Module:API info/cvar/data

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:API info/cvar/data/doc

local CVars = {
	var = {
		-- var = default, category, account, character, help
		["ActionButtonUseKeyDown"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Activate the action button on a keydown"},
		["actionedAdventureJournalEntries"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Which adventure journal entries flagged with ADVENTURE_JOURNAL_HIDE_AFTER_ACTION the user acted upon"},
		["activeCUFProfile"] = {"", 4, false, true, "The last active CUF Profile."},
		["addFriendInfoShown"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "The info for Add Friend has been shown"},
		["advancedCombatLogging"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Whether we want advanced combat log data sent from the server"},
		["advancedWatchFrame"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Enables advanced Objectives tracking features"},
		["advJournalLastOpened"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Last time the Adventure Journal opened"},
		["agentUID"] = {"", 4, false, false, "The UID provided by to be passed to Agent"},
		["AIBrain"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["AIController"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["AIControllerEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["AIEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["allowCompareWithToggle"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["alwaysCompareItems"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Always show item comparison tooltips"},
		["alwaysShowActionBars"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to always show the action bar grid"},
		["animFrameSkipLOD"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "animations will skip frames at distance"},
		["AreaTriggerEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["AreaTriggers"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["assaoAdaptiveQualityLimit"] = {".45", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Adaptive Quality Limit [0.0, 1.0] (only for Quality Level 3)"},
		["assaoBlurPassCount"] = {"2", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Blur Pass Count [  0,   6] Number of edge-sensitive smart blur passes to apply. Quality 0 is an exception with only one 'dumb' blur pass used."},
		["assaoDetailShadowStrength"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Detail Shadow Strength [0.0, 5.0] Used for high-res detail AO using neighboring depth pixels: adds a lot of detail but also reduces temporal stability (adds aliasing)."},
		["assaoFadeOutFrom"] = {"50.0", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Fade Out From [0.0,  ~ ] Distance to start start fading out the effect."},
		["assaoFadeOutTo"] = {"300.0", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Fade Out To [0.0,  ~ ] Distance at which the effect is faded out."},
		["assaoHorizonAngleThresh"] = {"0.4", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Horizon Angle Thresh [0.0, 0.2] Limits self-shadowing"},
		["assaoNormals"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Use Normals for ASSAO"},
		["assaoRadius"] = {"1.85", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Radius [0.0,  ~ ] World (view) space size of the occlusion sphere"},
		["assaoShadowClamp"] = {".98", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Shadow Clamp [0.0, 1.0]"},
		["assaoShadowMult"] = {"1.1", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Shadow Multiplier [0.0, 5.0] Effect strength linear multiplier"},
		["assaoShadowPower"] = {"1.34", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Shadow Power [0.5, 5.0] Effect strength pow modifier"},
		["assaoSharpness"] = {".98", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Sharpness [0.0, 1.0] (How much to bleed over edges; 1: not at all, 0.5: half-half; 0.0: completely ignore edges)"},
		["assaoTemporalSSAngleOffset"] = {"0.0", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Temporal Super Sampling Angle Offset [0.0,  PI] Used to rotate sampling kernel; If using temporal AA / supersampling, suggested to rotate by ( (frame%3)/3.0*PI ) or similar. Kernel is already symmetrical, which is why we use PI and not 2*PI."},
		["assaoTemporalSSRadiusOffset"] = {"1.0", 1, false, false, "ASSAO Temporal Super Sampling Radius Offset [0.0, 2.0] Used to scale sampling kernel; If using temporal AA / supersampling, suggested to scale by ( 1.0f + (((frame%3)-1.0)/3.0)*0.1 ) or similar."},
		["assistAttack"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to start attacking after an assist"},
		["asyncHandlerTimeout"] = {"100", 0, false, false, "Engine option: Async read main thread timeout"},
		["asyncThreadSleep"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "Engine option: Async read thread sleep"},
		["auctionDisplayOnCharacter"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Show auction items on the dress-up paperdoll"},
		["auctionHouseDurationDropdown"] = {"2", 4, true, false, "The previously selected duration index in the auction house duration dropdown"},
		["audioLocale"] = {"", 4, false, false, "Set the game locale for audio content"},
		["AuraDebugger"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["AuraEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["autoAcceptQuickJoinRequests"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether or not to auto-accept players who are trying to join your party through quick join"},
		["autoClearAFK"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Automatically clear AFK when moving or chatting"},
		["autoCompleteResortNamesOnRecency"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Shows people you recently spoke with higher up on the AutoComplete list."},
		["autoCompleteUseContext"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "The system will, for example, only show people in your guild when you are typing /gpromote. Names will also never be removed."},
		["autoCompleteWhenEditingFromCenter"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "If you edit a name by inserting characters into the center, a smarter auto-complete will occur."},
		["autoDismount"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Automatically dismount when needed"},
		["autoDismountFlying"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "If enabled, your character will automatically dismount before casting while flying"},
		["autoFilledMultiCastSlots"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Bitfield that saves whether multi-cast slots have been automatically filled."},
		["autoInteract"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Toggles auto-move to interact target"},
		["autojoinBGVoice"] = {"0", 7, true, false, "Automatically join the voice session in battleground chat"},
		["autojoinPartyVoice"] = {"0", 7, true, false, "Automatically join the voice session in party/raid chat"},
		["autoLootDefault"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Automatically loot items when the loot window opens"},
		["autoLootRate"] = {"150", 4, false, true, "Rate in milliseconds to tick auto loot"},
		["autoOpenLootHistory"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Automatically opens the Loot History window when certain items drop"},
		["AutoPushSpellToActionBar"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Determines if spells are automatically pushed to the Action Bar. 0: No, 1: Yes (default)."},
		["autoQuestPopUps"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Saves current pop-ups for quests that are automatically acquired or completed."},
		["autoQuestProgress"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to automatically watch all quests when they are updated"},
		["autoQuestWatch"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to automatically watch all quests when you obtain them"},
		["autoSelfCast"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether spells should automatically be cast on you if you don't have a valid target"},
		["autoStand"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Automatically stand when needed"},
		["autoUnshift"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Automatically leave shapeshift form when needed"},
		["BeckonTriggerEventlog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["BehaviorTree"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["blockChannelInvites"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to automatically block chat channel invites"},
		["blockTrades"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to automatically block trade requests"},
		["bodyQuota"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Maximum number of componented bodies seen at once"},
		["breakUpLargeNumbers"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Toggles using commas in large numbers"},
		["Brightness"] = {"50.000000", 1, false, false, "Brightness adjustment. Range: [0 - 100]"},
		["bspcache"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "BSP node caching"},
		["buffDurations"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show buff durations"},
		["cacaoBilateralSimilarityDistanceSigma"] = {"0.01", 1, false, false, "CACAO Sigma squared value for use in bilateral upsampler giving similarity weighting for neighbouring pixels. Should be greater than 0.0."},
		["calendarShowBattlegrounds"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether Battleground holidays should appear in the calendar"},
		["calendarShowDarkmoon"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether Darkmoon Faire holidays should appear in the calendar"},
		["calendarShowHolidays"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether holidays should appear in the calendar"},
		["calendarShowLockouts"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether raid lockouts should appear in the calendar"},
		["calendarShowWeeklyHolidays"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether weekly holidays should appear in the calendar"},
		["cameraBobbing"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["cameraBobbingSmoothSpeed"] = {"0.8", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraCustomViewSmoothing"] = {"0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor"] = {"1.9", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraDistanceRateMult"] = {"1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraDive"] = {"1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["CameraFollowGamepadAdjustDelay"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, "Delay before follow resuming after manually adjusting the camera with Gamepad input"},
		["CameraFollowGamepadAdjustEaseIn"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, "Ease-in time for follow resuming after manually adjusting the camera with Gamepad input"},
		["CameraFollowOnStick"] = {"0", 5, true, false, "Enable camera to follow target as though being pushed/pulled along on a stick"},
		["CameraFollowPitchDeadZone"] = {"5", 5, true, false, "Controls pitch follow deadzone size"},
		["CameraFollowPitchSpeed"] = {"1", 5, true, false, "Controls speed of pitch following"},
		["CameraFollowPitchStrength"] = {"0.7", 5, true, false, "Controls strength of pitch following"},
		["CameraFollowSnapCharacterAngle"] = {"45", 5, true, false, "Angle beyond which character will snap to camera's facing when moving"},
		["CameraFollowYawSpeed"] = {"1", 5, true, false, "Controls speed of yaw following"},
		["cameraFoVSmoothSpeed"] = {"0.5", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraGroundSmoothSpeed"] = {"7.5", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraHeightIgnoreStandState"] = {"0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["CameraKeepCharacterCentered"] = {"1", 5, true, false, "Motion sickness control to keep character's head at center of screen to act as motion reference point. Can override other cvar settings."},
		["cameraPitchMoveSpeed"] = {"90", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraPitchSmoothMax"] = {"23.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraPitchSmoothMin"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraPitchSmoothSpeed"] = {"45", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraPivot"] = {"1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraPivotDXMax"] = {"0.05", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraPivotDYMin"] = {"0.00", 5, true, false, ""},
		["CameraReduceUnexpectedMovement"] = {"0", 5, true, false, "Motion sickness control to reduce camera movement without player input. Can override other cvar settings."},
		["cameraSavedDistance"] = {"5.55", 5, false, true, ""},
		["cameraSavedPetBattleDistance"] = {"10.0", 5, false, true, ""},
		["cameraSavedPitch"] = {"10.0", 5, false, true, ""},
		["cameraSavedVehicleDistance"] = {"-1.0", 5, false, true, ""},
		["cameraSmooth"] = {"1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysFearFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysIdleFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysStopDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysStopFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysTrackFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothAlwaysTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverFearFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverIdleFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverMoveFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverStopDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverStopFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverStrafeFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverTrackFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothNeverTurnFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothPitch"] = {"1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterFearDelay"] = {"0.4", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterFearFactor"] = {"10.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterIdleFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterStopDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterStopFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterTrackDelay"] = {"0.4", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterTrackFactor"] = {"10.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmarterTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartFearDelay"] = {"0.4", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartFearFactor"] = {"10.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartIdleFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartStopDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartStopFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartTrackDelay"] = {"0.4", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartTrackFactor"] = {"10.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSmartTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineFearFactor"] = {"4.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineIdleFactor"] = {"4.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineStopDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineStopFactor"] = {"4.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineTrackFactor"] = {"4.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothSplineTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothStyle"] = {"4", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothTimeMax"] = {"2.