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Memories of Ebonchill

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NeutralMemories of Ebonchill
Start Old Fillmaff
End Old Fillmaff
Level 10-45 (Requires 10)
Category Artifact
Class Mage Mage
Experience 15,210
Rewards  [Glittering Memento]
15g 80s
Previous N Mage [10-45] The Mage Hunter


Find a Reflection of the Council of Tirisfal in Dalaran City. Speak with one to receive his or her wisdom.


Is that Ebonchill you've got there? Alodi's old staff? My my my... <Cough>

In the days of the first guardian, all the members of the Council of Tirisfal granted their powers to the young mage in the hopes that he could overcome the Legion. <Wheeze> None of them are alive today... but that staff of yours remembers.

Search the streets of Dalaran below for reflections of the former council members. Their memories may empower you as they once did Alodi. Seek them out and speak with one!


You will receive: 15g 80s

Archaeology 5 0 mogucoin.png [Glittering Memento]


Seek out the memories of the former Council members. None are here in the upper floors of the tower, and none would be in the sewers. <Cough> Check the public squares, the inns, the lower floors of the tower, the streets... A sharp eye is your ally.


Ah, your eyes gleam with newfound knowledge, <name>.

That staff of yours has seen the passing of many mortal lifetimes.  It can teach you a great many things, if you're willing to listen.

As for its memories... they may be unreliable. You may find a different reflection haunts the streets of Dalaran each day. I leave it to you to find them all.


One of seven possible characters spawn:


Blinks gossip upon spawn

<The gnome flickers in the corner of your consciousness, a half-remembered shade form another time. His face lights up when he sees the staff in your hands.>

Is it time, Alodi? Is your staff ready?

Gossip I seek the wisdom of the council.

The player receives The Council's Wisdom.
Ginger Blockgear says: I wonder who painted this? It's incredible!
Blinks gossip after receiving the buff

<The shadowy figure glimmers in the corner of your eye like a shade from a forgotten time. He does not react to your presence.>

Vyrin Ethrezil

Vyrin gossip text

<A half-remembered shadow lurks in the rear of the tavern, nosing through scrolls. The high-elf is a memory from another time. He recognizes your staff and greets you as an equal.>

The moment of truth arrives. Are you ready, Alodi? Are you certain that you can handle so much power?

Gossip I seek the wisdom of the council.
Vryin Ethrezil says: In time we must all face our demons. Better you than me.
Vyrin gossip after receiving the buff

<The shadowy figure glimmers in the corner of your eye like a shade from a forgotten time. He does not react to your presence.>

Eve Fredrickson

Eve gossip

<A shadowy figure sits peacefully in the park, like a half-forgotten memory of a long-dead figure from the past. She seems to recognize your staff and greets you warmly, believing you to be someone else.>

Hello Alodi, old friend! Join me, would you? One of life's most sublime pleasures is sitting in a park with a familiar old book.

I think I shall plant a sapling here, so that in the years to come mages can sit beneath the shade of a small tree.

Gossip I seek the wisdom of the council.
Eve Fredrickson says: I will help if I must. You've concentrated so much power into that staff - I worry what will become of you!
Eve gossip after recieving the buff

<The shadowy figure glimmers in the corner of your eye like a shade from a forgotten time. She does not react to your presence.>


Eldragosa gossip

<You see a great blue dragon, resting languidly atop the greenhouse. She seems to be a memory from your staff, Ebonchill, and not part of this world. To your surprise, the mighty creature turns to face you, speaking slowly:>

The great Alodi returns, seeking ever more power. Tell me, mage, has the Council considered the impact of granting so much magical energy to a single mortal, hmmmm?

And what if their beloved Guardian should ever betray them?

I will be watching you...

Gossip I seek the wisdom of the council.
Eldragosa says: So be it. Turn this great power against the foes of Tirisfal!
Eldragosa gossip after the buff

<Is that... a dragon, languidly resting atop the greenhouse? The creature is there, and simultaneously not. She seems to be a memory from your staff, Ebonchill, and not part of this world. A draconic advisor from a forgotten time.>

Fiora Ar'nareth

Fiora gossip

<A ghostly shade lingers in the citadel, a long-dead memory from Dalaran's past. The slender figure recognizes your staff and mistakes you for someone else. She lazily looks you over through half-lidded eyes.>

Archmage Alodi. You go to face Kathra'natir, then? The rest of the council ignores my warnings.

Very well. I will not stop your suicide. If you seek to add my power to yours, you need only ask.

<Fiora sips her wine, sadly, and does not look you in the eye.>

Gossip I seek the wisdom of the council.
Fiora Ar'nareth says: Very well. Make this count, mage.

"Fidge" Frostflash

Fidge gossip text

<A shadowy image of a gnome floats before you, a distant memory from the past. She is concentrating on a powerful spell, but mistakes you for someone else as you approach.>

Alodi! You've returned. Let me see that staff of yours. Yes, yes... I can help you, of course. But you should hear what the rest of the council is saying behind your back. You're lucky they need you.

Gossip I seek the wisdom of the council.
"Fidge" Frostflash says: I hope you know what you're doing. But if not... At least we're in for some fireworks. Good luck out there!
Fiora gossip after the buff

<The shadowy figure glimmers in the corner of your eye like a shade from a forgotten time. She does not react to your presence.>

Seanus Copeland

Seanus gossip text

<A ghostly figure rests on the stairway, a half-remembered shade from another time. He recognizes the staff you carry and nods towards you, grimly.>

You haven't changed your mind, Alodi? It doesn't trouble you that we're pouring all of our energy into that staff of yours?

Gossip I seek the wisdom of the council.
Seanus Copeland says: Very well, mage. I will do as you ask... but please, be careful. No mortal has ever possessed such power.
Eve gossip after recieving the buff

<The shadowy figure glimmers in the corner of your eye like a shade from a forgotten time. He does not react to your presence.>

Patch changes

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