Logbook of Ur'dan

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Logbook of Ur'dan

Logbook of Ur'dan appears at Caer Darrow in Western Plaguelands during N Warlock [10-45] Finding the Scepter.[69.0, 77.6]


Logbook of Ur'dan

Caer Darrow Assets:
- 7 warlocks, middling ability
- 9 warriors, well equipped
- 4 months supplies

Unknown how long this will take. Jergosh getting very angry.

Tol Barad Expedition Assets:
- unknown number of forces
- Nagaz, bringing Argus Wake?
- Nightborne noble, brother to Athrikus? Uptight.
- unsure how long they will wait for success here

Tol Barad Obstacles:
- completely broken prison, inmates running around crazy
- uncontrolled demons, beasts, criminals
- exact location of Eye of Dalaran unknown, heavy scouting required

Patch changes

External links