Magatha's Payment to Jediga

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HordeMagatha's Payment to Jediga
Start Magatha Grimtotem
End Jediga
Level 52 (Requires 45)
Category Azshara
Experience 5500
Rewards 60s
Previous H [52] Delivery to Magatha


Deliver  [Magatha's Note] to Jediga in Azshara.


Take this note to Jediga. Tell her the payment will be here for her when she returns. And tell her I am pleased with her work.

Go swiftly, <name>. Tell your master I will be awaiting her here.


You will receive: 60s


Well, what did Magatha say? The old crone... I bet she was less than polite.


Ah, good. She was much more reasonable than I expected... at least towards you. I half expected her to have you punished for my insolence in sending someone in my place. She must really want that tablet. Interesting.

Something to ponder another time.

Patch changes


  1. H [52] Stealing Knowledge

External links