Hyphae Patrol: Eventide Grove

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Night FaeHyphae Patrol: Eventide Grove
Start Marasmius
End Marasmius
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,450
Reputation +350 Marasmius
Rewards 25g 74s


Ride the fae rings and slay 30 Possessed Invaders in Eventide Grove.


I hope you're ready to fight.

The drust are bolstering their forces in Eventide Grove. Most of Ardenweald doesn't remember them, but I do. You have to completely root them out to be rid of their presence, or they'll grow right back, tougher than ever.

Come with me. We're going to exterminate every last one of them. Let me know when you're ready.


You will receive:


Quickly, before they spread any further into Ardenweald. Now's our chance.


Good work. They're still holed up in Darkreach, but that's the best we can do for now. Keep 'em contained, and then we'll burn them out.

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