Meet Number Two

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NeutralMeet Number Two
Start Handsome Terry
End Annie Bonn
Level 10-30
Category Howling Fjord
Experience 5050
Previous "Crowleg" Dan
Next N [10-30G3] The Jig is Up


Speak to Annie Bonn at Scalawag Point.


All the good work you've done for us hasn't gone unnoticed, <name>. Our second in command, the delightful Annie Bonn, is incredibly impressed with what you've done so far and wants to meet you.


Well, well, well. If it isn't <name>. You show up at Scalawag Point, no one's heard of you except some goblin friend of that half-wit Terry.

Let's just say I'm a bit... skeptical... of your intentions here.


She's in the building behind Terry, all the way up top.


  1. N [10-30] Forgotten Treasure
  2. N [10-30] The Fragrance of Money
  3. N [10-30] A Traitor Among Us
  4. N [10-30] Zeh'gehn Sez
  5. N [10-30] A Carver and a Croaker
  6. N [10-30] "Crowleg" Dan
  7. N [10-30] Meet Number Two
  8. N [10-30G3] The Jig is Up

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