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothTimeMin"] = {"0.1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothTrackingStyle"] = {"4", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysDistanceDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysDistanceFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysPitchDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysPitchFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysYawDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysYawFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataNeverDistanceDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataNeverDistanceFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataNeverPitchDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataNeverPitchFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataNeverYawDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataNeverYawFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmartDistanceDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmartDistanceFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterDistanceDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterDistanceFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterPitchDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterPitchFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterYawDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterYawFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmartPitchDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmartPitchFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmartYawDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSmartYawFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSplineDistanceDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSplineDistanceFactor"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSplinePitchDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSplinePitchFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSplineYawDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothViewDataSplineYawFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSmoothYaw"] = {"1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSubmergePitch"] = {"18.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraSurfacePitch"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTargetSmoothSpeed"] = {"90", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTilt"] = {"0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFallAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFallDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFallFactor"] = {"0.75", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFearAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFearFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysIdleAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysIdleFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysJumpAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysJumpDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysJumpFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysMoveAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysStrafeAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysSwimAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysSwimDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysSwimFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTaxiAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTaxiDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTaxiFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTrackAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTrackFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTurnAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverFallAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverFallDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverFallFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverFearAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverFearFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverIdleAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverIdleFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverJumpAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverJumpDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverJumpFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverMoveAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverMoveFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverStrafeAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverStrafeFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverSwimAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverSwimDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverSwimFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTaxiAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTaxiDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTaxiFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTrackAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTrackFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTurnAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltNeverTurnFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFallAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFallDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFallFactor"] = {"0.75", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFearAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFearFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterIdleAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterIdleFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterJumpAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterJumpDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterJumpFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterMoveAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterStrafeAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterSwimAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterSwimDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterSwimFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTaxiAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTaxiDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTaxiFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTrackAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTrackFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTurnAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartFallAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartFallDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartFallFactor"] = {"0.75", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartFearAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartFearFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartIdleAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartIdleFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartJumpAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartJumpDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartJumpFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartMoveAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartStrafeAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartSwimAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartSwimDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartSwimFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTaxiAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTaxiDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTaxiFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTrackAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTrackFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTurnAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSmartTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineFallAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineFallDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineFallFactor"] = {"0.75", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineFearAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineFearDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineFearFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineIdleAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineIdleDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineIdleFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineJumpAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineJumpDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineJumpFactor"] = {"-1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineMoveAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineMoveDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineMoveFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineStrafeAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineStrafeDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineStrafeFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineSwimAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineSwimDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineSwimFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTaxiAbsorb"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTaxiDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTaxiFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTrackAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTrackDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTrackFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTurnAbsorb"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTurnDelay"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltSplineTurnFactor"] = {"1.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltTimeMax"] = {"10.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraTerrainTiltTimeMin"] = {"3.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraView"] = {"2", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraViewBlendStyle"] = {"1", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraWaterCollision"] = {"0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraYawMoveSpeed"] = {"180", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraYawSmoothMax"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraYawSmoothMin"] = {"0.0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraYawSmoothSpeed"] = {"180", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraZoomSpeed"] = {"20", 5, true, false, ""},
		["cameraZSmooth"] = {"1", 5, true, false, "Smooths camera vertical movement. 1 = only while moving, 2 = also while standing still"},
		["ChatAmbienceVolume"] = {"0.3", 7, false, false, "Ambience Volume (0.0 to 1.0)"},
		["chatBubbles"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show in-game chat bubbles"},
		["chatBubblesParty"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show in-game chat bubbles for party chat"},
		["chatClassColorOverride"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Whether or not class names are colored in chat. 0 = always color by class name (where applicable), 1 = never color by class name, 2 = respect the legacy per-channel class color settings"},
		["chatMouseScroll"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether the user can use the mouse wheel to scroll through chat"},
		["ChatMusicVolume"] = {"0.3", 7, false, false, "Music volume (0.0 to 1.0)"},
		["ChatSoundVolume"] = {"0.4", 7, false, false, "Sound volume (0.0 to 1.0)"},
		["chatStyle"] = {"im", 4, true, false, "The style of Edit Boxes for the ChatFrame. Valid values: \"classic\", \"im\""},
		["checkAddonVersion"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Check interface addon version number"},
		["ClientCastDebug"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "debug client cast allocation"},
		["ClientMessageEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["ClipCursor"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Lock the cursor to the game window"},
		["cloakFixEnabled"] = {"1", 5, false, false, ""},
		["closedExtraAbiltyTutorials"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Bitfield for which extra ability tutorials have been acknowledged by the user"},
		["closedInfoFrames"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Bitfield for which help frames have been acknowledged by the user"},
		["closedInfoFramesAccountWide"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which help frames have been acknowledged by the user (account-wide)"},
		["clubFinderCacheExpiry"] = {"1000", 4, false, false, "Value in (MS) for time to expire the cache."},
		["clubFinderCachePendingExpiry"] = {"5000", 4, false, false, "Value in (MS) for time to expire the cache."},
		["clubFinderPlayerLanguageSettings"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Bit field of Looking for club/guild player language settings"},
		["clubFinderPlayerSettings"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Bit field of Looking for guild player settings"},
		["CMAA2ExtraSharpness"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Set to 1 to preserve even more text and shape clarity at the expense of less AA"},
		["CMAA2Quality"] = {"2", 1, false, false, "CMAA2 Quality Level. 0 - LOW, 1 - MEDIUM, 2 - HIGH, 3 - ULTRA"},
		["Collision"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["colorblindMode"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Enables colorblind accessibility features in the game"},
		["colorblindSimulator"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Type of color blindness"},
		["colorblindWeaknessFactor"] = {"0.5", 1, false, false, "Amount of sensitivity. e.g. Protanope (red-weakness) 0.0 = not colorblind, 1.0 = full weakness(Protanopia), 0.5 = mid weakness(Protanomaly)"},
		["colorChatNamesByClass"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "If enabled, the name of a player speaking in chat will be colored according to his class."},
		["combatLogRetentionTime"] = {"300", 4, true, false, "The maximum duration in seconds to retain combat log entries"},
		["combatLogUniqueFilename"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Write combat log file with a timestamped name per client launch"},
		["comboPointLocation"] = {"2", 4, false, false, "Location of combo points in UI. 1=target, 2=self"},
		["commentatorLossOfControlIconUnitFrame"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "0: Off, 1: On."},
		["commentatorLossOfControlTextNameplate"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "0: Off, 1: On."},
		["commentatorLossOfControlTextUnitFrame"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "0: Off, 1: On."},
		["communitiesShowOffline"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Show offline community members in the communities frame roster"},
		["componentCompress"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Character component texture compression"},
		["componentEmissive"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Character component unlit/emissive"},
		["componentSpecular"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Character component specular highlights"},
		["componentTexCacheSize"] = {"32", 1, false, false, "Character component texture cache size (in MB)"},
		["componentTexLoadLimit"] = {"16", 1, false, false, "Character component texture loading limit per frame"},
		["componentTextureLevel"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Level of detail for character component textures. 0 means full detail."},
		["componentThread"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Multi thread character component processing"},
		["ConsoleKey"] = {"`", 2, false, false, "Set key that opens the console"},
		["ContentTuning"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["Contrast"] = {"50.000000", 1, false, false, "Contrast adjustment. Range: [0 - 100]"},
		["countdownForCooldowns"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to use number countdown instead of radial swipe for action button cooldowns or not."},
		["covenantMissionTutorial"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores information about which covenant mission/adventures tutorials the player has seen"},
		["currencyCategoriesCollapsed"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Internal CVar for tracking collapsed currency categories."},
		["currencyTokensBackpack1"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Currency token types shown on backpack."},
		["currencyTokensBackpack2"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Currency token types shown on backpack."},
		["currencyTokensUnused1"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Currency token types marked as unused."},
		["currencyTokensUnused2"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Currency token types marked as unused."},
		["CursorCenteredYPos"] = {"0.6", 5, false, false, "0-1 vertical position of centered cursor/targeting (0 at bottom)"},
		["CursorFreelookCentering"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Center the cursor when using Mouse freelook"},
		["CursorFreelookStartDelta"] = {"0.001", 5, false, false, "Fraction of the screen the cursor must move to start freelook after mouse button goes down"},
		["cursorSizePreferred"] = {"-1", 1, false, false, "Size of cursor: -1=determine based on system/monitor dpi, 0=32x32, 1=48x48, 2=64x64, 3=96x96, 4=128x128"},
