Karsius the Ancient Watcher

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MobKarsius the Ancient Watcher
Image of Karsius the Ancient Watcher
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 25-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Jailor of Teron Gorefiend's spirit
Location Altar of Shadows, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Killable

Karsius the Ancient Watcher is a ghostly draenei who has been tasked with watching over the spirit of Teron Gorefiend. Gorefiend, in the guise of an Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit, convinces players to obtain his powerful regalia — his cloak, his armor, and his truncheon. Once all three are obtained, Gorefiend possesses the player and is confronted by Karsius. At the end of a long battle, Gorefiend destroys Karsius and returns to wreak havoc once more.

Objective of

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