Misplaced Faith

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NeutralMisplaced Faith
Start Wayne the Ancestral
End Wayne the Ancestral
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] The Weight of My Ambition
Next N [50] Indefatigable Purpose


Use the Cleansing Thurible to purge 13 sources of corruption.


The air is foul with corruption. It must be dealt with.

The tidesages were fools, and I a fool to trust them. Belief in their god to perform miracles and deliver us from our folly. Nevertheless, their methods did serve to drive back the foul presence from these cliffs.

A simple censer, loaded with select powders and oils. The vapors produce an effect that expels the miasma, if only for a time.

Perhaps their ineffectual gesticulation will finally serve a purpose.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


I can smell the pungent stench from here.


The foul odor is dispersed. Perhaps reality can once more take root in this place.


The spots of corruption are tracked on your minimap. There are clusters of two in each cave, but there should be enough around outside so that you can avoid the caves altogether.

  • The next quest will become available anytime between one to three days.


  1. N [50] Ruin Has Come
  2. N [50] Flush Them Out
  3. N [50] Despondent Ablutions
  4. N [50] Trinkets and Baubles
  5. N [50] The Weight of My Ambition
  6. N [50] Misplaced Faith
  7. N [50] Indefatigable Purpose
  8. N [50] Malign Inspiration
  9. N [50] A Mote of Cosmic Truth

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