		["CursorStickyCentering"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Make the centered position stick after freelook; Don't restore previous cursor position"},
		["CustomDesignEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["CustomWindowEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["daltonize"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Attempt to correct for color blindness (set colorblindSimulator to type of colorblindness)"},
		["DamageCalculator"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["dangerousShipyardMissionWarningAlreadyShown"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Boolean indicating whether the shipyard's dangerous mission warning has been shown"},
		["debugGameEvents"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "Show additional information about game events"},
		["DebugTorsoTwist"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "Debug visualization for Torso Twist: 1 = Player, 2 = Target, 3 = All"},
		["DepthBasedOpacity"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Enable/Disable Soft Edge Effect"},
		["deselectOnClick"] = {"0", 5, true, false, "Clear the target when clicking on terrain"},
		["digSites"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, the archaeological dig site system will be used."},
		["disableAELooting"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Disable AoE Looting"},
		["disableAutoRealmSelect"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Disable automatically selecting a realm on login"},
		["disableServerNagle"] = {"1", 6, false, false, "Disable server-side nagle algorithm"},
		["displayedRAFFriendInfo"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Stores whether we already told a recruited person about their new BattleTag friend"},
		["displayFreeBagSlots"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether or not the backpack button should indicate how many inventory slots you've got free"},
		["displaySpellActivationOverlays"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether to display Spell Activation Overlays (a.k.a. Spell Alerts)"},
		["displayWorldPVPObjectives"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show world PvP objectives"},
		["doNotFlashLowHealthWarning"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Do not flash your screen red when you are low on health."},
		["dontShowEquipmentSetsOnItems"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Don't show which equipment sets an item is associated with"},
		["doodadLodScale"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Doodad level of detail scale"},
		["DriverVersionCheck"] = {"1", 1, false, false, ""},
		["dynamicLod"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Dynamic level of detail adjustment"},
		["DynamicRenderScale"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Lowers render scale if GPU bound to hit Target FPS. Note this feature is in BETA. Known issues: May cause hitching. May behave poorly with vsync on."},
		["DynamicRenderScaleMin"] = {"0.333333", 1, false, false, "Lowest render scale DynamicRenderScale can use"},
		["EJDungeonDifficulty"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the last dungeon difficulty viewed in the encounter journal"},
		["EJLootClass"] = {"-1", 4, false, true, "Stores the last class that loot was filtered by in the encounter journal"},
		["EJLootSpec"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the last spec that loot was filtered by in the encounter journal"},
		["EJRaidDifficulty"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the last raid difficulty viewed in the encounter journal"},
		["EmitterCombatRange"] = {"900", 4, true, false, "Range to stop shoulder/weapon emissions during combat"},
		["emphasizeMySpellEffects"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether other player's spell impacts are toned down or not."},
		["enableAssetTracking"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Whether to track which assets are least recently used"},
		["enableBGDL"] = {"1", 0, false, false, "Background Download (on async net thread) Enabled"},
		["EnableBlinkApplicationIcon"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Allows the client to blink the application icon in the taskbar in Windows, or bounce the application icon in the dock on macOS"},
		["enableFloatingCombatText"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to show floating combat text"},
		["enableMouseoverCast"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether mouseover casting is enabled (optionally with a modifier key)."},
		["enableMouseSpeed"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Enables setting a custom mouse sensitivity to override the setting from the operating system."},
		["enableMovePad"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Enables the MovePad accessibility feature in the game"},
		["enablePetBattleFloatingCombatText"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show floating combat text for pet battles"},
		["enablePVPNotifyAFK"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "The ability to shutdown the AFK notification system"},
		["enableRuneSpentAnim"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Adjust the time the rune fades after it flashes when you spend it"},
		["enableTwitter"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether Twitter integration is enabled"},
		["enableWowMouse"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Enable Steelseries World of Warcraft Mouse"},
		["engineSurvey"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Whether to send the engine survey to the servers"},
		["engineSurveyPatch"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Engine Survey Patch"},
		["entityLodDist"] = {"10", 1, false, false, "Entity level of detail distance"},
		["entityLodOffset"] = {"10", 1, false, false, "Entity level of detail offset"},
		["entityShadowFadeScale"] = {"50", 5, false, false, "Entity shadow fade scale"},
		["ErrorFilter"] = {"all", 0, false, false, ""},
		["ErrorLevelMax"] = {"3", 0, false, false, ""},
		["ErrorLevelMin"] = {"2", 0, false, false, ""},
		["Errors"] = {"0", 0, false, false, ""},
		["expandUpgradePanel"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Controls whether the upgrade panel is expanded or collapsed."},
		["farclip"] = {"1000", 5, false, false, "Far clip plane distance"},
		["ffxAntiAliasingMode"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Anti Aliasing Mode"},
		["ffxDeath"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "full screen death desat effect"},
		["ffxGlow"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "full screen glow effect"},
		["ffxLingeringVenari"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "full screen Lingering Cloak of Ven'ari effect"},
		["ffxNether"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "full screen nether effect"},
		["ffxVenari"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "full screen Cloak of Ven'ari effect"},
		["findYourselfAnywhere"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Always Highlight your character"},
		["findYourselfAnywhereOnlyInCombat"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Highlight your character only when in combat"},
		["findYourselfInBG"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Always Highlight your character in Battlegrounds"},
		["findYourselfInBGOnlyInCombat"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Highlight your character in Battlegrounds only when in combat"},
		["findYourselfInRaid"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Always Highlight your character in Raids"},
		["findYourselfInRaidOnlyInCombat"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Highlight your character in Raids only when in combat"},
		["findYourselfMode"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Highlight your character. 0 = circle, 1 = circle & outline, 2 = outline"},
		["flaggedTutorials"] = {"", 5, true, false, "Internal cvar for saving completed tutorials in order"},
		["flashErrorMessageRepeats"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Flashes the center screen red error text if the same message is fired."},
		["flightAngleLookAhead"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Enables more dynamic attitude adjustments while flying"},
		["floatingCombatTextAllSpellMechanics"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextAuras"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatDamage"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Display damage numbers over hostile creatures when damaged"},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatDamageAllAutos"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Show all auto-attack numbers, rather than hiding non-event numbers"},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatDamageDirectionalOffset"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Amount to offset directional damage numbers when they start"},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatDamageDirectionalScale"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Directional damage numbers movement scale (0 = no directional numbers)"},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatDamageStyle"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "No longer used"},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatHealing"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Display amount of healing you did to the target"},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatHealingAbsorbSelf"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Shows a message when you gain a shield."},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatHealingAbsorbTarget"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Display amount of shield added to the target."},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatLogPeriodicSpells"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Display damage caused by periodic effects"},
		["floatingCombatTextCombatState"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextComboPoints"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextDamageReduction"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextDodgeParryMiss"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextEnergyGains"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextFloatMode"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "The combat text float mode"},
		["floatingCombatTextFriendlyHealers"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextHonorGains"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextLowManaHealth"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextPeriodicEnergyGains"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextPetMeleeDamage"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Display pet melee damage in the world"},
		["floatingCombatTextPetSpellDamage"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Display pet spell damage in the world"},
		["floatingCombatTextReactives"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextRepChanges"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextSpellMechanics"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["floatingCombatTextSpellMechanicsOther"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["FootstepSounds"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "play footstep sounds"},
		["ForceAllowAero"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Force Direct X 12 on Windows 7 to not disable Aero theme. You are opting into crashing in some edge cases"},
		["forceEnglishNames"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["forceLODCheck"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "If enabled, we will skip checking DBC for LOD count and every m2 will scan the folder for skin profiles"},
		["ForceResolutionDefaultToMaxSize"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Force default resolution to the maximum supported size rather than the auto-detected size"},
		["FrameBufferCacheForceNoHeaps"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Disable use of texture heaps and force the fallback path"},
		["friendInvitesCollapsed"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether friend invites are hidden in the friends list"},
		["friendsSmallView"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to use smaller buttons in the friends list"},
		["friendsViewButtons"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to show the friends list view buttons"},
		["fstack_preferParentKeys"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "0: Prefer Global Names, 1: Prefer ParentKeys (Default)."},
		["fstack_showanchors"] = {"1", 0, false, false, "0: Hide Anchors, 1: Show Anchors (Default)."},
		["fstack_showhidden"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "0: Hide Hidden (Default), 1: Show Hidden."},
		["fstack_showhighlight"] = {"1", 0, false, false, "0: Hide Highlight, 1: Show Highlight (Default)."},
		["fstack_showRaisedFrameLevels"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "0: Show normal frame levels (default), 1: Show raised frame levels instead"},
		["fstack_showregions"] = {"1", 0, false, false, "0: Hide Regions, 1: Show Regions (Default)."},
		["fullDump"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "When you crash, generate a full memory dump"},
		["fullSizeFocusFrame"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Increases the size of the focus frame to that of the target frame"},
		["GamePadAbbreviatedBindingReverse"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Display main binding button first so it's visible even if truncated on action bar"},
		["GamePadAnalogMovement"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Enable analog movement in any direction, rather than just the 8 cardinal directions"},
		["GamePadCameraLookMaxPitch"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Max pitch 'Look' stick can adjust camera angle"},
		["GamePadCameraLookMaxYaw"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Max yaw 'Look' stick can adjust camera angle"},
		["GamePadCameraPitchSpeed"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Pitch speed of GamePad camera moving up/down"},
		["GamePadCameraYawSpeed"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Yaw speed of GamePad camera turning left/right"},
		["GamePadCursorAutoDisableJump"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "GamePad cursor control will auto-disable when you jump"},
		["GamePadCursorAutoDisableSticks"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "GamePad cursor control will auto-disable on stick input (0=none, 1=movement, 2=movement+cursor)"},
		["GamePadCursorAutoEnable"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Auto enable GamePad cursor control when opening UIs that may need it"},
		["GamePadCursorCenteredEmulation"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "When cursor is centered for GamePad movement, also emulate mouse clicks"},
		["GamePadCursorCentering"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "When using GamePad, center the cursor"},
		["GamePadCursorForTargeting"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Enable GamePad controlled cursor for spell targeting (1=enable, 2=start-at-target)"},
		["GamePadCursorLeftClick"] = {"PADRTRIGGER", 5, false, false, "GamePad button that should emulate mouse Left Click while controlling the mouse cursor"},
		["GamePadCursorOnLogin"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Enable GamePad cursor control on login and character screens"},
		["GamePadCursorPushCamera"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Rate for GamePad controlled cursor to push/turn camera when at edge of window"},
		["GamePadCursorRightClick"] = {"PADRSHOULDER", 5, false, false, "GamePad button that should emulate mouse Right Click while controlling the mouse cursor"},
		["GamePadCursorSpeedAccel"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "Acceleration of GamePad cursor per second as it continues to move"},
		["GamePadCursorSpeedMax"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Top speed of GamePad cursor movement"},
		["GamePadCursorSpeedStart"] = {"0.1", 5, false, false, "Speed of GamePad cursor when it starts moving"},
