Hunt-Captain Korayn's Best Friend

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VenthyrHunt-Captain Korayn's Best Friend
Start Hunt-Captain Korayn
End Hunt-Captain Korayn
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Rewards [Permanent RSVP]

Hunt-Captain Korayn's Best Friend is a level 60 Venthyr Covenant quest that becomes available after reaching Best Friend status with Hunt-Captain Korayn through the Ember Court.


<Hunt-Captain Korayn sheathes her weapon with a smile.>

Ah, I can finally let down my guard. <Name> is here!

Nothing bad shall befall us while the mighty Maw Walker walks among us. Even the gorm have learned to tremble at (his/her) name.

<Name>, our bond has grown through the many battles and courts we have conquered together.

Wherever the hunt takes us next, I hope we travel together.



Quest completion
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: There is always another hunt, but there will never be another <name>.

Patch changes

External links