Challenger Wuli

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HordeChallenger Wuli
Image of Challenger Wuli
Title <Challenge Dungeons>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 90
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shrine of Two Moons, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Alive

Challenger Wuli is a pandaren daily heroic quest giver located at the Shrine of Two Moons in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. He also sells class specific armor sets.


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 6.0.2.


Wuli sells every item found in each golden chest for 100g as long as the player earned the  [Challenge Conqueror: Gold] achievement.

Item Cost
 [Amice of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Belt of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Boots of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Boots of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Boots of the Howling Beast] 100g
 [Bracers of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Bracers of the Cycle] 100g
 [Bracers of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Bracers of the Golden King] 100g
 [Bracers of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Bracers of the Light] 100g
 [Bracers of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Bracers of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Branches of the Cycle] 100g
 [Chestguard of the Howling Beast] 100g
 [Chestguard of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Chestplate of the Golden King] 100g
 [Chestplate of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Chestwrap of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Cinch of the Howling Beast] 100g
 [Cord of the Light] 100g
 [Cowl of the Light] 100g
 [Crown of the Golden King] 100g
 [Crown of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Crown of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Gauntlets of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Girdle of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Girdle of the Golden King] 100g
 [Girdle of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Girdle of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Girdle of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Gloves of the Cycle] 100g
 [Gloves of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Gloves of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Grasps of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Greatbelt of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Greatboots of the Golden King] 100g
 [Greatboots of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Greathelm of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Greaves of the Golden King] 100g
 [Grips of the Howling Beast] 100g
 [Handguards of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Hands of the Light] 100g
 [Handwraps of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Helm of the Howling Beast] 100g
 [Hood of the Cycle] 100g
 [Hood of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Hood of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Horns of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Leggings of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Leggings of the Cycle] 100g
 [Leggings of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Leggings of the Light] 100g
 [Leggings of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Legguards of the Howling Beast] 100g
 [Legplates of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Legplates of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Legwraps of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Mantle of the Golden King] 100g
 [Pauldrons of the Light] 100g
 [Reach of the Golden King] 100g
 [Robes of the Betrayer] 100g
 [Robes of the Cycle] 100g
 [Robes of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Robes of the Light] 100g
 [Sandals of the Cycle] 100g
 [Shadowwrap of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Shoulderguards of the Howling Beast] 100g
 [Shoulderguards of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Shoulderguards of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Shoulderplate of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Spaulders of the Elemental Triad] 100g
 [Spaulders of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Steps of the Light] 100g
 [Tabi of the Silent Assassin] 100g
 [Treads of the Lich Lord] 100g
 [Treads of the Regal Lord] 100g
 [Waistguard of the Cycle] 100g
 [Windfury Belt] 100g
 [Windfury Bracers] 100g
 [Windfury Crushers] 100g
 [Windfury Harness] 100g
 [Windfury Legguards] 100g
 [Windfury Mask] 100g
 [Windfury Sandals] 100g
 [Windfury Spirit Guides] 100g
 [Wristguards of the Holy Warrior] 100g
 [Wristwraps of the Howling Beast] 100g



Greetings, <race>.

I can see from a glance that you are a great adventurer.

All across the land, there are dark crypts and vast palaces, all full of terrible and mighty enemies. They guard many secrets, but also... harbor great rewards.

The bravest of heroes may venture to attempt these encounters, but beware! You would be racing against time, as well as testing your skills against other heroes!

Are you up for the challenge?

Buy I would like to buy from you.


  • During the Mists of Pandaria beta, his name was Master Craftsman Wuli and his title was <Craftsmen Quartermaster>.[1] Though he couldn't be interacted with at the time, it was planned that players could buy items from him with Craftsmen Tokens,[2] which could be earned by helping certain reputation factions.

Patch changes

See also


External links