		["GamePadEmulateAlt"] = {"none", 5, false, false, "GamePad button that should emulate the Alt key"},
		["GamePadEmulateCtrl"] = {"PADLSHOULDER", 5, false, false, "GamePad button that should emulate the Ctrl key"},
		["GamePadEmulateEsc"] = {"PADBACK", 5, false, false, "GamePad button that should emulate the Esc key"},
		["GamePadEmulateShift"] = {"PADLTRIGGER", 5, false, false, "GamePad button that should emulate the Shift key"},
		["GamePadEnable"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Whether GamePad input should be enabled"},
		["GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngle"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Max movement to camera angle to face movement direction instead of camera direction. 0 = always, 180 = never (115 allows using strafe with quick turn around)"},
		["GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngleCombat"] = {"180", 5, false, false, "Max movement to camera angle to face movement direction instead of camera direction, in combat. 0 = always, 180 = never (115 allows using strafe with quick turn around)"},
		["GamePadFactionColor"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Enable setting GamePad's led color to match current faction"},
		["GamePadSingleActiveID"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "ID of single GamePad device to use. 0 = Use all devices' combined input"},
		["GamePadStickAxisButtons"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Enables virtual buttons for the GamePad stick cardinal directions"},
		["GamePadTankTurnSpeed"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "If non-zero, character turns like a tank from GamePad movement"},
		["GamePadTouchCursorEnable"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Enable cursor control with GamePad's touch pad"},
		["GamePadTurnWithCamera"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Turn character to match when camera facing is changed (1=in-combat, 2=always)"},
		["GamePadVibrationStrength"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "GamePad vibration effect strength"},
		["GameplayContext"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["gameTip"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["Gamma"] = {"1.000000", 1, false, false, "Gamma correction. Range: [0.3 - 2.8]"},
		["garrisonCompleteTalent"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["garrisonCompleteTalentType"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["graphicsComputeEffects"] = {"4", 5, false, false, ""},
		["graphicsDepthEffects"] = {"4", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsEnvironmentDetail"] = {"6", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsGroundClutter"] = {"6", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsLiquidDetail"] = {"4", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsOutlineMode"] = {"3", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsParticleDensity"] = {"3", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsProjectedTextures"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsQuality"] = {"4", 5, false, false, "save for Graphics Quality Selection"},
		["graphicsShadowQuality"] = {"5", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsSpellDensity"] = {"5", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsSSAO"] = {"4", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsTextureResolution"] = {"5", 5, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["graphicsViewDistance"] = {"7", 1, false, false, "UI value of the graphics setting"},
		["groundEffectDensity"] = {"16", 5, false, false, "Ground effect density"},
		["groundEffectDist"] = {"70", 5, false, false, "Ground effect dist"},
		["groundEffectFade"] = {"70", 1, false, false, "Ground effect fade"},
		["guildMemberNotify"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Receive notification when guild members log on/off"},
		["guildNewsFilter"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the guild news filters"},
		["guildRewardsCategory"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Show category of guild rewards"},
		["guildRewardsUsable"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Show usable guild rewards only"},
		["guildRosterView"] = {"", 4, false, true, "The current guild roster display mode"},
		["guildShowOffline"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Show offline guild members in the guild UI"},
		["gxAdapter"] = {"", 1, false, false, "Set which GPU to use. See GxListGPUs for valid names (empty string to let client choose)"},
		["gxAFRDevicesCount"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Force to set number of AFR devices"},
		["gxAftermathEnabled"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Enable frame crash debugging"},
		["gxApi"] = {"auto", 5, false, false, "graphics api"},
		["gxAspect"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "constrain window aspect"},
		["gxFullscreenResolution"] = {"auto", 1, false, false, "resolution"},
		["gxMaxFrameLatency"] = {"3", 1, false, false, "maximum number of frames ahead of GPU the CPU can be"},
		["gxMaximize"] = {"1", 5, false, false, ""},
		["gxMonitor"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "monitor"},
		["gxMTAlphaM2"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Render transparent M2 pass in parallel."},
		["gxMTBeginDraw"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Do BeginDraw multithreaded."},
		["gxMTDisable"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Disable all render multithreading"},
		["gxMTOpaqueM2"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Render opaque model pass in parallel."},
		["gxMTOpaqueM2NoReflect"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Render opaque model no reflection pass in parallel."},
		["gxMTOpaqueWMO"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Render opaque WMO in parallel."},
		["gxMTPrepass"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Render prepass in parallel."},
		["gxMTShadow"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Render shadow bands in parallel."},
		["gxMTTerrain"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Render terrain in parallel."},
		["gxNewResolution"] = {"0x0", 1, false, false, "resolution to be set"},
		["GxPrismEnabled"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "0: Prism backends Disabled. 1: Default Prism backends Enabled. 2: Experimental Prism backends Enabled."},
		["gxWindowedResolution"] = {"1920x1080", 1, false, false, "windowed resolution"},
		["hardTrackedQuests"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Internal cvar for saving user manually tracked quests in order"},
		["hardTrackedWorldQuests"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Internal cvar for saving user manually tracked world quests"},
		["HardwareCursor"] = {"1", 1, false, false, ""},
		["HealHandler"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["heirloomCollectedFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which collected filters are applied in the heirloom journal"},
		["heirloomSourceFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which source filters are applied in the heirloom journal"},
		["hideAdventureJournalAlerts"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Hide alerts shown on the Adventure Journal Microbutton"},
		["horizonClip"] = {"1600", 5, false, false, ""},
		["horizonStart"] = {"800", 5, false, false, "Horizon start distance"},
		["HotfixEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["hotReloadModels"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Allow an active model to be reloaded when a new version is detected in the bin folder.  If this is disabled, the model data will only be refreshed after all game objects using the model are deleted"},
		["hwDetect"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "do hardware detection"},
		["ImpactModelCollisionMelee"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Enable model collision checks for melee impact effects"},
		["ImpactModelCollisionMissile"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Enable model collision checks for missile impact effects"},
		["ImpactModelCollisionRanged"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Enable model collision checks for ranged attack impact effects"},
		["incompleteQuestPriorityThresholdDelta"] = {"135", 0, false, false, ""},
		["initialRealmListTimeout"] = {"60", 5, false, false, "How long to wait for the initial realm list before failing login (in seconds)"},
		["interactOnLeftClick"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Test CVar for interacting with NPC's on left click"},
		["KioskCanSessionExpire"] = {"", 5, false, false, ""},
		["KioskCharacterTemplateSet"] = {"", 5, false, false, ""},
		["KioskLobbyKickSeconds"] = {"", 5, false, false, ""},
		["lastAddonVersion"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Addon interface version number from previous build"},
		["lastCharacterGuid"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Last character selected's guid"},
		["lastCharacterIndex"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Last character selected"},
		["lastGarrisonMissionTutorial"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the last garrison mission tutorial the player has accepted"},
		["lastRenownForCovenant1"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the Kyrian renown when Renown UI is closed"},
		["lastRenownForCovenant2"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the Venthyr renown when Renown UI is closed"},
		["lastRenownForCovenant3"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the NightFae renown when Renown UI is closed"},
		["lastRenownForCovenant4"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the Necrolord renown when Renown UI is closed"},
		["lastSelectedClubId"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The last club that was selected by the user. We default to this club when the player opens the communities frame if the player isn't in a guild."},
		["lastTalkedToGM"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Stores the last GM someone was talking to in case they reload the UI while the GM chat window is open."},
		["lastTransmogOutfitIDSpec1"] = {"", 4, false, true, "SetID of the last applied transmog outfit for the 1st spec"},
		["lastTransmogOutfitIDSpec2"] = {"", 4, false, true, "SetID of the last applied transmog outfit for the 2nd spec"},
		["lastTransmogOutfitIDSpec3"] = {"", 4, false, true, "SetID of the last applied transmog outfit for the 3rd spec"},
		["lastTransmogOutfitIDSpec4"] = {"", 4, false, true, "SetID of the last applied transmog outfit for the 4th spec"},
		["lastVoidStorageTutorial"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores the last void storage tutorial the player has accepted"},
		["latestSplashScreen"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The ID of the latest splash screen from the UISPLASHSCREEN table."},
		["latestTransmogSetSource"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "itemModifiedAppearanceID of the latest collected source belonging to a set"},
		["launchAgent"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Set this to have the client start up Agent"},
		["lfdCollapsedHeaders"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Stores which LFD headers are collapsed."},
		["lfdSelectedDungeons"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Stores which LFD dungeons are selected."},
		["lfgAutoFill"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to automatically add party members while looking for a group"},
		["lfgAutoJoin"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to automatically join a party while looking for a group"},
		["lfgListSearchLanguages"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "A simple bitfield for what languages we want to search in."},
		["lfgSelectedRoles"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores what roles the player is willing to take on."},
		["lfGuildComment"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Stores the player's Looking For Guild comment"},
		["lfGuildSettings"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Bit field of Looking For Guild player settings"},
		["locale"] = {"", 5, false, false, "Set the game locale"},
		["lockActionBars"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether the action bars should be locked, preventing changes"},
		["lodObjectCullDist"] = {"30", 1, false, false, "Lod object culling dist minimum"},
		["lodObjectCullSize"] = {"15", 5, false, false, "Lod object culling size"},
		["lodObjectFadeScale"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Lod object fade scale"},
		["lodObjectMinSize"] = {"20", 5, false, false, "Lod object min size"},
		["lodObjectSizeScale"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Scales all objects size for culling"},
		["lootUnderMouse"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether the loot window should open under the mouse"},
		["lossOfControl"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Enables loss of control spell banner"},
		["lossOfControlDisarm"] = {"2", 4, false, true, "Setting for Loss of Control - Disarm"},
		["lossOfControlFull"] = {"2", 4, false, true, "Setting for Loss of Control - Full Loss"},
		["lossOfControlInterrupt"] = {"2", 4, false, true, "Setting for Loss of Control - Interrupt"},
		["lossOfControlRoot"] = {"2", 4, false, true, "Setting for Loss of Control - Root"},
		["lossOfControlSilence"] = {"2", 4, false, true, "Setting for Loss of Control - Silence"},
		["M2ForceAdditiveParticleSort"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "force all particles to sort as though they were additive"},
		["M2UseInstancing"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "use hardware instancing"},
		["M2UseThreads"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "multithread model animations"},
		["mapAnimDuration"] = {"0.12", 4, true, false, "Duration for the alpha animation"},
		["mapAnimMinAlpha"] = {"0.35", 4, true, false, "Alpha value to animate to when player moves with windowed world map open"},
		["mapAnimStartDelay"] = {"0.0", 4, true, false, "Start delay for the alpha animation"},
		["mapFade"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether to fade out the world map when moving"},
		["maxFPS"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Set FPS limit"},
		["maxFPSBk"] = {"30", 1, false, false, "Set background FPS limit"},
		["maxFPSLoading"] = {"10", 1, false, false, "Set loading screen max FPS"},
		["maxLightCount"] = {"", 1, false, false, "Maximum lights to render"},
		["maxLightDist"] = {"2048", 1, false, false, "Maximum distance to render lights"},
		["MaxObservedPetBattles"] = {"4", 5, false, false, "Maximum number of observed pet battles"},
		["miniCommunitiesFrame"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether or not the communities frame has been toggled to smaller size"},
		["miniDressUpFrame"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether or not the dress up has been toggled to smaller size"},
		["minimapAltitudeHintMode"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Change minimap altitude difference display. 0=none, 1=darken, 2=arrows"},
		["minimapInsideZoom"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The current indoor minimap zoom level"},
		["minimapPortalMax"] = {"99", 4, false, false, "Max Number of Portals to traverse for minimap"},
		["minimapShapeshiftTracking"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Stores shapeshift-specific tracking spells that were active last session."},
		["minimapShowArchBlobs"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Stores whether to show the quest blobs on the minimap."},
		["minimapShowQuestBlobs"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Stores whether to show the quest blobs on the minimap."},
		["minimapTrackedInfov2"] = {"491528", 4, false, true, "Stores the minimap tracking that was active last session."},
		["minimapZoom"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The current outdoor minimap zoom level"},
		["miniWorldMap"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether or not the world map has been toggled to smaller size"},
		["missingTransmogSourceInItemTooltips"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to show if you have collected the appearance of an item but not from that item itself"},
