Challenger Soong

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AllianceChallenger Soong
Image of Challenger Soong
Title <Challenge Modes>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 35 / 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Summer Terrace, Shrine of Seven Stars
Status Alive

Challenger Soong is a pandaren located in the Summer Terrace in the Shrine of Seven Stars.

He is also seen in the Vale of Eternal Twilight.



Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 6.0.2.

Objective of


Greetings, <race>.
I can see from a glance that you are a great adventurer.
All across the land, there are dark crypts and vast palaces, all full of terrible and mighty enemies. They guard many secrets, but also... harbor great rewards.
The bravest of heroes may venture to attempt these encounters, but beware! You would be racing against time, as well as testing your skill against other heroes!
Are you up for the challenge?


Soong sells every item found in each golden chest for 100g as long as the player earned the  [Challenge Conqueror: Gold] achievement.


Master Craftsman Soong

During the beta, they were known as Master Craftsman Soong, had a different appearance, and sold items for a Craftsman Token currency.

Patch changes

See also

External links

Vale of Eternal Blossoms Vale of Eternal Twilight