFrameTemplate"] = {323, 12},
	["HorizontalLayoutFrame"] = {324, 12},
	["InputBoxScriptTemplate"] = {325, 12},
	["ModelWithZoomTemplate"] = {326, 12},
	["Spellbook-EmptySlot"] = {327, 12},
	["SystemFont_World"] = {328, 12},
	["SystemFont_World_ThickOutline"] = {329, 12},
	["TooltipBorderBackdropTemplate"] = {330, 12},
	["ActionBarFlyoutButton-IconFrame"] = {331, 11},
	["BaseBasicFrameTemplate"] = {332, 11},
	["FriendsFrameTabTemplate"] = {333, 11},
	["Game10Font_o1"] = {334, 11},
	["Game42Font"] = {335, 11},
	["GarrisonFollowerPortraitTemplate"] = {336, 11},
	["GlowBorderTemplate"] = {337, 11},
	["HelpPlateBoxHighlight"] = {338, 11},
	["InvoiceTextFontSmall"] = {339, 11},
	["MaximizeMinimizeButtonFrameTemplate"] = {340, 11},
	["NineSlicePanelTemplate"] = {341, 11},
	["Number18Font"] = {342, 11},
	["OptionsFrameListTemplate"] = {343, 11},
	["Talent-SingleBorder"] = {344, 11},
	["TitleDragAreaTemplate"] = {345, 11},
	["UIPanelScrollBarTrimTemplate"] = {346, 11},
	["_UI-Frame-TitleTileBg"] = {347, 11},
	["Char-BottomSlot"] = {348, 10},
	["Char-LeftSlot"] = {349, 10},
	["Char-RightSlot"] = {350, 10},
	["CharacterStatFrameTemplate"] = {351, 10},
	["ChatFrameEditBoxTemplate"] = {352, 10},
	["DefaultPanelTemplate"] = {353, 10},
	["GameFontHighlightOutline"] = {354, 10},
	["GameFontNormalHuge3"] = {355, 10},
	["GameFontNormalLeftBottom"] = {356, 10},
	["HelpPlateBox"] = {357, 10},
	["IconIntroTemplate"] = {358, 10},
	["LootButtonTemplate"] = {359, 10},
	["Spellbook-TextBackground"] = {360, 10},
	["StaticPopupTemplate"] = {361, 10},
	["TargetBuffFrameTemplate"] = {362, 10},
	["TooltipMoneyFrameTemplate"] = {363, 10},
	["UI-Frame-TopCornerRight"] = {364, 10},
	["UI-Frame-TopLeftCorner"] = {365, 10},
	["UIGoldBorderButtonTemplate"] = {366, 10},
	["_UI-Frame-TitleTile"] = {367, 10},
	["AnimatedShineTemplate"] = {368, 9},
	["ClassTrainerSkillButtonTemplate"] = {369, 9},
	["GameFontBlackMedium"] = {370, 9},
	["GameFontDarkGraySmall"] = {371, 9},
	["GameFontHighlightSmall2"] = {372, 9},
	["GameFontNormalLargeLeft"] = {373, 9},
	["GameFontNormalOutline"] = {374, 9},
	["GarrisonAbilityCounterTemplate"] = {375, 9},
	["GarrisonMissionListButtonRewardTemplate"] = {376, 9},
	["HorizontalBarTemplate"] = {377, 9},
	["InternalEmbeddedItemTooltipTemplate"] = {378, 9},
	["ItemAnimTemplate"] = {379, 9},
	["MailTextFontNormal"] = {380, 9},
	["MerchantItemTemplate"] = {381, 9},
	["NumericInputSpinnerTemplate"] = {382, 9},
	["Spellbook-SlotFrame"] = {383, 9},
	["SystemFont22_Shadow_Outline"] = {384, 9},
	["TextStatusBarTextLarge"] = {385, 9},
	["UIMenuTemplate"] = {386, 9},
	["UnitPositionFrameTemplate"] = {387, 9},
	["_UI-Frame-Top"] = {388, 9},
	["AchievementAlertFrameTemplate"] = {389, 8},
	["AchievementDateFont"] = {390, 8},