		["mountJournalGeneralFilters"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which collected filters are applied in the mount journal"},
		["mountJournalShowPlayer"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Show the player on the mount preview."},
		["mountJournalSourcesFilter"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which source filters are applied in the mount journal"},
		["mountJournalTypeFilter"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which type filters are applied in the mount journal"},
		["mouseInvertPitch"] = {"0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["mouseInvertYaw"] = {"0", 5, true, false, ""},
		["MouseNoRepositioning"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Disables repositioning of mouse cursor during relative movement to keep it in the game's window frame"},
		["mouseSpeed"] = {"1.0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["MouseUseLazyRepositioning"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "During camera control, only reposition mouse cursor when nearing edge of window, rather than every input event"},
		["MoveHistoryEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["movieSubtitle"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Show movie subtitles"},
		["MSAAAlphaTest"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Enable MSAA for alpha-tested geometry"},
		["MSAAQuality"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Multisampling AA quality"},
		["multiBarRightVerticalLayout"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to force the right action bars to always align horizontally instead of vertically"},
		["NamePlateClassificationScale"] = {"1.0", 4, false, true, "Applied to the classification icon for nameplates."},
		["nameplateClassResourceTopInset"] = {".03", 1, false, true, "The inset from the top (in screen percent) that nameplates are clamped to when class resources are being displayed on them."},
		["nameplateGlobalScale"] = {"1.0", 1, false, true, "Applies global scaling to non-self nameplates, this is applied AFTER selected, min, and max scale."},
		["NamePlateHorizontalScale"] = {"1.0", 4, false, true, "Applied to horizontal size of all nameplates."},
		["nameplateLargeBottomInset"] = {"0.15", 1, false, true, "The inset from the bottom (in screen percent) that large nameplates are clamped to."},
		["nameplateLargerScale"] = {"1.2", 1, false, true, "An additional scale modifier for important monsters."},
		["nameplateLargeTopInset"] = {"0.1", 1, false, true, "The inset from the top (in screen percent) that large nameplates are clamped to."},
		["nameplateMaxAlpha"] = {"1.0", 1, false, true, "The max alpha of nameplates."},
		["nameplateMaxAlphaDistance"] = {"40", 1, false, true, "The distance from the camera that nameplates will reach their maximum alpha."},
		["nameplateMaxDistance"] = {"60", 1, false, true, "The max distance to show nameplates."},
		["NamePlateMaximumClassificationScale"] = {"1.25", 4, false, true, "This is the maximum effective scale of the classification icon for nameplates."},
		["nameplateMaxScale"] = {"1.0", 1, false, true, "The max scale of nameplates."},
		["nameplateMaxScaleDistance"] = {"10", 1, false, true, "The distance from the camera that nameplates will reach their maximum scale."},
		["nameplateMinAlpha"] = {"0.6", 1, false, true, "The minimum alpha of nameplates."},
		["nameplateMinAlphaDistance"] = {"10", 1, false, true, "The distance from the max distance that nameplates will reach their minimum alpha."},
		["nameplateMinScale"] = {"0.8", 1, false, true, "The minimum scale of nameplates."},
		["nameplateMinScaleDistance"] = {"10", 1, false, true, "The distance from the max distance that nameplates will reach their minimum scale."},
		["nameplateMotion"] = {"0", 1, false, true, "Defines the movement/collision model for nameplates"},
		["nameplateMotionSpeed"] = {"0.025", 1, false, true, "Controls the rate at which nameplate animates into their target locations [0.0-1.0]"},
		["nameplateOccludedAlphaMult"] = {"0.4", 1, false, true, "Alpha multiplier of nameplates for occluded targets."},
		["nameplateOtherAtBase"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Position other nameplates at the base, rather than overhead"},
		["nameplateOtherBottomInset"] = {"0.1", 1, false, true, "The inset from the bottom (in screen percent) that the non-self nameplates are clamped to."},
		["nameplateOtherTopInset"] = {"0.08", 1, false, true, "The inset from the top (in screen percent) that the non-self nameplates are clamped to."},
		["nameplateOverlapH"] = {"0.8", 1, true, false, "Percentage amount for horizontal overlap of nameplates"},
		["nameplateOverlapV"] = {"1.1", 1, true, false, "Percentage amount for vertical overlap of nameplates"},
		["NameplatePersonalClickThrough"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "When enabled, the personal nameplate is transparent to mouse clicks."},
		["NameplatePersonalHideDelayAlpha"] = {"0.45", 4, false, true, "Determines the alpha of the personal nameplate after no visibility conditions are met (during the period of time specified by NameplatePersonalHideDelaySeconds)."},
		["NameplatePersonalHideDelaySeconds"] = {"3.0", 4, false, true, "Determines the length of time in seconds that the personal nameplate will be visible after no visibility conditions are met."},
		["NameplatePersonalShowAlways"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Determines if the the personal nameplate is always shown."},
		["NameplatePersonalShowInCombat"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Determines if the the personal nameplate is shown when you enter combat."},
		["NameplatePersonalShowWithTarget"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Determines if the personal nameplate is shown when selecting a target. 0 = targeting has no effect, 1 = show on hostile target, 2 = show on any target"},
		["nameplateResourceOnTarget"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Nameplate class resource overlay mode. 0=self, 1=target"},
		["nameplateSelectedAlpha"] = {"1.0", 1, false, true, "The alpha of the selected nameplate."},
		["nameplateSelectedScale"] = {"1.2", 1, false, true, "The scale of the selected nameplate."},
		["nameplateSelfAlpha"] = {"0.75", 1, false, true, "The alpha of the self nameplate."},
		["nameplateSelfBottomInset"] = {"0.2", 1, false, true, "The inset from the bottom (in screen percent) that the self nameplate is clamped to."},
		["nameplateSelfScale"] = {"1.0", 1, false, true, "The scale of the self nameplate."},
		["nameplateSelfTopInset"] = {"0.5", 1, false, true, "The inset from the top (in screen percent) that the self nameplate is clamped to."},
		["nameplateShowAll"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowDebuffsOnFriendly"] = {"1", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowEnemies"] = {"1", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowEnemyGuardians"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowEnemyMinions"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowEnemyMinus"] = {"1", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowEnemyPets"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowEnemyTotems"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowFriendlyMinions"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowFriendlyNPCs"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowFriendlyPets"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowFriendlyTotems"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowFriends"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateShowOnlyNames"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to hide the nameplate bars"},
		["nameplateShowSelf"] = {"1", 4, false, true, ""},
		["nameplateTargetBehindMaxDistance"] = {"15", 1, false, true, "The max distance to show the target nameplate when the target is behind the camera."},
		["nameplateTargetRadialPosition"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "When target is off screen, position its nameplate radially around sides and bottom. 1: Target Only. 2: All In Combat"},
		["NamePlateVerticalScale"] = {"1.0", 4, false, true, "Applied to vertical size of all nameplates."},
		["nearclip"] = {"0.2", 1, false, false, "Near clip plane distance"},
		["newMythicPlusSeason"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Signals a new mythic+ season for the user, so when they open the UI it shows them the info about the season"},
		["newPvpSeason"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Signals a new pvp season for the user, so when they open the UI it shows them the info about the season"},
		["noBuffDebuffFilterOnTarget"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Do not filter buffs or debuffs at all on targets"},
		["NonEmitterCombatRange"] = {"6400", 4, true, false, "Range to stop shoulder/weapon emissions outside combat"},
		["NotchedDisplayMode"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Do nothing = 0. Shift UI down = 1. Shift everything down = 2."},
		["ObjectSelectionCircle"] = {"1", 4, false, false, ""},
		["occlusionMaxJobs"] = {"5", 1, false, false, "Maximum job threads for occlusion render"},
		["orderHallMissionTutorial"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores information about which order hall mission tutorials the player has seen"},
		["otherRolesAzeriteEssencesHidden"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to collapse the Azerite Essences for player's other roles"},
		["outdoorMinAltitudeDistance"] = {"10", 4, false, false, "Minimum altitude distance for outdoor objects when you are also outdoors before the altitude difference marker displays"},
		["Outline"] = {"2", 4, true, false, "Outline Mode"},
		["OutlineEngineMode"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["outlineMouseOverFadeDuration"] = {"0.9", 0, false, false, ""},
		["outlineSelectionFadeDuration"] = {"0.32", 0, false, false, ""},
		["overrideArchive"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Whether or not the client loads alternate data"},
		["overrideScreenFlash"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Overrides fade color options so that it always fades to black"},
		["particleDensity"] = {"100", 5, false, false, "Particle density"},
		["particleMTDensity"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Multi-Tex particle density"},
		["particulatesEnabled"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Particulates enabled"},
		["partyBackgroundOpacity"] = {"0.5", 4, true, false, "The opacity of the party background"},
		["Pathing"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["pathSmoothing"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "NPC will round corners on ground paths"},
		["pendingInviteInfoShown"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "The info for pending invites has been shown"},
		["persistMoveLogOnTransfer"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "Set to 1 to automatically re-enable logging on the current movelog target after a transfer"},
		["petJournalFilters"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which collected filters are applied in the pet journal"},
		["petJournalSort"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Sorting value for the pet journal"},
		["petJournalSourceFilters"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which source filters are applied in the pet journal"},
		["petJournalTab"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Stores the last tab the pet journal was opened to"},
		["petJournalTypeFilters"] = {"", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which type filters are applied in the pet journal"},
		["PhaseHistory"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["physicsLevel"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Level of physics world interaction"},
		["PlayerSpawnTracking"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["playerStatLeftDropdown"] = {"", 4, false, true, "The player stat selected in the left dropdown"},
		["playerStatRightDropdown"] = {"", 4, false, true, "The player stat selected in the right dropdown"},
		["playIntroMovie"] = {"5", 5, false, false, "Starting expansion movie to play on startup"},
		["POIShiftComplete"] = {"0.3", 0, false, false, ""},
		["portal"] = {"", 6, false, false, "Name of portal to use"},
		["PraiseTheSun"] = {"0", 4, false, false, ""},
		["predictedHealth"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether or not to use predicted health values in the UI"},
		["PreemptiveCastEnable"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Enable preemptive triggering of cast visuals based on spell release timing"},
		["preloadLoadingDistObject"] = {"512", 5, false, false, "Object preload distance when loading"},
		["preloadLoadingDistTerrain"] = {"1024", 5, false, false, "Terrain preload distance when loading"},
		["preloadPlayerModels"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Preload all local racial models into memory"},
		["preloadStreamingDistObject"] = {"64", 5, false, false, "Object preload distance when streaming"},
		["preloadStreamingDistTerrain"] = {"256", 5, false, false, "Terrain preload distance when streaming"},
		["PreventOsIdleSleep"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Enable this to prevent the computer from idle sleeping while the game is running"},
		["primaryProfessionsFilter"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, primary profession world quests icons will be shown on world maps"},
		["ProcDebugEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["processAffinityMask"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "Sets which core(s) WoW may execute on - changes require restart to take effect"},
		["profanityFilter"] = {"1", 5, true, false, "Whether to enable mature language filtering"},
		["projectedTextures"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Projected Textures"},
		["PushToTalkSound"] = {"0", 7, true, false, "Play a sound when voice recording activates and deactivates"},
		["pvpSelectedRoles"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores what roles the player will fulfill in a BG."},
		["QuestEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["questLogOpen"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether the quest log appears the side of the windowed map. "},
		["questPOI"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, the quest POI system will be used."},
		["questTextContrast"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Whether to increase text contrast in Quest UIs"},
		["RAIDcomponentTextureLevel"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Level of detail for character component textures. 0 means full detail."},
		["RAIDDepthBasedOpacity"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Raid Enable/Disable Soft Edge Effect"},
		["RAIDdoodadLodScale"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Raid doodad level of detail scale"},
		["RAIDentityLodDist"] = {"10", 1, false, false, "Raid Entity level of detail distance"},
		["RAIDentityShadowFadeScale"] = {"10", 5, false, false, "Raid Entity shadow fade scale"},
		["RAIDfarclip"] = {"1000", 5, false, false, "Raid Far clip plane distance"},
		["raidFramesDisplayAggroHighlight"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether to display aggro highlights on Raid Frames"},
		["raidFramesDisplayClassColor"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Colors raid frames with the class color"},
		["raidFramesDisplayOnlyDispellableDebuffs"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to display only dispellable debuffs on Raid Frames"},
		["raidFramesDisplayPowerBars"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to display mana, rage, etc. on Raid Frames"},
		["raidFramesHealthText"] = {"none", 4, false, true, "How to display health text on the raid frames"},
		["raidFramesHeight"] = {"36", 4, false, true, "The height of the individual raid frames"},
		["raidFramesPosition"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Where the raid frames should be placed"},
		["raidFramesWidth"] = {"72", 4, false, true, "The width of the individual raid frames"},
		["raidGraphicsComputeEffects"] = {"1", 5, false, false, ""},
