Jammal'an the Prophet (Season of Discovery quest)

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For the Classic version, see N [53D] Jammal'an the Prophet.
NeutralJammal'an the Prophet
Start Atal'ai Exile
End Atal'ai Exile
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Raid
Category Temple of Atal'Hakkar
Experience 5900


Obtain Jammal'an the Prophet's Head.


My Witherbark companions don't take kindly to strangers around their home.

Me? I don't have a home anymore. I was exiled from my people, the great Atal'ai tribe of the Swamp of Sorrows.

Our spiritual leader, Jammal'an, had what he called a prophecy. He believes the summoning of the god, Hakkar will bring the Atal'ai immortality.

But I urged caution. What if the prophecy was nothing more than manipulation?

I want revenge for my exile. Bring me Jammal'an's head. Maybe then my people will be free.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

You will also receive:


Once Jammal'an has been removed, I stand a chance of returning to my people.

With Jammal'an as their spiritual leader, the Atal'ai face certain destruction.


Jammal'an's reckless trust of false visions led my people to their eternal doom.

I thank you, <class>, for avenging my exile. I mourn for my people. I have no home to return to.

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