In the Land of Magic

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NeutralIn the Land of Magic
Start Al'Abas
End Al'Abas
Level 10-45
Category Rogue
Class Rogue Rogue
Previous N Rogue [10-45] The Mysterious, Magnificent Al'Abas
Next N Rogue [10-45] Coins of Air


Speak to Al'Abas... again.

  • Speak to Al'Abas


I think I see the problem. Your puny eyes are too weak to detect the mana-infused finery that these elves have spread throughout the land. They've been wearing jewelry the entire time, and you simply couldn't see it.

I propose a partnership, my newly minted associate. My lamp currently suffers from an embarrassing lack of magic and could always use more beautiful decorations. I propose a trade. I shall pierce this sinister veil, and you shall give me the spoils of your theft.


Fantastic, simply fantastic. This will be a profitable relationship, my puny associate.


  1. N Rogue [10-45] Wanna Buy a Lamp?
  2. N Rogue [10-45] Shine Bright Like a Diamond
  3. N Rogue [10-45] The Mysterious, Magnificent Al'Abas
  4. N Rogue [10-45] In the Land of Magic
  5. N Rogue [10-45] Coins of Air
  6. N Rogue [10-45] Loyalty Is Its Own Reward
  7. N Rogue [10-45] High Fash-Djinn

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