Major Troll's Blood Elixir

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  • Major Troll's Blood Elixir
  • Use: Regenerate 12 health every 5 sec for 1 hour.  Guardian Elixir.
  • Requires Level 12
  • Sell Price: 1s 5c
Inv potion 168.png This consumable is classified in-game as a Guardian Elixir and will not stack with other Guardian Elixirs or Flasks.

Major Troll's Blood Elixir is a elixir that periodically restores health for an hour.


This elixir is made with Alchemy (180); taught once by Henry Stern in Razorfen Downs and still by  [Recipe: Major Troll's Blood Elixir].

Materials required:
Inv misc root 02.png 1x [Liferoot] Inv misc herb 01.png 1x [Bruiseweed]
Inv drink 06.png 1x [Leaded Vial]

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