Mission: Aerial Threat

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NeutralMission: Aerial Threat
Start Sho
End Sho
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 23,600 XP
Rewards 19g 98s 50c


Kill 12 Cliff Kites.


I've identified another high risk target, one that most people would not suspect.

The cliff kites soaring above the hills to the east are quite dangerous.

I have seen them swooping down to the farms, snatching grain and seed when no one is looking.

In order to protect the farms, we must thin their numbers.


You will receive: 19g 98s 50c


How goes the mission?


I knew you would carry out the mission without any problems. Well done, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 236,000 XP
  • +3,750 reputation with Sho

Patch changes

External links