Just Compensation (Horde SoD)

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HordeJust Compensation
Start Mokvar
End Mokvar
Level 60 (Requires 58)
Type Dungeon
Category Orgrimmar
Experience 9950
Previous H [60] Return to Mokvar
Next H [60] In Search of Anthion
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [60D] Just Compensation.


Bring a Dungeon Set 1 Belt and a set of Dungeon Set 1 Gloves to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.


You've proven to be a very reliable individual, <name>. As much as I trust that you'll help me through this predicament, it would be wise of me to reward you according to your performance.

For now I will exchange your belt and gloves. If we both see this through I shall make the rest of the pieces available to you.


You will receive (depending on class):

You will also receive:

  • 5g 97s
  • 9,950 XP


You're ready to perform the exchange?


Our agreement remains in place. Just remember, this is but a taste of what awaits you. Free me of this cursed fate and I will reward you with items of truly great power.


  • You must hand in your Dungeon Set 1 belt and gloves to complete this quest. You will lose any enchantment that is on those items.
  • If you have multiple sets of belts or gloves (1 equipped, 1 in a bag) and turn in this quest, you will lose both sets of items. If you want to keep one for later, put one set in the bank.


  1. B [60D] An Earnest Proposition
  2. B [60] A Supernatural Device
  3. N [60] The Ectoplasmic Distiller
  4. N [60] Hunting for Ectoplasm
  5. N [60] A Portable Power Source
  6. N [60] A Shifty Merchant
  7. A [60] Return to Deliana / H [60] Return to Mokvar
  8. B [60D] Just Compensation
  9. B [60] In Search of Anthion
  10. N [60D] Dead Man's Plea
  11. N [60] Proof of Life
  12. N [60] Anthion's Strange Request
  13. N [60D] Anthion's Old Friend
  14. N [60D] Falrin's Vendetta
  15. N [60D] The Instigator's Enchantment
  16. N [60D] The Challenge
  17. B [60D] Anthion's Parting Words
  18. B [60] Bodley's Unfortunate Fate
  19. N [60R] Three Kings of Flame
  20. N [60G] I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...
  21. N [60R] Final Preparations
  22. N [60R] Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak
  23. N [60] Return to Bodley
  24. B [60] Back to the Beginning
  25. B [60D] Saving the Best for Last

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