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Let's Make A Deal

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NeutralLet's Make A Deal
Start Daglop
End Daglop
Level 10-45
Category Azsuna
Experience 11,100
Rewards 14g 60s
Previous N [10-45] Missing Demon
Next N [10-45] Minion! Kill Them!


Sign Daglop's contract.

  • Daglop's Contract Signed


Hey there!

You seem like a gullib- er... um... "intelligent" type.

I propose a deal.

I need a minion to be my muscle to help me acquire a few special... "ingredients" for a ritual.

In exchange, I'll give you my former master to do with whatever you demon-slaying types do with demons.

If you are interested, just sign here. In blood, please.


You will receive: 14g 60s


Yeah! Yeah! You read the contract? I made it myself. Really good binding clauses in there.


At last! A minion of my very own!



You can read the contract, flipping to the next page or the previous page, or sign it outright at anytime.

Gossip Read contract.
Gossip Sign contract in blood.

The contract starts with a large, flowing, vile looking script that, with each sentence gets smaller and smaller in its lettering. It begins:
Page 1:
"I, the undersigned, hereafter referred to as 'the second party,' do solemnly swear and agree to the terms set forth by Daglop Ravallash Driscol Blat, here after referred to as 'Daglop.'"

Gossip Flip to Page 2.
Gossip Sign contract in blood.

The contract continues in a progressively smaller font:
Page 2:
"These terms include the acquisition of materials required for the Ritual of Sharazaan, hereafter referred to as "the gig," and any extermination, elimination, assassination, or murderation of subjects, living or otherwise, that resist the afore mentioned assets required by the gig and Daglop."

Gossip Flip to Page 3.
Gossip Flip to Page 1.
Gossip Sign contract in blood.

The lettering is now nearly illegible:
Page 3:
"In exchange, Daglop agrees to provide the second party with a physically intangible source of fel-based energy for the infusing of one artifact of great power in said second party's possession, hereafter referred to as 'the reward.'"

Gossip Flip to Page 4.
Gossip Flip to Page 2.
Gossip Sign contract in blood.

"Upon completion of the gig, the aforementioned reward intended for the second party must be provided through direct source extraction from the third party, role to be filled by the target of-"
The lettering becomes so small at this point the words are effectively unreadable by mortal eyes.

Gossip Flip to Page 3.
Gossip Sign contract in blood.


  1. N [10-45] Missing Demon
  2. N [10-45] Let's Make A Deal
  3. N [10-45] Minion! Kill Them!
  4. N [10-45] This IS In My Contract.

Patch changes

External links