Lighting The Darkness

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NeutralLighting The Darkness
Start Gar'rok
End Gar'rok
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,930 experience
Rewards 15g


Use the Spirit Torch to light the Ceremonial Pyres within the Ancestral Grounds.


The spirits of my ancestors have always been drawn to the mountain of Oshu'gun. Now, I too feel this pull deep within my soul...but something is not right.

The presence that beckons us has grown dark and ominous. It consumes the souls of the dead, the souls of my ancestors, <name>.

Something must be done.

Take hold of the spirit torch and light the ceremonial pyres in the Ancestral Grounds.

The flame of the spirit torch upon the pyres will calm the restless spirits being drawn into the void.


Now that the flame of the spirit torch is upon the pyres, the spirits of my ancestors have been insulated from the call of the void within Oshu'gun.

However, more must still be done if the spirits here are to rest peacefully.


|You will also receive:

  • 15g
  • 14,930 XP

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