		["raidGraphicsDepthEffects"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsEnvironmentDetail"] = {"6", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsGroundClutter"] = {"6", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsLiquidDetail"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsOutlineMode"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsParticleDensity"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsProjectedTextures"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["RAIDgraphicsQuality"] = {"4", 5, false, false, "save for Raid Graphics Quality Selection"},
		["raidGraphicsShadowQuality"] = {"3", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsSpellDensity"] = {"5", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsSSAO"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsTextureResolution"] = {"3", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["raidGraphicsViewDistance"] = {"5", 5, false, false, "UI value of the raidGraphics setting"},
		["RAIDgroundEffectDensity"] = {"16", 5, false, false, "Raid Ground effect density"},
		["RAIDgroundEffectDist"] = {"70", 5, false, false, "Raid Ground effect dist"},
		["RAIDgroundEffectFade"] = {"70", 1, false, false, "Raid Ground effect fade"},
		["RAIDhorizonClip"] = {"1600", 5, false, false, ""},
		["RAIDhorizonStart"] = {"800", 5, false, false, "Raid Horizon start distance"},
		["RAIDlodObjectCullDist"] = {"30", 1, false, false, "Lod object culling dist minimum"},
		["RAIDlodObjectCullSize"] = {"15", 5, false, false, "Lod object culling size"},
		["RAIDlodObjectFadeScale"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Lod object fade scale"},
		["RAIDlodObjectMinSize"] = {"20", 5, false, false, "Lod object min size"},
		["raidOptionDisplayMainTankAndAssist"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether to display main tank and main assist units in the raid frames"},
		["raidOptionDisplayPets"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to display pets on the raid frames"},
		["raidOptionIsShown"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether the Raid Frames are shown"},
		["raidOptionKeepGroupsTogether"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The way to group raid frames"},
		["raidOptionLocked"] = {"lock", 4, false, true, "Whether the raid frames are locked"},
		["raidOptionShowBorders"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Displays borders around the raid frames."},
		["raidOptionSortMode"] = {"role", 4, false, true, "The way to sort raid frames"},
		["RAIDOutlineEngineMode"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Mode for the OutlineBuffer"},
		["RAIDparticleDensity"] = {"100", 5, false, false, "Particle density"},
		["RAIDparticleMTDensity"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Multi-Tex particle density"},
		["RAIDParticulatesEnabled"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Enabling particulates (0-1)"},
		["RAIDprojectedTextures"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Projected Textures"},
		["RAIDreflectionMode"] = {"3", 5, false, false, "Reflection mode"},
		["RAIDrefraction"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Refraction"},
		["RAIDrippleDetail"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "Ripple surface detail"},
		["RAIDsettingsEnabled"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Raid graphic settings are available"},
		["RAIDshadowMode"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Raid Quality of shadows (0-3)"},
		["RAIDshadowRt"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Raid Raytraced shadows (0-2)"},
		["RAIDshadowSoft"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Soft shadows (0/1)"},
		["RAIDshadowTextureSize"] = {"1024", 5, false, false, "Shadow texture size (1024-2048)"},
		["RAIDspellClutter"] = {"-1", 1, false, false, "Cull unimportant spell effects. -1 means auto based on targetFPS otherwise [0-100], 0 means cull nothing for perf reasons, 100 means cull as much as you can"},
		["RAIDSSAO"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Raid Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion"},
		["RAIDsunShafts"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "SunShafts"},
		["RAIDterrainLodDist"] = {"400", 5, false, false, "Raid Terrain level of detail distance"},
		["RAIDTerrainLodDiv"] = {"768", 5, false, false, ""},
		["RAIDterrainMipLevel"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Terrain blend map mip level"},
		["RAIDVolumeFog"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Volume Fog"},
		["RAIDVolumeFogLevel"] = {"2", 1, false, false, "Volume Fog Level (0-3)"},
		["RAIDWaterDetail"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Raid Water surface detail"},
		["RAIDweatherDensity"] = {"2", 5, false, false, ""},
		["RAIDwmoLodDist"] = {"650", 5, false, false, "Raid Wmo level of detail distance"},
		["RAIDworldBaseMip"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "World texture base mip"},
		["rawMouseAccelerationEnable"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Enable acceleration for raw mouse input"},
		["rawMouseEnable"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Enable raw mouse input"},
		["rawMouseRate"] = {"125", 4, false, false, "Raw mouse update rate"},
		["rawMouseResolution"] = {"400", 4, false, false, "Raw mouse resolution"},
		["reflectionDownscale"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Reflection downscale"},
		["reflectionMode"] = {"3", 5, false, false, "Reflection mode"},
		["refraction"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["remoteTextToSpeech"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Enables typing into a voice chat window to speak to other players using the text to speech system"},
		["remoteTextToSpeechVoice"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Voice option used with Speak for Me where you can send text to speech to other players in voice chat"},
		["removeChatDelay"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Remove Chat Hover Delay"},
		["RenderScale"] = {"1.000000", 1, false, false, "Render scale (for supersampling or undersampling)"},
		["reputationsCollapsed"] = {"", 4, false, true, "List of reputation categories that have been collapsed in the Reputation tab"},
		["ResampleAlwaysSharpen"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Run sharpness pass, even if not using AMD FSR Upscale [0,1]"},
		["ResampleQuality"] = {"3", 1, false, false, "Resample quality"},
		["ResampleSharpness"] = {"0.2", 1, false, false, "FSR sharpness strength [0.0-2.0]. 0 is full strength. -1 to disable."},
		["ResolvedSSAOType"] = {"1", 1, false, false, ""},
		["rippleDetail"] = {"2", 5, false, false, "Ripple surface detail"},
		["rotateMinimap"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to rotate the entire minimap instead of the player arrow"},
		["runeFadeTime"] = {"0.2", 5, false, false, "Adjust the time the rune fades from on CD to ready"},
		["runeSpentFadeTime"] = {"0.1", 5, false, false, "Adjust the time the base rune takes to fade out after the rune flash fades out"},
		["runeSpentFlashTime"] = {"0.15", 5, false, false, "Adjust the time the rune flash takes to fade out"},
		["sceneOcclusionEnable"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Scene software occlusion"},
		["screenEdgeFlash"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show a red flash while you are in combat with the world map up"},
		["screenshotFormat"] = {"jpeg", 1, false, false, "Set the format of screenshots"},
		["screenshotQuality"] = {"3", 1, false, false, "Set the quality of screenshots (1 - 10)"},
		["screenshotSizeOverride"] = {"0x0", 1, false, false, "Set the size of screenshots to a specific resolution (e.g. 7680x4320). 0x0 means use the window size"},
		["scriptErrors"] = {"0", 5, true, false, "Whether or not the UI shows Lua errors"},
		["scriptProfile"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Whether or not script profiling is enabled"},
		["scriptWarnings"] = {"0", 5, true, false, "Whether or not the UI shows Lua warnings"},
		["secondaryProfessionsFilter"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, secondary profession world quests icons will be shown on world maps"},
		["secureAbilityToggle"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether you should be protected against accidentally double-clicking an aura"},
		["seenAlliedRaceUnlocks"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Bit array for which allied race unlocks have been seen"},
		["seenAsiaCharacterUpgradePopup"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Seen the free character upgrade popup (Asia)"},
		["seenCharacterUpgradePopup"] = {"6", 4, false, false, "Seen the free character upgrade popup"},
		["seenConfigurationWarnings"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "A bitfield to track which configuration warnings have been seen"},
		["seenExpansionTrialPopup"] = {"6", 4, false, false, "Seen the expansion trial popup"},
		["seenLevelSquishPopup"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Seen the level squish popup"},
		["seenRegionalChatDisabled"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Seen the alert indicating chat has been disabled by default. (UK AADC)"},
		["serverAlert"] = {"SERVER_ALERT_URL", 6, false, false, "Get the glue-string tag for the URL"},
		["ServerMessageEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["serviceTypeFilter"] = {"6", 4, true, false, "Which trainer services to show"},
		["shadowCull"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "enable shadow frustum culling"},
		["shadowInstancing"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "enable instancing when rendering shadowmaps"},
		["shadowMode"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Quality of shadows (0-3)"},
		["shadowRt"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Raytraced shadows (0-3)"},
		["shadowScissor"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "enable scissoring when rendering shadowmaps"},
		["shadowSoft"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Soft shadows (0/1)"},
		["shadowTextureSize"] = {"1024", 5, false, false, "Shadow texture size (1024-2048)"},
		["ShakeStrengthCamera"] = {"1", 5, true, false, "Motion sickness control for how much effects can shake the camera"},
		["ShakeStrengthUI"] = {"1", 5, true, false, "Motion sickness control for how much effects can shake in 2D UI"},
		["shipyardMissionTutorialAreaBuff"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores whether the player has accepted the first area buff mission tutorial"},
		["shipyardMissionTutorialBlockade"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores whether the player has accepted the first blockade mission tutorial"},
		["shipyardMissionTutorialFirst"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores whether the player has accepted the first mission tutorial"},
		["showArenaEnemyCastbar"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Show the spell enemies are casting on the Arena Enemy frames"},
		["showArenaEnemyFrames"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Show arena enemy frames while in an Arena"},
		["showArenaEnemyPets"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Show the enemy team's pets on the ArenaEnemy frames"},
		["showBattlefieldMinimap"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether or not the battlefield minimap is shown"},
		["showBuilderFeedback"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Show animation when building power for builder/spender bar"},
		["showCastableBuffs"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Show only Buffs the player can cast.  Only applies to raids."},
		["ShowClassColorInFriendlyNameplate"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "use this to display the class color in friendly nameplate health bars"},
		["ShowClassColorInNameplate"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "use this to display the class color in enemy nameplate health bars"},
		["showDispelDebuffs"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Show only Debuffs that the player can dispel.  Only applies to raids."},
		["showDungeonEntrancesOnMap"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, dungeon entrances will display on the world map."},
		["showErrors"] = {"1", 0, false, false, ""},
		["showfootprintparticles"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "toggles rendering of footprint particles"},
		["showHonorAsExperience"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Show the honor bar as a regular experience bar in place of rep"},
		["showInGameNavigation"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "0: Disable IGN, 1: Enable IGN (Default)."},
		["showLoadingScreenTips"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Show loading screen tooltips"},
		["ShowNamePlateLoseAggroFlash"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "When enabled, if you are a tank role and lose aggro, the nameplate with briefly flash."},
		["showNPETutorials"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "display NPE tutorials"},
		["showOutfitDetails"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Whether or not to show outfit details when the dressing room is opened in maximized mode, default on"},
		["showPartyBackground"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Show a background behind party members"},
		["showPartyPets"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to show pets in the party UI"},
		["showQuestObjectivesOnMap"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Shows quest POIs on the main map."},
		["ShowQuestUnitCircles"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Determines if units related to a quest display an indicator on the ground."},
		["showSpectatorTeamCircles"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Determines if the team color circles are visible while spectating or commentating a wargame"},
		["showSpenderFeedback"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Show animation when spending power for builder/spender bar"},
		["showTamers"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, pet battle icons will be shown on world maps"},
		["showTargetCastbar"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Show the spell your current target is casting"},
		["showTargetOfTarget"] = {"0", 5, true, false, "Whether the target of target frame should be shown"},
		["showTimestamps"] = {"none", 4, true, false, "The format of timestamps in chat or \"none\""},
		["showToastBroadcast"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to show message for broadcasts"},
		["showToastClubInvitation"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show message for club invitations"},
		["showToastConversation"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show message for conversations"},
		["showToastFriendRequest"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show message for friend requests"},
		["showToastOffline"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show message for friend going offline"},
		["showToastOnline"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show message for friend coming online"},
		["showToastWindow"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show system messages in a toast window"},
		["showTokenFrame"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The token UI has been shown"},
		["showTokenFrameHonor"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The token UI has shown Honor"},
		["showTutorials"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "display tutorials"},
		["showVKeyCastbar"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "If the V key display is up for your current target, show the enemy cast bar with the target's health bar in the game field"},
		["showVKeyCastbarOnlyOnTarget"] = {"0", 4, false, true, ""},
		["showVKeyCastbarSpellName"] = {"1", 4, false, true, ""},
		["simd"] = {"-1", 5, false, false, "Enable SIMD features (e.g. SSE)"},
		["skipStartGear"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Whether we should show starter gear on character create"},
		["SkyCloudLOD"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Texture resolution for clouds"},
		["smoothUnitPhasing"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "The client will try to smoothly switch between the same on model different phases."},
