Legacy of Stone

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NeutralLegacy of Stone
Start Scuffs
End Scuffs
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court



You will learn:

Inv misc statue 02.png Commission Sculpture — Allows you to order Scuff to build a Humble or Decadent statue.


We got room for another big statue on this here spot.

You get me some stone and I'll make whatever kind of statue you want, yeah?

Maybe one of you, or someone else, yeah?


Tell me what kind of sculpture you want me to make!


After completion
Scuffs says: What kind of statue should I build for ya?
Choosing to honor the workers
Scuffs says: Honoring da dredgers, yeah? Mighty kind of ya...
After Scuffs builds the statue
Scuffs says: I name this statue... Sinfall's Strength!
Choosing to honor yourself
Scuffs says: I'll make ya look real tough and strong to scare da baddies away.
After Scuffs builds the statue
Scuffs says: I name this statue... The Pride of Sinfall!

Patch changes

External links