Inside Azeroth

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Inside Azeroth

Inside Azeroth was hosted by the trio of David Sanna, Steve Hamner and the newest addition of “Salty” or “Sultry” Katerina. Each brings with them a different view on just about every aspect of WoW.

David occasionally breaks off onto a rant (always worth listening to), Katerina eggs him on, and eventually Steve brings it all back to order. The show has great balance, talking about just about everything there is in the game to talk about, with a very relaxed feel.

The show is a second generation podcast coming from Steve and David work on The Grind Podcast. Steve and David decided to go out on there own after there two co-hosts schedules become unworkable with there own.

About the Hosts

  • David Sanna has been playing WoW since the day AFTER initial release and currently runs a reasonably serious raiding guild Horde-side on Wyrmrest Accord (RP). They are focused mainly on 10-man content.
  • Steve Hamner has a very casual guild Alliance-side on Runetotem (PvE) (plus his numerous alt projects scattered about). They raid about once a month. A wing in Naxx or Sarth. Maybe take on an old BC raid for giggles.
  • Salty Katerina is a serious raider that runs 10 and 25 man content weekly. She also acquired the "Salty" title in game long before most.

David tanks, Katerina heals, Steve pewpews


Inside Azeroth is broken into segments and submissions. Staple segments such as, Dateline:Azeroth provide coverage of the most important news items of the week, while Tavern Talk is reserved for discussion on the community. Other reoccurring ( though not weekly ) segments include: It came from the forums, ...of the week, and Fix It!

Regular submitted include Racknars Corner ( addons ), The Wandering Rant with Zephon T'Sol ( opinion ) and The Magical Mistress of Lore, Lady Illidarian ( formerly of the Epic Dolls podcast ). Early episodes included hilarious submissions from Holysocks.


Inside Azeroth has featured many guests, including Wych, Wemb and Tempest of Bind on Equip, Ophyllia and Laurant of Wyrmrest Accord to discuss RP, Lady Illidarian, Zephon T'Sol, Holysocks, Leela Turkey, and various members of David's guild, The Insiders of Wyrmrest Accord (RP).

The podcast is available via iTunes, Zune and RSS

End of the Show

The last show was episode 55 going on 7/11/2010 "Called Rage ID quit." David ended the show because he said he could no longer support company (Blizzard) that would be willing to roll out an idea the could hurt so many people that play Warcraft. The hour long rant included, but was not limited to comparison to Nazi's and murders and went on at length about how if Real ID had got live it would have resulting in the deaths of children. In an interview given in July of 2012 David said he was trying to be over the top to make his point about how wrong he thought blizzard was in making the Real ID system.

Katerina and Steve both agreed with David that it was troubling but decided to keep up there Warcraft accounts for now. Katerina admitted that she was planing to leave the show soon anyways to enjoy the real world a bit more. Where Steve is starting a new podcast called Liquid Wow

External links

Inside Azeroth Website
Inside Azeroth Forums
Liquid Wow