		["smoothUnitPhasingActorPurgatoryTimeMs"] = {"1500", 4, false, false, "Time to keep client-actor displays in purgatory before letting go of them, if they were despawned"},
		["smoothUnitPhasingAliveTimeoutMs"] = {"3500", 4, false, false, "Time to wait for an alive unit to get it's despawn message"},
		["smoothUnitPhasingDestroyedPurgatoryTimeMs"] = {"750", 4, false, false, "Time to keep unit displays in purgatory before letting go of them, if they were destroyed"},
		["smoothUnitPhasingDistThreshold"] = {"0.25", 4, false, false, "Distance threshold to active smooth unit phasing."},
		["smoothUnitPhasingEnableAlive"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Use units that have not despawn yet if they match, in hopes the despawn message will come later."},
		["smoothUnitPhasingUnseenPurgatoryTimeMs"] = {"1000", 4, false, false, "Time to keep unit displays in purgatory before letting go of them, if they were just unseen."},
		["smoothUnitPhasingVehicleExtraTimeoutMs"] = {"1000", 4, false, false, "Extra time to wait before releasing a vehicle, after it has smooth phased. This allows it's passengers to smooth phase as well."},
		["sortDiskReads"] = {"0", 0, false, false, "Sort async disk reads to minimize seeks (requires restart)"},
		["soulbindsActivatedTutorial"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Bitfield for tutorializing activating soulbinds"},
		["soulbindsLandingPageTutorial"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Boolean indicating if the landing page tutorial has been completed."},
		["soulbindsViewedTutorial"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Bitfield for tutorializing viewing soulbinds trees"},
		["Sound_AllyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff"] = {"", 7, false, false, "The cutoff value to use for the Highpass filter on the Ally Player bus (default 80 Hz)"},
		["Sound_AlternateListener"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "When enabled, calculates listener forward by simply using the camera's yaw value, instead of a vector from camera position to listener position"},
		["Sound_AmbienceHighpassDSPCutoff"] = {"", 7, false, false, "The cutoff value to use for the Highpass filter on the Ambience bus (default 100 Hz)"},
		["Sound_AmbienceVolume"] = {"0.6", 5, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_DialogVolume"] = {"1.0", 7, false, false, "Dialog Volume (0.0 to 1.0)"},
		["Sound_DSPBufferSize"] = {"0", 7, false, false, "sound buffer size, default 0"},
		["Sound_EnableAllSound"] = {"1", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_EnableAmbience"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "Enable Ambience"},
		["Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForOthers"] = {"1", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForSelf"] = {"1", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_EnableDialog"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "all dialog"},
		["Sound_EnableDSPEffects"] = {"1", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_EnableEmoteSounds"] = {"1", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_EnableErrorSpeech"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "error speech"},
		["Sound_EnableMixMode2"] = {"0", 7, false, false, "test"},
		["Sound_EnableMusic"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "Enables music"},
		["Sound_EnablePetBattleMusic"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "Enables music in pet battles"},
		["Sound_EnablePetSounds"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "Enables pet sounds"},
		["Sound_EnablePositionalLowPassFilter"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "Environmental effect to make sounds duller behind you or far away"},
		["Sound_EnableReverb"] = {"1", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_EnableSFX"] = {"1", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_EnableSoundWhenGameIsInBG"] = {"0", 7, false, false, "Enable Sound When Game Is In Background"},
		["Sound_EnemyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff"] = {"", 7, false, false, "The cutoff value to use for the Highpass filter on the Enemy Player bus (default 80 Hz)"},
		["Sound_ListenerAtCharacter"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "lock listener at character"},
		["Sound_MasterVolume"] = {"1.0", 7, false, false, "master volume (0.0 to 1.0)"},
		["Sound_MaxCacheableSizeInBytes"] = {"174762", 7, false, false, "Max sound size that will be cached, larger files will be streamed instead"},
		["Sound_MaxCacheSizeInBytes"] = {"134217728", 7, false, false, "Max cache size in bytes"},
		["Sound_MusicVolume"] = {"0.4", 5, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_NPCHighpassDSPCutoff"] = {"", 7, false, false, "The cutoff value to use for the Highpass filter on the NPC bus (default 80 Hz)"},
		["Sound_NumChannels"] = {"64", 7, false, false, "number of sound channels"},
		["Sound_OutputDriverIndex"] = {"0", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_OutputDriverName"] = {"Primary Sound Driver", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_OutputSampleRate"] = {"44100", 7, false, false, "output sample rate"},
		["Sound_SFXVolume"] = {"1.0", 7, false, false, "sound volume (0.0 to 1.0)"},
		["Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverIndex"] = {"0", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverName"] = {"Primary Sound Capture Driver", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverIndex"] = {"0", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverName"] = {"Primary Sound Driver", 7, false, false, ""},
		["Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay"] = {"0", 7, false, false, ""},
		["SoundPerf_VariationCap"] = {"32", 7, false, false, "Limit sound kit variations to cut down on memory usage and disk thrashing on 32-bit machines"},
		["SpawnRegion"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["specular"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Specular lighting multiplier (0-1)"},
		["speechToText"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Allows enabling transcription on a voice channel in order to see written text based on the words spoken by other players"},
		["spellActivationOverlayOpacity"] = {"0.65", 4, true, false, "The opacity of the Spell Activation Overlays (a.k.a. Spell Alerts)"},
		["spellBookSort"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["spellClutter"] = {"-1", 1, false, false, "Cull unimportant spell effects. -1 means auto based on targetFPS otherwise [0-100], 0 means cull nothing for perf reasons, 100 means cull as much as you can"},
		["SpellCooldownDebugger"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["SpellEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["SpellOverrides"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["SpellQueueWindow"] = {"400", 4, true, false, "Sets how early you can pre-activate/queue a spell/ability. (In Milliseconds)"},
		["SpellScriptEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["SpellTargeting"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["splashScreenBoost"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Show boost splash screen id "},
		["splashScreenNormal"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Show normal splash screen id"},
		["splashScreenSeason"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "Show season splash screen id"},
		["SplineOpt"] = {"1", 0, false, false, "toggles use of spline coll optimization"},
		["SSAO"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion"},
		["ssaoMagicNormals"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "SSAO Use combined GBuffer and face normals; attempts to get the best compromise for architecture, foliage, and characters"},
		["ssaoMagicThresholdHigh"] = {"50", 1, false, false, "SSAO High threshold for transitioning from gbuffer to face normal (degrees)"},
		["ssaoMagicThresholdLow"] = {"25", 1, false, false, "SSAO Low threshold for transitioning from gbuffer to face normal (degrees)"},
		["SSAOType"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion Type"},
		["statusText"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether the status bars show numeric health/mana values"},
		["statusTextDisplay"] = {"NONE", 4, true, false, "Whether numeric health/mana values are shown as raw values or percentages, or both"},
		["stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Whether to stop attacking when changing targets"},
		["streamingCameraLookAheadTime"] = {"2000", 1, false, false, "Look ahead time for streaming."},
		["streamingCameraMaxRadius"] = {"250", 1, false, false, "Max radius of the streaming camera."},
		["streamingCameraRadius"] = {"100", 1, false, false, "Base radius of the streaming camera."},
		["streamStatusMessage"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to display status messages while streaming content"},
		["sunShafts"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "SunShafts"},
		["superTrackerDist"] = {"0.75", 4, true, false, ""},
		["synchronizeBindings"] = {"1", 5, false, false, ""},
		["synchronizeChatFrames"] = {"1", 5, false, false, ""},
		["synchronizeConfig"] = {"1", 5, false, false, ""},
		["synchronizeMacros"] = {"1", 5, false, false, ""},
		["synchronizeSettings"] = {"1", 5, false, false, "Whether client settings should be stored on the server"},
		["taintLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Whether taint logging is enabled"},
		["talentFrameShown"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "The talent UI has been shown"},
		["talentPointsSpent"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "The player has spent a talent point"},
		["targetFPS"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Set target FPS. Dynamic actions will be taken if you fall below the FPS target"},
		["TargetNearestUseNew"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Use new 7.2 'nearest target' functionality (Set to 0 for 6.x style tab targeting)"},
		["TargetPriorityCombatLock"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "1=Lock to in-combat targets when starting from an in-combat target. 2=Further restrict to in-combat with player."},
		["TargetPriorityCombatLockContextualRelaxation"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "1=Enables relaxation of combat lock based on context (eg. no in-combat target infront)"},
		["TargetPriorityCombatLockHighlight"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "1=Lock to in-combat targets when starting from an in-combat target. 2=Further restrict to in-combat with player. (while doing hold-to-target)"},
		["TargetPriorityPvp"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "When in pvp, give higher priority to players and important pvp targets (1 = players & npc bosses, 2 = all pvp targets, 3 = players only)"},
		["TargetPriorityValueBank"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Selects the active targeting values bank for calculating target priority order"},
		["telemetryTargetPackage"] = {"Blizzard.Telemetry.Wow_Mainline", 5, false, false, "The Package we want to send telemetry to e.g. Wow_Mainline or Wow_Classic"},
		["teleportMaxNoLoadDist"] = {"200", 1, false, false, "Max teleport distanace without preload"},
		["terrainLodDist"] = {"400", 5, false, false, "Terrain level of detail distance"},
		["TerrainLodDiv"] = {"768", 5, false, false, "Terrain lod divisor"},
		["terrainMipLevel"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Terrain blend map mip level"},
		["test_cameraDynamicPitch"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraDynamicPitchBaseFovPad"] = {"0.4", 5, false, false, "Fraction of screen height to keep feet below"},
		["test_cameraDynamicPitchBaseFovPadDownScale"] = {"0.25", 5, false, false, "Strength of dynamic pitch when looking down"},
		["test_cameraDynamicPitchBaseFovPadFlying"] = {"0.75", 5, false, false, "Fraction of screen height to keep character below when able to fly"},
		["test_cameraDynamicPitchSmartPivotCutoffDist"] = {"10", 5, false, false, "Dynamic pitch disables Smart Pivot within this camera distance"},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementDeadZone"] = {"0.015", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementFirstPersonDampRate"] = {"20", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementMovingDampRate"] = {"10", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementMovingStrength"] = {"0.5", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementRangeScale"] = {"5", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementStandingDampRate"] = {"10", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementStandingStrength"] = {"0.3", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraHeadMovementStrength"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraOverShoulder"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraTargetFocusEnemyEnable"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraTargetFocusEnemyStrengthPitch"] = {"0.4", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraTargetFocusEnemyStrengthYaw"] = {"0.5", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraTargetFocusInteractEnable"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraTargetFocusInteractStrengthPitch"] = {"0.75", 5, false, false, ""},
		["test_cameraTargetFocusInteractStrengthYaw"] = {"1.0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["textLocale"] = {"", 4, false, false, "Set the game locale for text"},
		["textToSpeech"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Reads chat text out loud using the voice text to speech system based on the selected options"},
		["textureFilteringMode"] = {"5", 1, false, false, "Texture filtering mode"},
		["threatPlaySounds"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether or not to sounds when certain threat transitions occur"},
		["threatShowNumeric"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether or not to show numeric threat on the target and focus frames"},
		["threatWarning"] = {"3", 4, false, true, "Whether or not to show threat warning UI (0 = off, 1 = in dungeons, 2 = in party/raid, 3 = always)"},
		["threatWorldText"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether or not to show threat floaters in combat"},
		["timeMgrAlarmEnabled"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Toggles whether or not the time manager's alarm will go off"},
		["timeMgrAlarmMessage"] = {"", 4, true, false, "The time manager's alarm message"},
		["timeMgrAlarmTime"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "The time manager's alarm time in minutes"},
		["timeMgrUseLocalTime"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Toggles the use of either the realm time or your system time"},
		["timeMgrUseMilitaryTime"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Toggles the display of either 12 or 24 hour time"},
		["timingMethod"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Desired method for game timing"},
		["timingTestError"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Error reported by the timing validation system"},
		["toastDuration"] = {"4", 4, true, false, "How long to display toast windows, in seconds"},
		["toyBoxCollectedFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which collected filters are applied in the toybox"},
		["toyBoxExpansionFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which expansion filters are applied in the toybox"},
		["toyBoxSourceFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which source filters are applied in the toybox"},
		["trackedAchievements"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Internal cvar for saving tracked achievements in order"},
		["trackedQuests"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Internal cvar for saving automatically tracked quests in order"},
		["trackedWorldQuests"] = {"", 4, false, true, "Internal cvar for saving automatically tracked world quests"},
		["trackQuestSorting"] = {"top", 4, true, false, "Whether to sort the last tracked quest to the top of the quest tracker or use proximity sorting"},
		["transmogCurrentSpecOnly"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Stores whether transmogs apply to current spec instead of all specs"},
