Living Book

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  • Living Book
  • "This tome's cover looks like blue leather, but feels like... wait. That's not leather. The pages are... what is that? Is this book breathing?"
  • <Right Click to Read>
  • Sell Price: 1c
Living Book.

Living Book is found inside a random room of the Zskera Vaults. This is one of the criteria of  [Librarian of the Reach]. The  [Sentient Book] appears to be a somewhat abridged or modified version of this tome.


Living Book

OW! Who did that? Who just opened me up?

Oh... it's like someone grabbed the sides of my ribcage and tore it open!

Oooh, my spine!

Wait, someone's looking at me.

Someone has torn me open and is looking inside me.

Can they hear what I'm thinking? And how did I get here?

Hey! Hey you!

What are you looking at? Gods, why are you scrying my innards?

Oh, the pain!

How did you do that? Did you... turn something?

Maybe you shouldn't do that again. Please don't.


Please, I beg of you, close me. Close me! Just walk away!

I don't know how this happened, but I can feel... my life force... fading away.

Please don't do that weird thing you just did. Don't...


Oh, gods... my skin... my... cover?

Wait... I'm a book?

And I'm dying... and I am....

the denouement...

and demise....

i blame you

<The rest of the pages are blank>

Patch changes

See also

External links

Item Object