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Mana Cascade

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Mana Cascade
Spell frost manarecharge.png
  • Mana Cascade
  • Row 2 Sunfury mage hero talent
  • Passive
  • Arcane Casting Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage grants you 1.0% Haste for 10 sec. Stacks up to 10 times. Multiple instances may overlap.

    Fire Consuming Hot Streak grants you 0.5% Haste for 10 sec. Multiple instances may overlap.
Class Mage
Talent required [Spellfire Spheres]
Other information
Affects [Clearcasting], [Hot Streak]
Related buffs
  • Mana Cascade
  • Haste increased by 1%
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • Max stacks: 10

  • Mana Cascade
  • Haste increased by 0.5%
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • Max stacks: 10

Mana Cascade is a Sunfury hero talent for mages.


In alpha it was called Mana Addiction.

Patch changes

External links