		["transmogrifyShowCollected"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show collected transmogs in the at the transmogrifier"},
		["transmogrifyShowUncollected"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether to show uncollected transmogs in the at the transmogrifier"},
		["transmogrifySourceFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which source filters are applied in the  wardrobe at the transmogrifier"},
		["TTSUseCharacterSettings"] = {"1", 5, false, true, "If character-specific TTS settings are being used."},
		["TurnSpeed"] = {"180", 5, false, false, "Set the keyboard turn rate in degrees per second; capped by the server"},
		["twitterGetConfigTime"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Last time that we got Twitter configuration data successfully"},
		["twitterShortUrlLength"] = {"23", 4, false, false, "Number of characters that non-https URLS get shortened to"},
		["twitterShortUrlLengthHttps"] = {"23", 4, false, false, "Number of characters that https URLS get shortened to"},
		["UberTooltips"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Show verbose tooltips"},
		["uiScale"] = {"1.0", 4, false, false, "The current UI scale"},
		["uiScaleMultiplier"] = {"-1", 4, false, false, "A multiplier for the default UI scale. -1=determine based on system/monitor DPI, 0.5-2.0=multiplier to use when calculating UI scale. Only applied when useUIScale is 0."},
		["unitClutter"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Enables/Disables unit clutter"},
		["unitClutterInstancesOnly"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Whether or not to use unit clutter in instances only (0 or 1)"},
		["unitClutterPlayerThreshold"] = {"10", 4, false, false, "The number of players that have to be nearby to trigger unit clutter"},
		["UnitEnterCombatLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["unitFacingPlayerDeadZoneDeg"] = {"60", 4, false, false, "Degrees outside a unit's default facing a player has to be for the unit to face them on interact"},
		["UnitNameEnemyGuardianName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameEnemyMinionName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameEnemyPetName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameEnemyPlayerName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameEnemyTotemName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameForceHideMinus"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameFriendlyGuardianName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameFriendlyMinionName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameFriendlyPetName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameFriendlyPlayerName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameFriendlySpecialNPCName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameFriendlyTotemName"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameGuildTitle"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameHostleNPC"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameInteractiveNPC"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameNonCombatCreatureName"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameNPC"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNameOwn"] = {"0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNamePlayerGuild"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle"] = {"1", 4, true, false, ""},
		["unitsLookAtPlayers"] = {"1", 4, false, false, "Enables units turning their head to look at players"},
		["useCompactPartyFrames"] = {"0", 4, false, true, "Use the new raid frames for parties"},
		["useHighResolutionUITextures"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Whether to use high resolution UI Textures"},
		["useIPv6"] = {"0", 6, false, false, "Enable the usage of IPv6 sockets"},
		["useUiScale"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "Whether or not the UI scale should be used"},
		["VerboseSpellScriptEventLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["videoOptionsVersion"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Video options version"},
		["videoOptionsVersionDefault"] = {"0", 1, false, false, ""},
		["violenceLevel"] = {"2", 4, true, false, "Sets the violence level of the game"},
		["VoiceChatMasterVolumeScale"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "Voice Chat audio ducking, applied as a scale to the game's master volume when somebody is speaking in voice chat"},
		["VoiceCommunicationMode"] = {"0", 7, true, false, "Which communication mode to use for voice chat: push-to-talk, open mic, etc..."},
		["VoiceEnableWhenGameIsInBG"] = {"1", 7, false, false, "Enable Voice Chat when game is in background"},
		["VoiceInputDevice"] = {"", 7, false, false, "Which deviceID you would like to use to pick up the sound of your wonderful voice, usually a microphone of some kind, empty string is system default"},
		["VoiceInputVolume"] = {"50", 7, false, false, "The gain applied to your microphone, helps change your speaking volume from other users' perspectives, larger values are louder."},
		["VoiceOutputDevice"] = {"", 7, false, false, "Which deviceID you would like to use to transmit the sound of other users' wonderful voices, usually a speakers of some kind, empty string is system default"},
		["VoiceOutputVolume"] = {"50", 7, false, false, "The volume of incoming voice chat, how loud other users' voices sound"},
		["VoicePushToTalkKeybind"] = {"`", 7, true, false, "Push to talk key"},
		["VoiceSelfDeafened"] = {"0", 7, false, false, "Voice Chat Self Deafened"},
		["VoiceSelfMuted"] = {"0", 7, false, false, "Voice Chat Self Muted"},
		["VoiceVADSensitivity"] = {"43", 7, false, false, "How sensitive voice activity detection is.  Value ranges from 0 to 100, smaller values will transmit at a lower noise threshold."},
		["volumeFog"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Volume Fog"},
		["volumeFogInterior"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Volume Fog Interiors"},
		["volumeFogLevel"] = {"2", 1, false, false, "Volume Fog Level (0-3)"},
		["vrsParticles"] = {"", 1, false, false, "Render scale like effect for particles. Only used if lots of particles are on screen"},
		["vrsWorldGeo"] = {"", 1, false, false, "Render scale like effect for terrain, buildings and liquids"},
		["vsync"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "vsync on or off"},
		["wardrobeSetsFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which transmog sets filters are applied in the wardrobe in the collection journal"},
		["wardrobeShowCollected"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show collected transmogs in the wardrobe"},
		["wardrobeShowUncollected"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether to show uncollected transmogs in the wardrobe"},
		["wardrobeSourceFilters"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Bitfield for which source filters are applied in the wardrobe in the collection journal"},
		["watchFrameBaseAlpha"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Objectives frame opacity."},
		["watchFrameIgnoreCursor"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Disables Objectives frame mouseover and title dropdown."},
		["watchFrameState"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Stores Objectives frame locked and collapsed states"},
		["waterDetail"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Water surface detail"},
		["weatherDensity"] = {"2", 5, false, false, ""},
		["webChallengeURLTimeout"] = {"60", 5, false, false, "How long to wait for the web challenge URL (in seconds). 0 means wait forever."},
		["whisperMode"] = {"popout", 4, true, false, "The action new whispers take by default: \"popout\", \"inline\", \"popout_and_inline\""},
		["wholeChatWindowClickable"] = {"1", 4, true, false, "Whether the user may click anywhere on a chat window to change EditBox focus (only works in IM style)"},
		["windowResizeLock"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "prevent resizing in windowed mode"},
		["wmoDoodadDist"] = {"2000", 1, false, false, "Wmo doodad load distance"},
		["wmoLodDist"] = {"300", 5, false, false, "Wmo level of detail distance"},
		["wmoLodDistScale"] = {"1.0f", 1, false, false, "Wmo level of detail distance scale"},
		["wmoPortalMinScreenSize"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "Wmo portal min screen size"},
		["WorldActionsLog"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["worldBaseMip"] = {"0", 1, false, false, "World texture base mip"},
		["worldEntityLinkMode"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Entity link mode"},
		["worldLoadSort"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Sort objects by distance when loading"},
		["worldMaxMipLevel"] = {"12", 1, false, false, "World maximum texture mip level"},
		["worldPreloadHighResTextures"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Require high res textures to be loaded in streaming non critical radius when preloading"},
		["worldPreloadNonCritical"] = {"2", 1, false, false, "Require objects to be loaded in streaming non critical radius when preloading"},
		["worldPreloadNonCriticalTimeout"] = {"45", 1, false, false, "World preload time (in seconds) when non-critical items are automatically ignored"},
		["worldPreloadSort"] = {"1", 1, false, false, "Sort objects by distance when preloading"},
		["worldQuestFilterAnima"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, world quests with anima rewards will be shown on the map"},
		["worldQuestFilterArtifactPower"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, world quests with artifact power rewards will be shown on the map"},
		["worldQuestFilterEquipment"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, world quests with equipment rewards will be shown on the map"},
		["worldQuestFilterGold"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, world quests with gold rewards will be shown on the map"},
		["worldQuestFilterProfessionMaterials"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, world quests with profession material rewards will be shown on the map"},
		["worldQuestFilterReputation"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, world quests with reputation rewards will be shown on the map"},
		["worldQuestFilterResources"] = {"1", 4, false, true, "If enabled, world quests with order resource rewards or war resource rewards will be shown on the map"},
		["WorldTextCritScreenY"] = {"0.0275", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextGravity"] = {"0.5", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextNonRandomZ"] = {"2.5", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextRampDuration"] = {"1.0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextRampPow"] = {"1.9", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextRampPowCrit"] = {"8.0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextRandomXY"] = {"0.0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextRandomZMax"] = {"1.5", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextRandomZMin"] = {"0.8", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextScale"] = {"1.0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextScreenY"] = {"0.015", 4, true, false, ""},
		["WorldTextStartPosRandomness"] = {"1.0", 4, true, false, ""},
		["worldViewCullMaxJobs"] = {"32", 1, false, false, "Maximum job threads for culling"},
		["xpBarText"] = {"0", 4, true, false, "Whether the XP bar shows the numeric experience value"},
	command = {
		-- command = category, help
		["ActionCam"] = {4, ""},
		["clear"] = {2, "Clears the console buffer"},
		["clearSeenCustomizationChoices"] = {4, ""},
		["closeconsole"] = {2, "Closes the Console window"},
		["cvar_default"] = {5, "Set the value of a CVar to its coded default value"},
		["cvar_reset"] = {5, "Set the value of a CVar to its startup value"},
		["cvarlist"] = {5, "List CVars"},
		["D3D11"] = {1, ""},
		["D3D11_LEGACY"] = {1, ""},
		["D3D12"] = {1, ""},
		["DefragmentGPU"] = {1, "Defragment suballocated GPU resources"},
		["enable"] = {2, "Enable the console with \"/console enable\" in the chat window. This is the same as launching the client with -console"},
		["fontcolor"] = {2, "[ColorClassName] [Red 0-255] [Green 0-255] [Blue 0-255]"},
		["fontsize"] = {2, "[10-50] arbitrary font size"},
		["FrameBufferCacheGpuFootprint"] = {1, ""},
		["GamePadListDevices"] = {4, "List all connected GamePad devices in the console"},
		["GetSwapChainSize"] = {1, ""},
		["GetWindowSize"] = {1, ""},
		["GxCurrentAPI"] = {1, ""},
		["GxCurrentGPU"] = {1, ""},
		["GxFrameStats"] = {1, "Get Engine Frame Stats"},
		["GxGetVideoMemory"] = {1, ""},
		["GxIsPrism"] = {1, ""},
		["GxListGPUs"] = {1, ""},
		["GxLogFlush"] = {1, ""},
		["GxLogFullGPUInfo"] = {1, ""},
		["GxRestart"] = {1, ""},
		["help"] = {2, "Provides help information about a command."},
		["logout"] = {5, ""},
		["ObjUsage"] = {4, ""},
		["physCreateForceField"] = {0, ""},
		["physCulling"] = {0, ""},
		["physCullingDist"] = {0, ""},
		["physDraw"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawBroadphase"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawCenterOfMass"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawContacts"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawDMStats"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawFixtures"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawJoints"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawStats"] = {0, ""},
		["physDrawTransparent"] = {0, ""},
		["physEnable"] = {0, ""},
		["physEnableVegOverrides"] = {0, "Toggles physics vegetation cvars for tuning vegetation physics simulation etc."},
		["physReset"] = {0, ""},
		["physVegMinPushDist"] = {0, "Squared distance the unit must be within from the bone to begin pushing it."},
		["physVegPosMaxPush"] = {0, "Maximum distance in yards a bone can be pushed from its base position before being clamped."},
		["physVegPosPushAmt"] = {0, "Distance per frame in yards the bone is pushed while a unit moves along the push direction, scaled by delta time."},
		["physVegPosRelaxSpeed"] = {0, "Speed at which the bone will return to rest once the unit leaves the volume, or crosses the max push threshold."},
		["physVegVelMaxPush"] = {0, "Max distance the bone can be pushed additionally when a unit has velocity while moving in the veg, pushed along the units vel direction."},
		["physVegVelSpeed"] = {0, "Speed at which the bone moves along the velocity direction when a unit has move while within the veg."},
		["pitchLimit"] = {4, ""},
		["quit"] = {5, ""},
		["reloadUI"] = {1, "Reloads the user interface"},
		["repeat"] = {2, "Repeats a command [repeat <count> <command> <args ...>]"},
		["ResetChallengeMode"] = {5, ""},
		["set"] = {5, "Set the value of a CVar"},
		["SetDifficulty"] = {5, ""},
		["SetGraphicsQuality"] = {1, ""},
		["SetGraphicsQualityRAID"] = {1, ""},
		["ShowObjUsage"] = {4, ""},
		["showPlayer"] = {1, ""},
		["spectate"] = {4, "Spectate <CharName-Realm> - Begin commentator view of specified player's instance party.  Exclude name to exit spectator mode"},
		["TakeScreenshot"] = {1, ""},
		["timingInfo"] = {0, ""},
		["ToggleWindowMode"] = {1, ""},
		["UpdatePOI"] = {4, "Updates Quest POI from User Server"},
		["UpdateWindow"] = {1, ""},
		["ver"] = {5, ""},
		["whois"] = {0, "Ask the server to do an account/real name lookup on a character name"},

local PTR = {
	var = {
		["agentLogLevel"] = {"1", 0, false, false, "Logging level for agent (0, 1, 2)"},
		["debugAllocSingleBlade"] = {"", 5, false, false, "At startup only, choose a single blade such as a CSI peer to have debug allocators"},
		["debugAllocTrackStacktrace"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Whether to track the stacktrace for each debug allocation"},
		["debugLog0"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["debugLog1"] = {"0", 5, false, false, ""},
		["debugLog2"] = {"0", 4, false, false, "CVar for debugging"},
		["ErrorFileLog"] = {"0", 0, false, false, ""},
		["useDebugAllocators"] = {"0", 5, false, false, "Should we use debug allocators (level: 0, 1, 2)"},
	command = {
		["HeapUsage"] = {4, ""},
		["HeapUsage2"] = {4, ""},
		["HeapUsage3"] = {4, ""},
		["logWowConnections"] = {6, ""},
		["MemTimings"] = {4, ""},
		["memTypeUsage"] = {2, "Shows memory usage by category"},
		["MemUsage"] = {4, ""},
		["MemUsageDetailed"] = {4, ""},

return {CVars, PTR}