Insult Coren Direbrew

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The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
NeutralInsult Coren Direbrew
Start Brewfest Spy
End Coren Direbrew
Level 80 (Requires 75)
Type Daily Dungeon
Category Brewfest
Repeatable Yes
Previous B [80D] Save Brewfest!


Speak with Coren Direbrew.

  • Suggested Players [5]


Coren Direbrew is in the next room, riling up Dark Iron dwarves for another attack on Brewfest. Defeat him!

Go to Coren and pick a fight. Tell him his beer isn't fit for pigs.

When you do that, be ready for a fight. The last person who insulted his brew... was fed to dire boars.


What? What did you say? How dare you! My beer can stand up to any of that rot they serve at Brewfest!

You'll pay for this insult, <class>!

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