Me Want Bite

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  • 5 Achievement points
  • Me Want Bite
  • Completely consume a Forbidden Flounder and live to tell the tale.

Me Want Bite is an exploration achievement earned by completely consuming a  [Forbidden Flounder] and live to tell the tale.


There are a many ways this can be achieved, but here are three ways that can be done by all classes:

  • Queue for a Follower Dungeon, take off all armor (this way the damage output isn't as much as it will be with a higher maximum health) and start eating. The healer NPC should be able to keep up with the damage output.
  • Go to the Cobalt Assembly, obtain the Arcane Bravery power and start eating.
  • Have a healer player, a group of healers, or an entire raid of healers to provide healing during the agonizing pain.

Patch changes

External links