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Journey Toward Ascension: The Aspirant's Crucible

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Journey Toward Ascension: The Aspirant's Crucible

Journey Toward Ascension: The Aspirant's Crucible can be found in Bastion.


Journey Toward Ascension: The Aspirant's Crucible

Welcome to Bastion!

You are about to embark on a long, arduous journey. Your ultimate goal is to reach ascension, but there are many steps you will take along the way.

First, you will cultivate the core skills needed for your journey in the Aspirant's Crucible. There you will learn the art of combat, or hone your existing skills if you are already well versed. You will be instructed in the art of meditation, and taught to access your most deeply held memories and emotions. You will be introduced to our ways and customs under the tutelage of more experienced aspirants.

Once you are deemed ready, you will undergo your first cleansing and shed one of many burdens that bind you to the life that came before. Only then will you gain the form and title of an aspirant.

Your journey then continues through the Five Rites.

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