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Gender Male
Race Human
Class Mage
Affiliation(s) One Hundred, Arathor
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Lordain (uncle), Mereldar

Kelsing was one of the One Hundred magi of Arathor, and the nephew of General Lordain. At some point after the Troll Wars, he wrote a missive to an unknown recipient to tell them that Antonius, Decindra, and their apprentices had gone to accompany Thoradin on his quest to find the origins of humanity (which Kelsing considered to be a "fools' errand"). Kelsing himself intended to "remain in Lordaeron" to protect the "city named after [his] uncle" until he was buried next to him.[1]


  • Kelsing's mention of Lordaeron as a city is an anachronism, for although the region of Lordaeron was given that name shortly after the Troll Wars,[2] there was no city called Lordaeron until 1,200 BDP, roughly one and a half thousand years later.[3]


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Lordain's sister Mereldar was either his mother or aunt, as it is unknown if there was a third sibling or not.