	["AchievementDescriptionFont"] = {391, 8},
	["AchievementFrameTabButtonTemplate"] = {392, 8},
	["AuraButtonTemplate"] = {393, 8},
	["Char-Slot-Bottom-Left"] = {394, 8},
	["ChatConfigBaseCheckButtonTemplate"] = {395, 8},
	["DialogButtonHighlightTexture"] = {396, 8},
	["DialogHeaderTemplate"] = {397, 8},
	["GameFontBlackSmall"] = {398, 8},
	["GameFontDisableLarge"] = {399, 8},
	["GameFontHighlightSmallRight"] = {400, 8},
	["GameFontNormalLargeOutline"] = {401, 8},
	["GameFontRedLarge"] = {402, 8},
	["GameNormalNumberFont"] = {403, 8},
	["HybridScrollBarButton"] = {404, 8},
	["ItemTextFontNormal"] = {405, 8},
	["NonInteractableModelSceneMixinTemplate"] = {406, 8},
	["NumberFont_Shadow_Tiny"] = {407, 8},
	["ObjectiveTrackerHeaderTemplate"] = {408, 8},
	["QuestMapRewardsFont"] = {409, 8},
	["RuneButtonIndividualTemplate"] = {410, 8},
	["SecureRaidGroupHeaderTemplate"] = {411, 8},
	["SharedButtonSmallTemplate"] = {412, 8},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Huge4"] = {413, 8},
	["TotalAbsorbBarOverlayTemplate"] = {414, 8},
	["TotalAbsorbBarTemplate"] = {415, 8},
	["_UI-Frame-BtnBotTile"] = {416, 8},
	["AchievementCriteriaFont"] = {417, 7},
	["BankAutoSortButtonTemplate"] = {418, 7},
	["BasicHybridScrollFrameTemplate"] = {419, 7},
	["CampaignTooltipTemplate"] = {420, 7},
	["Char-Stat-Top"] = {421, 7},
	["ChatConfigSmallCheckButtonTemplate"] = {422, 7},
	["CompactAuraTemplate"] = {423, 7},
	["CompactBuffTemplate"] = {424, 7},
	["CompactDebuffTemplate"] = {425, 7},
	["ConfigCategoryButtonTemplate"] = {426, 7},
	["DialogButtonNormalTexture"] = {427, 7},
	["DialogButtonPushedTexture"] = {428, 7},
	["GameFontHighlightExtraSmall"] = {429, 7},
	["GameFontNormalLeftOrange"] = {430, 7},
	["GameFontNormalLeftYellow"] = {431, 7},
	["GameFontNormalRight"] = {432, 7},
	["GarrisonMissionPageFollowerTemplate"] = {433, 7},
	["HealAbsorbBarLeftShadowTemplate"] = {434, 7},
	["HealAbsorbBarRightShadowTemplate"] = {435, 7},
	["HealAbsorbBarTemplate"] = {436, 7},
	["InlineHyperlinkFrameTemplate"] = {437, 7},
	["KeyBindingFrameBindingButtonTemplate"] = {438, 7},
	["MinimalHybridScrollFrameTemplate"] = {439, 7},
	["ModelSceneMixinTemplate"] = {440, 7},
	["MyHealPredictionBarTemplate"] = {441, 7},
	["NamePlateFullBorderTemplate"] = {442, 7},
	["NavBarTemplate"] = {443, 7},
	["OtherHealPredictionBarTemplate"] = {444, 7},
	["OverAbsorbGlowTemplate"] = {445, 7},
	["OverHealAbsorbGlowTemplate"] = {446, 7},
	["PropertySliderTemplate"] = {447, 7},
	["QuestItemTemplate"] = {448, 7},
	["ReagentBankItemButtonGenericTemplate"] = {449, 7},
	["UI-Frame-BtnDivMiddle"] = {450, 7},
	["UI-Frame-TopCornerLeft"] = {451, 7},
	["UI-Frame-TopCornerRightSimple"] = {452, 7},
	["WowScrollBoxList"] = {453, 7},
	["AchievementCategoryTemplate"] = {454, 6},
