Kraken Eggs

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NeutralKraken Eggs
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type World quest
Category Broken Shore
Reputation Armies of Legionfall +75



Archmage Khadgar says: We seem to be having a problem with over-sized eggs... well, not with the eggs per se, but the kraken hatching from the eggs.
Archmage Khadgar says: Normally I'd let nature take its course... however, I'd prefer not to fight an army of kraken and the Burning Legion at the same time!


You will receive:


Zipp Fizzlebonk
Salutations, <class title>!
As you may already know, this place is more than just a naval graveyard... it's also a massive breeding ground for kraken! I mean just look at all this incubation! It's spectacular... and perhaps slightly dangerous.
Since you're here to destroy the eggs before they hatch, perhaps you'd enjoy my newest, relatively-safe invention:
I call it... the Egg-Sploder!
It almost works perfectly most of the time! What do you say?
Gossip Sure, I'll give it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Zipp Fizzlebonk says: I should warn you that the Egg-Sploder does occasionally cause kraken eggs to hatch instead of explode. A meager price to pay for the convenience of technology, right?


Archmage Khadgar says: Well done! With the kraken threat neutralized, we can focus our efforts on defeating the Burning Legion.


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