Insatiable Appetite (quest)

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For the conduit, see  [Insatiable Appetite].
HordeInsatiable Appetite
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 110 - 120 (Requires 110)
Category Zuldazar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +150 Zandalari Empire
Rewards  [Direhorn Growth Hormone]
23g 40s


Feed your direhorn.


That was incredible! I've never seen such rapid growth!

Your strange friend here be welcome to stay as long as he likes if he be willing to share his secret with the Kraal.

As for you and your beast, he be looking awfully hungry again. I suspect you'll find it will take a lot more food to satisy him now.

Good luck, Apprentice!

[NYI - will be a lengthy progress bar though - preferably filled while doing Nessingwary[sic] quests!]


You will receive:

Inv potion 21.png [Direhorn Growth Hormone]

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