Inspiring Ashran (Horde)

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HordeInspiring Ashran
Start Lieutenant Kragil
End Lieutenant Kragil
Level 10-40
Category Warspear
Experience 10,270
Rewards 8g 60s
Previous H [10-40] Warspear Welcome
Next H [10-40] Burning Beauty
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-40] Inspiring Ashran.


Speak with Narnin Dawnglow, Beska Redtusk, and Zarjhin.


I hope you will find our facilities to be up to your high standards.

This inn is run by Narnin Dawnglow, in my opinion this is the best place to hearth in Draenor.

We have new recruits coming through the portal daily. In fact one of out latest recruits, Zarjhin, just came through the portal today.

If you are looking for weapons or armor Beska Redtusk will be happy to help.


You will receive:

  • 8g 60s
  • 10,270 XP


How did your walk go?


Thank you again for taking the time to visit, commander. You have no idea how much it means to us.


  1. H [10-40] Ashran Appearance
  2. H [10-40] Warspear Welcome
  3. H [10-40] Inspiring Ashran
  4. H [10-40] Burning Beauty
  5. H [10-40] The Dark Lady's Gift

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