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Lumbering Away

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HordeLumbering Away
Start Secott the Goldsmith
End Secott the Goldsmith
Level 10-50
Category Mining
Rewards Mining Technique: Monelite Deposit (Rank 2)
Next H Mining [10-50] Insufferable Bloodsuckers


Collect 9 Pieces of Dry Firewood.


The hardwoods in dis jungle are dense enough dat dey rival coal in terms of how much heat a skilled miner can get out of dem.

The biggest problem using local timbers, however, is dat de jungle is always wet. If de wood is not stored properly, it takes weeks to dry out entirely.

I bring dis up because my forge is starting to run low on fuel.

Bring me some dry firewood to keep it going, and in exchange I will teach you a trick for mining monelite.


You will learn: Mining Technique: Monelite Deposit (Rank 2)


Have you got more wood for me?


Dis should do nicely.

Listen well for your reward: When you are mining monelite, do not just chip away at de rock. Instead, try using de pick to pierce de metal, and den peel all of it away from de rock.


  1. H Mining [10-50] Lumbering Away
  2. H Mining [10-50] Insufferable Bloodsuckers

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