Into The Frozen Heart Of Northrend

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NeutralInto The Frozen Heart Of Northrend
Start Father Gustav
End Highlord Tirion Fordring
Level 25-30
Category Icecrown
Experience 21800 (or 13g 8s at 80)
Reputation +250 Argent Crusade
Previous N [25-30] The Air Stands Still, N [25-30] It Could Kill Us All, and N [25-30] The Stone That Started A Revolution
Next N [25-30] The Battle For Crusaders' Pinnacle


Deliver Father Gustav's Report to Highlord Tirion Fordring at the Argent Vanguard in Icecrown.


Silas and Spitzpatrick have signed off on the materials and fuel needed to begin construction of Justice Keep. Thanks to you and the Ebon Blade the Scourge presence within Scourgeholme has been decimated and their lieutenants have been defeated.

I have chosen the site at which we will break ground, but first you must deliver my report to Highlord Tirion Fordring. We will begin our march into Icecrown on his command.


Stand easy, <name>. What have you to report?


Your assistance has been integral in securing the front. The first true victory of the war is close at hand - which is why our next step is the most crucial.

Rest assured, <name>, the Scourge will not give up without a fight. Your most difficult challenge awaits.


The completion of N [25-30] It Could Kill Us All, N [25-30] The Stone That Started A Revolution and N [25-30] The Air Stands Still are all required before Gustav will offer this quest.


  1. Complete both to continue:
  2. N [25-30] The Air Stands Still
  3. After completing the above steps, including side quests:
  4. N [25-30] The Battle For Crusaders' Pinnacle
  5. N [25-30] The Crusaders' Pinnacle

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