I'm With Scorpid

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NeutralI'm With Scorpid
Start Gus Rustflutter
End Gus Rustflutter
Level 15-30
Category Tanaris
Experience 5790
Reputation +250 Gadgetzan
Rewards 65s
Next N [15-30] Gargantapid


Collect 6 Duneclaw Stingers from Duneclaw Scorpids.


You gotta help me, you just gotta! Chelsea and I came out here to make a bit of money, just sell some supplies, legit work. Next thing I know she's on her deathbed! She's got a fever that'd shock a blacksmith, and she's hallucinating...

She must've been stung by the scorpids near here! I've seen it happen, it's not pretty. I gotta get some poison glands to make an antidote but I can't leave her side!

Please, help me! Get me those glands!


Do you have them? Oh, please...


Oh thank you, thank you! I know a bit of alchemy, I'm not totally useless. Here goes...


You will receive: 65s


Chelsea Rustflutter says: Gus... you gotta... get me one of them gnome medics...
Gus Rustflutter says: Chelsea, baby, that's crazy talk! You're delirious! Just hold on a while longer...


  1. N [15-30] Sandsorrow Watch
  2. N [15-30] Blood to Thrive
  3. N [15-30] Sang'thraze the Deflector
  4. N [15-30] Darkest Mojo
  5. N [15-30] Secrets in the Oasis
  6. N [15-30D] Into Zul'Farrak
  7. N [15-30D] Chief Ukorz Sandscalp

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