Light Punishment

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NeutralLight Punishment
Start Simone
End Simone
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Reputation +100 Court of Harvesters
Rewards 38g 25s 90c
Previous N [58-60] Moving Mirrors
Next N [58-60] Escaping the Master and N [58-60] We Need More Power


Free 5 Blistering Outcasts.


The reasons we were banished here differ, but our goal once we arrive is always the same--to avoid becoming ash.

The Shrouded control the areas shaded from Light. Those that trespass within their stronghold are made to suffer. Our flesh blisters and burns, yet we do not die. Instead, our minds descend into madness from the pain.

I do not claim to know the crimes of those trapped within the Light, but I know this is not the Maw. It is not our role to punish.

Free the others as you have freed me.


You will receive:


Penance, not punishment. It seems the Master has forgotten the difference.


You freed them, yes? Let us hope they found some small sliver of respite, where the Light cannot reach.


Just like before, click on three Mirror Traps with each outcast.

Blistering Outcast says: I will seek refuge in the shadows.
Blistering Outcast says: You are as capable as they say, Maw Walker.
Blistering Outcast says: I didn't deserve this...
Blistering Outcast says: My mind still sears...
Blistering Outcast says: Is the torment finally over?


  1. N [58-60] An Unfortunate Situation
  2. N [58-60] Foraging for Fragments
  3. N [58-60] Moving Mirrors
  4. N [58-60] Light Punishment and N [58-60] When Only Ash Remains
  5. N [58-60] Escaping the Master and N [58-60] We Need More Power
  6. N [58-60] Mirror Making, Not Breaking

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