	["ActionBarFlyoutButton-ArrowUp"] = {455, 6},
	["ActionBarFlyoutButton-IconShadow"] = {456, 6},
	["CharacterStatFrameCategoryTemplate"] = {457, 6},
	["ColumnDisplayTemplate"] = {458, 6},
	["Dialog-BorderLeft"] = {459, 6},
	["Dialog-BorderRight"] = {460, 6},
	["Dialog-BorderTop"] = {461, 6},
	["Dialog-BorderTopLeft"] = {462, 6},
	["Dialog-BorderTopRight"] = {463, 6},
	["Game17Font_Shadow"] = {464, 6},
	["Game40Font_Shadow2"] = {465, 6},
	["Game52Font_Shadow2"] = {466, 6},
	["Game58Font_Shadow2"] = {467, 6},
	["Game69Font_Shadow2"] = {468, 6},
	["Game72Font_Shadow"] = {469, 6},
	["GameFontHighlightSmallLeftTop"] = {470, 6},
	["GameFontNormalGraySmall"] = {471, 6},
	["GameFontNormalLeftLightGreen"] = {472, 6},
	["GameFontNormalTiny"] = {473, 6},
	["GreenCheckMarkTemplate"] = {474, 6},
	["HelpPlateButton"] = {475, 6},
	["IconIntroAnimTemplate"] = {476, 6},
	["InsetFrameTemplate4"] = {477, 6},
	["MasterLooterPlayerTemplate"] = {478, 6},
	["ModelTemplate"] = {479, 6},
	["MovieSubtitleFont"] = {480, 6},
	["NameplateBuffButtonTemplate"] = {481, 6},
	["NumberFontNormalRight"] = {482, 6},
	["NumberFont_Shadow_Large"] = {483, 6},
	["QuestFont_39"] = {484, 6},
	["QuestScrollFrameTemplate"] = {485, 6},
	["ResizeLayoutFrame"] = {486, 6},
	["ScenarioTrackerProgressBarTemplate"] = {487, 6},
	["SharedTooltipTemplate"] = {488, 6},
	["SmallCastingBarFrameTemplate"] = {489, 6},
	["StatusTrackingBarManagerTemplate"] = {490, 6},
	["SystemFont_Shadow_Med3_Outline"] = {491, 6},
	["TruncatedButtonTemplate"] = {492, 6},
	["WowTrimScrollBar"] = {493, 6},
	["ZoneTextFont"] = {494, 6},
	["AchievementProgressBarTemplate"] = {495, 5},
	["BackpackTokenTemplate"] = {496, 5},
	["Char-Slot-Bottom-Right"] = {497, 5},
	["Char-Stat-Minus"] = {498, 5},
	["Char-Stat-Plus"] = {499, 5},
	["ChatTabTemplate"] = {500, 5},
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	["GarrisonAbilityCounterWithCheckTemplate"] = {511, 5},
	["GarrisonFollowerButtonTemplate"] = {512, 5},
	["GarrisonFollowerTooltipTemplate"] = {513, 5},
	["GarrisonLandingPageReportMissionTemplate"] = {514, 5},
	["GarrisonMissionFollowerDurabilityFrameTemplate"] = {515, 5},
	["GarrisonStandardFollowerAlertFrameTemplate"] = {516, 5},
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	["Number18FontWhite"] = {521, 5},
	["OrderHallClassSpecCategoryTemplate"] = {522, 5},
	["OrderHallMissionListButtonTemplate"] = {523, 5},
	["PartyDebuffFrameTemplate"] = {524, 5},
	["PetStableSlotTemplate"] = {525, 5},
	["PetTalent-PetIconBorder"] = {526, 5},
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	["QuestObjectiveItemButtonTemplate"] = {529, 5},
	["ScenarioChallengeModeAffixTemplate"] = {530, 5},
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return data