Into the Flames

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NeutralInto the Flames
Start Vex'tul
End Automatic
Level 15-30
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 5,050
Rewards  [Strength's Supremacy]
Previous N [15-30] Out of the Ziggurat


When you are ready to part with Vex'tul, throw Warlord Thresh'jin's body into the bonfire atop Zul'Mashar's ziggurat.


This is the last time you will see me, <name>. I am leaving the caravan.

If you want to continue fighting by my side, hang on to Thresh'jin's body. I can wait for a while longer. When you are ready to say goodbye, throw the body into the bonfire atop Zul'Mashar's ziggurat.

Thank you for your companionship, <name>. You were strong.


Vex'tul has passed on into the next realm. Your job here in Zul'Mashar is done.

Wait, what's this? Vex'tul must have dropped it on his way into the fire.


You will receive: 60s
Inv chest plate27v3.png [Strength's Supremacy]


Burning the body

The hero tosses Warlord Thresh'jin's body into the bonfire.
Vex'tul says: I will be goin' now. I have no reason to remain here. I may be undead, but my will is my own.
Vex'tul says: I will see you in green fields on the other side, <name>.
Vex'tul jumps into the bonfire.

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