Lorax's Tale

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NeutralLorax's Tale
Start Lorax
End Lorax
Level 60 (Requires 58)
Category Winterspring
Experience 650 EXP (or 3s 90c at level 70)
Next N [60D] The Demon Forge


Speak with Lorax. Listen to what he has to say.

  • Listen to Lorax's Tale


The Satyr paces about and talks to himself. Do you wish to question him?


You will receive:

  • 650 XP (or 3s 90c at level 70)




<Lorax laughs.>


Amir gul xi azrathud, karkun.
Gossip You will have to excuse me, Lorax, I do not speak 'crazy'.
Bite your tongue, <race>, lest I rip it from your skull case and use it as a horn warmer.
Gossip My apologies, I did not realize that you could understand what I was saying. What is it you are doing out here?
What it is that I do, of course. I brood. I lament. I hate, I plot. When that cycle is complete I brood again. What is it you want from me? I have much on my mind.
Gossip Do you? Perhaps you should tell me what it is that is bothering you.
<Lorax laughs>.
That is doubtful. I stand in these ruins and dream. Dream of the day I catch that miserable thief, Goraluk Anvilcrack.
We had a deal, him and I. A deal that he broke. Betrayed.
Gossip What deal?
I would teach him how to demon forge in exchange for his soul. The soul of a Blackrock orc is worth very little but in these trying times a soul, any soul, is better than none at all.
Gossip So how did he break the deal?
He took the  [Unforged Rune Covered Breastplate], used in the making of the demon forged breastplate and ran away without making payment. A fool, I am not, however...the unforged chestpiece is useless without knowledge or the recipe to apply said knowledge.
I wonder..does he sit safely in his city of Blackrock Spire and attempt to create the item from the raw material? I know he dare not leave!
Gossip Perhaps I can be of some assistance. I will make a deal with you, Satyr. I shall recover this unforged breastplate and slay the beast. In exchange for this task, you will teach me how to create the breastplate.


  1. N [60] Lorax's Tale
  2. N [60D] The Demon Forge

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