Mix, Mingle, and Meddle

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VenthyrMix, Mingle, and Meddle
Start The Countess
End The Countess
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Venthyr Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] An Invitation to Treachery, N [60] "Accidental" Arson, and N [60] Beautiful, But Deadly
Next N [60] Enacting Immediate Justice


Attend the Countess's soiree and speak with guests to uncover the traitorous house.

  • Duskmire Elixir consumed
  • Attendees questioned (10)
  • Meet the Countess on the steps of Redelav Tower.
  •  [Duskmire Elixir] (provided)


Once the party begins, I will be occupied with a plethora of nobles that wish to cling to my side.

This is why I need you to mingle. Speak with the attendees and see if you can determine which house is conspiring against me.

Be warned, invited guest or not, these aristocrats can smell an outsider. You won't receive a warm welcome from everyone.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


One among my guests is the traitor. I need you to find out who.


Have you identified the traitorous house?


Speaking to any of the nobles, you have the option to ask 'Are you enjoying yourself'. Noble names here are used as examples.

  • Yes, what is it?
  • Can I help you?
  • Did you need something?
  • What do you need?
Gossip Are you enjoying yourself?
  • Duchess Odeta says: Yes, I am, thank you. It's rare that I get invited to these sorts of things.
  • Lord Vasile says: I'm here for business, not pleasure. Now excuse me please, I'm supposed to be meeting someone.
  • Sir Nandu says: I'd rather be at home with my cat. Have you seen Lord Andrei? He should have been here by now.
  • Duchess Minodora says: About as much as I enjoy a dagger to the eye. Soon, we won't have to endure these self-indulgent soirees.
  • Duke Omor says: Not really, but you won't tell will you? Lord Andrei is usually the life of the party, but I haven't seen him anywhere.
  • Lady Ivona says: This display of excess disgusts me. Does The Countess really think she can control us with these parties?
  • Sir Toma says: I've attended better parties. Did Lord Andrei send you? Never mind, just go away.
  • Sir Vilhelm says: How could I not be when I'm among the most prominent venthyr in all of Revendreth!
  • Lady Oana says: How dare you speak to me!
  • Lady Lerae says: Your presence is ruining this party!
  • Duke Vlad says: You do not belong here!
<Name> engages you in combat.

If your potion wears out the guests will say one of the following:

  • How dare you speak to me!
  • Who let you in?
  • I don't waste my words on mortals. Be gone!
Approaching the Countess at any point during the quest
The Countess says: I hope you are not enjoying my hospitality too much, there is work to be done, after all.


  1. N [60] Medallion of Desire
  2. N [60] An Estate Within the Old Gate
  3. N [60] The Key to Rebuilding and N [60] Reestablishing the Household
  4. N [60] Reclaiming Thornhill Manor
  5. N [60] A Discreet Entrance
  6. N [60] A Meal and A Deal
  7. N [60] Killing the Messenger
  8. N [60] An Invitation to Treachery, N [60] "Accidental" Arson, and N [60] Beautiful, But Deadly
  9. N [60] Mix, Mingle, and Meddle
  10. N [60] Enacting Immediate Justice
  11. N [60] Neither Enemy nor Ally

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